Georgia Northern District Court
Judge:Richard W Story
Case #: 1:16-cv-01234
Nature of Suit899 Other Statutes - Administrative Procedure Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision
Cause28:2201 Declaratory Judgment
Case Filed:Apr 15, 2016
Terminated:Oct 30, 2017
Last checked: Wednesday Oct 12, 2016 5:09 AM EDT
United States Department of Agriculture
Represented By
Nathan M. Swinton
United States Department Of Justice, Civil Division
contact info
Darcy F. Coty
U.S. Attorneys Office - Atl
contact info
Tom Vilsack
The United States Secretary of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC, DC 20250
Represented By
Nathan M. Swinton
United States Department Of Justice, Civil Division
contact info
Darcy F. Coty
U.S. Attorneys Office - Atl
contact info
Dan McSwain
Represented By
L. Lin Wood, Jr.
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
G. Taylor Wilson
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
Nicole Jennings Wade
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
Jonathan David Grunberg
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
Keith McSwain
Represented By
L. Lin Wood, Jr.
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
G. Taylor Wilson
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
Nicole Jennings Wade
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info
Jonathan David Grunberg
L. Lin Wood, P.C.
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/02/2025 11:59 PM EST
Monday, October 30, 2017
misc Clerks Entry of Dismissal Mon 10/30 9:56 AM
Clerk's Entry of Dismissal APPROVING44 Stipulation of Dismissal pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P.41(a)(1)(ii) (dgr)
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utility Terminate Civil Case Mon 10/30 2:42 PM
Civil Case Terminated. (dgr)
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Friday, October 27, 2017
44 44 4 pgs misc Stipulation of Dismissal Fri 10/27 9:19 AM
STIPULATION of Dismissal With Prejudice by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain. (Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Friday, September 29, 2017
43 43 notice Notice (Other) Fri 09/29 9:10 PM
NOTICE by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain re42 Notice (Other) of Amended Supplemental Filing (Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Thursday, September 28, 2017
42 42 notice Notice (Other) Thu 09/28 5:17 PM
NOTICE by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain of Supplemental Filing (Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Friday, September 22, 2017
41 41 1 pgs misc Transcript Fri 09/22 11:17 AM
TRANSCRIPT of the Discovery Hearing Proceedings held on August 31, 2017, before Judge Richard W. Story. Court Reporter/Transcriber Amanda Lohnaas, Telephone number 404-215-1546. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 10/13/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 10/23/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/21/2017. (kac)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript
Friday, September 15, 2017
40 40 notice Notice (Other) Fri 09/15 3:26 PM
NOTICE by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack of Supplemental Filing (Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Thursday, August 31, 2017
39 39 minutes Discovery Hearing Fri 09/01 2:01 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard W. Story: Discovery Hearing held on 8/31/2017. The Court heard arguments from counsel as to discovery issues. Defendant's counsel has 14 days to supplement their briefs and plaintiff's counsel will then have 14 days to respond. (Court Reporter Amanda Lohnaas)(sk)
Related: [-]
Friday, August 11, 2017
38 38 notice Notice of Filing Fri 08/11 2:11 PM
NOTICE Of Filing Supplemental Evidence In Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Discovery by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain re32 MOTION for Discovery (Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 5 pgs Exhibit A - Respondent's Exhibit List,
Att: 2 Exhibit A-1,
Att: 3 Exhibit A-2,
Att: 4 7 pgs Exhibit A-3,
Att: 5 26 pgs Exhibit A-4,
Att: 6 6 pgs Exhibit A-5,
Att: 7 Exhibit A-6,
Att: 8 Exhibit A-7,
Att: 9 Exhibit A-8,
Att: 10 Exhibit A-9,
Att: 11 Exhibit A-10,
Att: 12 Exhibit A-11,
Att: 13 Exhibit A-12,
Att: 14 Exhibit A-13,
Att: 15 Exhibit A-14,
Att: 16 Exhibit A-15,
Att: 17 Exhibit A-16,
Att: 18 Exhibit A-17,
Att: 19 Exhibit A-18,
Att: 20 Exhibit A-19,
Att: 21 Exhibit A-20,
Att: 22 Exhibit A-21,
Att: 23 Exhibit A-22,
Att: 24 Exhibit A-23,
Att: 25 Exhibit A-24,
Att: 26 Exhibit A-25,
Att: 27 Exhibit A-26,
Att: 28 Exhibit A-27,
Att: 29 Exhibit A-28,
Att: 30 Exhibit A-29
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
37 37 notice Notice of Hearing on Motion Wed 07/26 4:47 PM
