Georgia Northern District Court
Judge:Eleanor L Ross
Referred: Walter E Johnson
Case #: 1:16-cv-00161
Nature of Suit442 Civil Rights - Employment
Cause42:2000e Job Discrimination (other)
Case Filed:Jan 19, 2016
Terminated:Jan 09, 2017
Last checked: Sunday Jul 17, 2016 4:23 AM EDT
Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C.
Represented By
Edward N. Boehm, Jr.
Fisher & Phillips Llp-Atl
contact info
Kevin S. Simon
Fisher & Phillips, LLP
contact info
John W. Stapleton
Fisher & Phillips Llp-Atl
contact info
Hannah Fleming
Represented By
Toby Kei Leana Morgan
Millar & Mixon, Llc -Ga
contact info
J. Stephen Mixon
Millar & Mixon, Llc -Ga
contact info
Julie Zamudio
Represented By
Toby Kei Leana Morgan
Millar & Mixon, Llc -Ga
contact info
J. Stephen Mixon
Millar & Mixon, Llc -Ga
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/28/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Monday, January 09, 2017
34 34 misc Stipulation of Dismissal Mon 01/09 10:31 AM
STIPULATION of Dismissal with Prejudice by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C.. (Stapleton, John)
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misc Clerks Entry of Dismissal Mon 01/09 10:40 AM
Clerk's Entry of Dismissal APPROVING34 Stipulation of Dismissal With Prejudice pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P.41(a)(1)(ii). (jtj)
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utility Terminate Civil Case Mon 01/09 10:41 AM
Civil Case Terminated. Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson terminated from case. (jtj)
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Monday, October 24, 2016
33 33 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Mon 10/24 12:18 PM
ORDER granting30 Joint Motion to extend discovery. Discovery is extended to 1/31/17. NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED. Signed by Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson on 10/24/16. (klb)
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utility Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines Mon 10/24 12:20 PM
Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Discovery ends on 1/31/2017. Motions for summary judgment no later than 3/2/17. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 3/2/17 or within 30 days from a final ruling on any motion for summary judgment that is not dispositive of all claims. NO FUTHER EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED. (klb)
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Friday, October 21, 2016
32 32 notice Notice to Take Deposition Fri 10/21 4:35 PM
NOTICE to Take Deposition of Julie Zamudio filed by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. (Stapleton, John)
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31 31 notice Notice to Take Deposition Fri 10/21 4:34 PM
NOTICE to Take Deposition of Hannah Flemming filed by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. (Stapleton, John)
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30 30 motion Extension of Time Fri 10/21 10:24 AM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C.. (Stapleton, John)
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Wednesday, October 05, 2016
29 29 discov Certificate of Service Wed 10/05 3:56 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Defendant's Notice of Document Subpoena by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Stapleton, John)
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Monday, August 22, 2016
28 28 minutes Status Conference Wed 08/24 1:34 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson: Status Conference held on 8/22/2016. Court extends discovery to 10/24/16. (Tape #FTR)(klb)
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utility Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines Wed 08/24 1:37 PM
Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Discovery ends on 10/24/2016. Motions for summary judgment no later than 11/23/16. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 11/23/2016 or within 30 days from a final ruling on any motion for summary judgment that is not dispositive of all claims. (klb)
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Monday, August 08, 2016
27 27 discov Certificate of Service Mon 08/08 10:48 AM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Defendant's Notice of Document Subpoenas by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Stapleton, John)
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Thursday, July 28, 2016
26 26 discov Certificate of Service Thu 07/28 5:32 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Defendant's Notice of Document Subpoenas by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Stapleton, John)
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Monday, June 13, 2016
order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Mon 06/13 9:05 AM
MINUTE ORDER (BY DOCKET ENTRY ONLY) granting25 Motion for Extension of Time. Discovery is extended up to and including August 23, 2016. Approved by Judge Eleanor L. Ross on 6/13/16. (mlb)
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utility Set/Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines Mon 06/13 10:44 AM
Reset Scheduling Order Deadlines: Discovery ends on 8/23/2016. Motions for summary judgment no later than 8/22/16. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 8/22/2016 or within 30 days from a final ruling on any motion for summary judgment that is not dispositive of all claims. (klb)
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Friday, June 10, 2016
25 25 motion Extension of Time Fri 06/10 2:23 PM
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery by Hannah Fleming, Julie Zamudio.(Mixon, J.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
Monday, June 06, 2016
24 24 service Certificate of Service Mon 06/06 5:49 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE filed by Julie Zamudio Plaintiff Julie Zamudios Responses To Defendant Bullock Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia, LLC d/b/a Pizza Huts First Interrogatories and Requests For Production of Documents (Mixon, J.)
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23 23 service Certificate of Service Mon 06/06 5:43 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE filed by Hannah Fleming Plaintiff Hannah Flemings Responses to Defendant Bullock Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia, LLC d/b/a Pizza Huts First Interrogatories and Requests For Production of Documents (Mixon, J.)
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Wednesday, May 04, 2016
22 22 discov Certificate of Service Wed 05/04 4:07 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiff Zamudio by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Stapleton, John)
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21 21 discov Certificate of Service Wed 05/04 4:06 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiff Fleming by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Stapleton, John)
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20 20 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 05/04 1:29 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by John W. Stapleton on behalf of Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. (Stapleton, John)
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Monday, May 02, 2016
19 19 discov Certificate of Service Mon 05/02 6:05 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Defendant's Responses to Plaintiff's First Set of Discovery Requests by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Simon, Kevin)
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Thursday, April 28, 2016
18 18 misc Leave of Absence Thu 04/28 2:50 PM
Notice for Leave of Absence for the following date(s): May 26-27, 2016; June 13-24, 2016; November 21-28, 2016; December 26, 2016 - January 6, 2017, by J. Stephen Mixon. (Mixon, J.)