NOTICE of Hearing on Motion re:32 MOTION for Discovery Motion Hearing set for 8/31/2017 at 02:30 PM in ATLA Courtroom 2105 before Judge Richard W. Story. (dgr)
Related: [-]
Thursday, December 29, 2016
utility Submission to District Judge Thu 12/29 9:18 AM
Submission of32 MOTION for Discovery. Submitted to District Judge Richard W. Story. (bdb)
Related: [-]
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
36 36 respm Reply Brief Wed 12/28 9:55 PM
REPLY BRIEF re32 MOTION for Discovery filed by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain. (Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
35 35 notice Notice of Filing Wed 12/28 9:44 PM
NOTICE Of Filing Declaration of Mitchell Butler by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain(Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit Declaration of Mitchell Butler
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
34 34 respm Response in Opposition to Motion Wed 12/14 6:16 PM
RESPONSE in Opposition re32 MOTION for Discovery filed by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack. (Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Thursday, December 08, 2016
33 33 misc Transcript Fri 12/09 9:00 AM
TRANSCRIPT of the Scheduling Conference Hearing Proceedings held on September 1, 2016, before Judge Richard W. Story. Court Reporter/Transcriber Amanda Lohnaas, Telephone number 404-215-1546. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 12/29/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/9/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/8/2017. (kac)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
32 32 motion Discovery Wed 11/30 7:14 PM
MOTION for Discovery with Brief In Support by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain.(Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Text Messages,
Att: 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - E-mails
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
31 31 notice Notice (Other) Tue 11/29 10:08 PM
NOTICE by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack(Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 APHIS letter to show management
Monday, October 31, 2016
30 30 notice Notice (Other) Mon 10/31 10:06 PM
NOTICE by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack of Lodging of the Administrative Record(Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Index to Administrative Record,
Att: 2 Certification of the Administrative Record
Friday, September 02, 2016
29 29 order Order Fri 09/02 3:16 PM
ORDER that Defendants are hereby ORDERED to submit the administrative record within sixty (60) days of the date of the hearing. Plaintiffs will then be permitted thirty (30) days to file any objections to the scope of the record. If Plaintiffs wish to have the record supplemented or to engage in additional discovery, they must submit any requests to the Court at that time. Signed by Judge Richard W. Story on 9/2/2016. (bdb)
Related: [-]
Thursday, September 01, 2016
28 28 minutes Scheduling Conference Thu 09/01 4:15 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard W. Story: Scheduling Conference held on 9/1/2016 and concluded. (Court Reporter Amanda Lohnaas)(bdb)
Related: [-]
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
27 27 notice Notice (Other) Tue 08/30 5:53 PM
NOTICE by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain re26 Notice (Other) of Plaintiff's Position Statement in Opposition to Defendants' Request to Limit Discovery to the Administrative Record(Wilson, G.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Errata Exhibit B
26 26 notice Notice (Other) Tue 08/30 2:18 PM
NOTICE by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack of Defendant's Position (Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
25 25 misc Transcript Wed 07/27 2:27 PM
TRANSCRIPT of the Preliminary Injunction Hearing Proceedings held on May 10, 2016, before Judge Richard W. Story. Court Reporter/Transcriber Amanda Lohnaas, Telephone number 404-215-1546. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 8/17/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/29/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/25/2016. (kac)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Notice of Filing of Official Transcript
Friday, July 22, 2016
notice Notice of Hearing Fri 07/22 10:24 AM
NOTICE of Hearing: Scheduling Conference set for 9/1/2016 at 03:00 PM in ATLA Courtroom 2105 before Judge Richard W. Story. (rag)
Related: [-]
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
24 24 notice Notice (Other) Tue 07/12 4:34 PM
NOTICE by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack of Leave of Absence from July 25-29, 2016 and again from August 15-23, 2016. (Swinton, Nathan) Modified to add dates on 7/13/2016 (bdb).
Related: [-]
Friday, July 01, 2016
23 23 answer Answer to Complaint Fri 07/01 10:27 AM
Amended ANSWER to1 COMPLAINT by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack.(Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Monday, June 20, 2016
22 22 55 pgs answer Answer to Amended Complaint Mon 06/20 11:39 PM
ANSWER to5 Amended Complaint by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack. Discovery ends on 11/17/2016.(Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
21 21 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 06/20 11:09 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Nathan M. Swinton on behalf of United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack (Swinton, Nathan)
Related: [-]
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
20 20 20 pgs order Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction Wed 05/25 3:32 PM
ORDER declaring that Plaintiffs have met their burden to show a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that Defendants enforcement of the HPA violates the Due Process clause of the Fifth Amendment. The Court GRANTS Plaintiffs9 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Defendants are hereby ENJOINED from disqualifying Plaintiffs horse, Honors, under the Scar Rule without providing Plaintiffs with adequate pre-deprivation process, including notice and the opportunity to be heard. Signed by Judge Richard W. Story on 05/25/2016.(rsg)
Related: [-]
Thursday, May 19, 2016
19 19 10 pgs notice Notice of Filing Thu 05/19 5:10 PM
NOTICE Of Filing Defendants Submission Pursuant to Order of the Court by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack(Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 4 pgs Defendants' Proposed Procedures Applicable to VMO Soring Determinations of Plaintiffs Horse Honors
18 18 5 pgs notice Notice of Filing Thu 05/19 4:36 PM
PROPOSED ORDER Granting Entry of Preliminary Injunction by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain re9 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction.(Wood, L.) Modified on 5/20/2016 to correct text of docket entry (sk).
Related: [-]
Att: 1 16 pgs Text of Proposed Order Exhibit A
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
17 17 1 pgs minutes Motion Hearing Tue 05/10 1:16 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard W. Story: Motion Hearing held on 5/10/2016 re9 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Keith McSwain, Dan McSwain. Motion taken under advisement. Parties to submit a status report no later than 05/13/16. (Court Reporter Amanda Lohnaas)(sk)
Related: [-]
16 16 4 pgs notice Notice of Appearance Tue 05/10 10:01 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Darcy F. Coty on behalf of United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack (Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
15 15 3 pgs notice Notice of Filing Tue 05/10 9:21 AM
NOTICE Of Filing Declaration of Bart Sutherland by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack(Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 5 pgs Sutherland Declaration,
Att: 2 11 pgs Sutherland Exhibits
14 14 3 pgs notice Notice of Filing Tue 05/10 9:03 AM
NOTICE Of Filing Declaration of Jeffrey Baker by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack(Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 5 pgs Baker Declaration,
Att: 2 8 pgs Baker Exhibits
13 13 3 pgs notice Notice of Filing Tue 05/10 8:42 AM
NOTICE Of Filing Declaration of Eileen Sullivan by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack(Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 3 pgs Sullivan signed Declaration,
Att: 2 52 pgs exhibit 1,
Att: 3 69 pgs exhibit 2,
Att: 4 8 pgs exhibit 3,
Att: 5 56 pgs exhibit 4,
Att: 6 35 pgs exhibit 5,
Att: 7 11 pgs exhibit 6,
Att: 8 14 pgs exhibit 7,
Att: 9 20 pgs exhibit 8,
Att: 10 12 pgs exhibit 9
Monday, May 09, 2016
12 12 31 pgs respm Response in Opposition to Motion Mon 05/09 5:12 PM
RESPONSE in Opposition re9 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack.(Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 52 pgs exhibit 1,
Att: 2 69 pgs exhibit 2,
Att: 3 4 pgs exhibit 3,
Att: 4 55 pgs exhibit 4,
Att: 5 31 pgs exhibit 5,
Att: 6 exhibit 6,
Att: 7 exhibit 7,
Att: 8 exhibit 8,
Att: 9 exhibit 9,
Att: 10 exhibit 10,
Att: 11 exhibit 11
11 11 26 pgs respm Response in Opposition to Motion Mon 05/09 4:30 PM
RESPONSE in Opposition re9 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack. (Coty, Darcy)
Related: [-]
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
notice Notice of Hearing on Motion Wed 04/27 7:42 AM
NOTICE of Hearing on Motion re:9 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction. Motion Hearing set for 5/10/2016 at 10:30 AM in ATLA Courtroom 2105 before Judge Richard W. Story. (rag)
Related: [-]
Monday, April 25, 2016
10 10 service Electronic Summons Issued Mon 04/25 2:05 PM
Electronic Summons Re-Issued as to United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack.(sk)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 2 pgs Summons - Tom Vilsack
Friday, April 22, 2016
9 9 8 pgs motion Preliminary Injunction Fri 04/22 6:22 PM
MOTION for Preliminary Injunction with Brief In Support by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain.(Wood, L.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 30 pgs Brief in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Thursday, April 21, 2016
8 8 2 pgs service Proposed Summons Thu 04/21 12:44 PM
Related: [-]
7 7 2 pgs service Proposed Summons Thu 04/21 12:42 PM
Related: [-]
6 6 5 pgs misc Certificate of Interested Persons Thu 04/21 11:57 AM
Certificate of Interested Persons by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain. (Wood, L.)