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misc Clerks Notation for LOA/CIP Thu 04/28 3:14 PM
Clerks Notation re18 Leave of Absence. Attorney J. Stephen Mixon is relieved from personally having to attend any proceedings or trials in this matter. This leave of absence will not affect the processing of this case including the scheduling of motions, hearings, trials or other events before this Court. (mlb)
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Tuesday, March 15, 2016
utility Remark Tue 03/15 10:42 AM
Remark - Per plaintiff counsel. Case has settled. Notice of dismissal will be filed. (klb)
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Friday, March 11, 2016
17 17 discov Initial Disclosures Fri 03/11 11:06 AM
Initial Disclosures by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Simon, Kevin)
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Wednesday, March 09, 2016
16 16 answer Answer to Amended Complaint Wed 03/09 12:13 PM
ANSWER to15 Amended Complaint and Affirmative Defenses by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Simon, Kevin)
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Friday, March 04, 2016
15 15 cmp Amended Complaint Fri 03/04 11:56 AM
AMENDED COMPLAINT against Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C.with Jury Demand, filed by Julie Zamudio and Hannah Fleming.(klb)
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14 14 order Order on Motion to Amend Fri 03/04 11:54 AM
ORDER granting13 Consent Motion to Amend Complaint. Signed by Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson on 3/4/16. (klb)
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Thursday, March 03, 2016
13 13 motion Amend Thu 03/03 3:50 PM
Consent MOTION to Amend Complaint by Hannah Fleming, Julie Zamudio.(Mixon, J.)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Amended Complaint,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order
Friday, February 26, 2016
12 12 discov Certificate of Service Fri 02/26 10:35 AM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Plaintiffs First Interrogatories, Requests for Production of Documents and Requests for Admissions to Defendant Bi;;pcl Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia, L.L.C. d/b/a Pizza Hut by Hannah Fleming, Julie Zamudio.(Mixon, J.) Modified on 2/26/2016 to edit text to remove upper case lettering (dob)
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Friday, February 19, 2016
10 10 order Scheduling Order Fri 02/19 3:09 PM
SCHEDULING ORDER: re:7 Joint Preliminary Report and Discovery Plan. Discovery ends on 6/24/2016. Motions under Local Rule 7.1(A)(2) including motions to amend pleadings due by 3/28/2016. Motions for summary judgment no later than 7/25/16. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 7/25/2016 or within 30 days from a final ruling on any motion for summary judgment that is not dispositive of all claims. Signed by Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson on 2/19/16. (klb)
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Thursday, February 18, 2016
9 9 discov Initial Disclosures Thu 02/18 3:59 PM
Initial Disclosures by Hannah Fleming, Julie Zamudio.(Mixon, J.)
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8 8 misc Certificate of Interested Persons Thu 02/18 3:58 PM
Certificate of Interested Persons by Hannah Fleming, Julie Zamudio. (Mixon, J.)
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7 7 misc Joint Preliminary Report and Discovery Plan Thu 02/18 3:56 PM
JOINT PRELIMINARY REPORT AND DISCOVERY PLAN filed by Hannah Fleming, Julie Zamudio. (Mixon, J.)
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misc Clerks Notation for LOA/CIP Thu 02/18 10:59 PM
Clerks Notation re8 Certificate of Interested Persons. APPROVED by District Judge Eleanor L. Ross. (mdy)
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Thursday, February 11, 2016
6 6 order Order Reassigning Case Thu 02/11 3:56 PM
ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Linda T. Walker no longer assigned to case. This Court hereby transfers this case to the Honorable Walter E. Johnson, and further DIRECTS that no replacement case be assigned. NOTICE TO ALL COUNSEL OF RECORD: The Judge designation in the civil action number assigned to this case has been changed to 1:16-cv-00161-ELR-WEJ. Please make note of this change in order to facilitate the docketing of pleadings in this case. Signed by Magistrate Judge Linda T. Walker on 2/11/16. (kdw)
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5 5 order Order on Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice Thu 02/11 12:09 PM
ORDER GRANTING4 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice filed by Attorney Kevin S. Simon as to Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. Signed by Judge Eleanor L. Ross on 2/11/16. (kdw)
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016
misc Approval of Application for Admission PHV Wed 02/10 3:20 PM
APPROVAL by Clerks Office re:4 APPLICATION for Admission of Kevin S. Simon Pro Hac Vice (Application fee $ 150, receipt number 113E-6258559). Attorney Kevin S. Simon added appearing on behalf of Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. (pb)
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Friday, January 29, 2016
misc Clerks Notation for LOA/CIP Fri 01/29 5:37 PM
Clerks Notation re2 Corporate Disclosure Statement. APPROVED by District Judge Eleanor L. Ross. (mdy)
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
4 4 motion Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice Thu 01/28 11:59 AM
APPLICATION for Admission of Kevin S. Simon Pro Hac Vice (Application fee $ 150, receipt number 113E-6258559)by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C.. (Boehm, Edward)
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016
3 3 answer Answer to Complaint (Notice of Removal) Tue 01/26 4:25 PM
Defendant's ANSWER to1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL With Complaint by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C.. Discovery ends on 6/24/2016.(Boehm, Edward)
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2 2 discov Corporate Disclosure Statement Tue 01/26 1:24 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C..(Boehm, Edward)
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
1 1 cmp Notice of Removal Wed 01/20 2:42 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL with COMPLAINT filed by Bullock-Scott Restaurant Group of Georgia L.L.C. (Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 113E-6239629)(fap)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1,
Att: 2 Civil Cover Sheet