Related: [-]
5 5 55 pgs cmp Amended Complaint Thu 04/21 11:55 AM
First AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR EQUITABLE RELIEF against United States Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, filed by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain.(Wood, L.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 1 pgs Affidavit Verification of K. McSwain,
Att: 2 1 pgs Affidavit Verification of D. McSwain,
Att: 3 7 pgs Exhibit A - Dr. Strombergs 2015 Report on Tennessee Walking Horse Skin Biopsy Project,
Att: 4 4 pgs Exhibit B - Official Warning for Honors Alleged Scar Rule Violation,
Att: 5 3 pgs Exhibit C - Kevin Shea October 11, 2012 Letter,
Att: 6 4 pgs Exhibit D - Mitchell Butler Affidavit on DQP Training,
Att: 7 3 pgs Exhibit E - January 14, 2014 E-mail Chain Regarding Cezar as Insider Contact,
Att: 8 8 pgs Exhibit F - Dr. Stephen Mullins Affidavit,
Att: 9 3 pgs Exhibit G - Dr. Strombergs 2014 Report Tennessee Walking Horses,
Att: 10 3 pgs Exhibit H - LSU School of Veterinary Medicines Report on Honors,
Att: 11 2 pgs Exhibit I - Excerpt of Dr. Schumachers Report on Scarring,
Att: 12 2 pgs Summons Summons to USDA,
Att: 13 2 pgs Summons Summons to T. Vilsack,
Att: 14 2 pgs Civil Cover Sheet Civil Cover Sheet
4 4 4 pgs notice Notice of Filing Thu 04/21 11:32 AM
NOTICE Of Filing Verified Amended Complaint Pursuant to Rule 15(a) by Dan McSwain, Keith McSwain(Wood, L.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 95 pgs Exhibit Amended Complaint with Exhibits
Monday, April 18, 2016
3 3 notice Notice of Filing Mon 04/18 1:26 PM
Court Notice Of Filing: Standing Order by Judge Richard W. Story. (rag)
Related: [-]
utility Submission to District Judge Mon 04/18 11:38 AM
Submission of1 Complaint to District Judge Richard W. Story. (rjs)
Related: [-]
Friday, April 15, 2016
2 2 service Electronic Summons Issued Mon 04/18 11:37 AM
Electronic Summons Issued as to United States Department of Agriculture.(rjs)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Summons Attorney General of The United States,
Att: 2 Summons The United States Attorney's Office,
Att: 3 Summons US Attorney's Office Civil-Process Clerk
1 1 55 pgs cmp Complaint Mon 04/18 11:26 AM
COMPLAINT filed by Dan McSwain and Keith McSwain. ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 113E-6404498.)(rjs)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Affidavit Verification of Keith McSwain,
Att: 2 Affidavit Verification of Dan McSwain,
Att: 3 Exhibit A,
Att: 4 Exhibit B,
Att: 5 Exhibit C,
Att: 6 Exhibit D,
Att: 7 Exhibit E,
Att: 8 Exhibit F,
Att: 9 Exhibit G,
Att: 10 Exhibit H,
Att: 11 Exhibit I,
Att: 12 2 pgs Civil Cover Sheet