Maine District Court
Judge:D Brock Hornby
Referred: John C Nivison
Case #: 1:16-cv-00362
Nature of Suit440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
Cause28:1441 Petition for Removal- Civil Rights Act
Case Filed:Jul 01, 2016
Terminated:Oct 12, 2016
Last checked: Wednesday Dec 28, 2016 4:25 AM EST
Represented By
Law Office Of Joseph W. Baiungo
contact info
Eaton Peabody
contact info

GPO Sep 06 2016
GPO Oct 12 2016
ORDER AFFIRMING RECOMMENDED DECISION OF THE MAGISTRATE JUDGE - adopting Report and Recommended Decision re 9 Report and Recommendations; denying 10 Motion to Extend Time. By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (mnw)
GPO Dec 12 2016
ORDER overruling ECF No. 20 Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Recommended Decision. By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (mnw)
GPO May 25 2017
ORDER granting in part 67 Motion to Stay to July 20, 2017, overruling 67 Objection/Appeals By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (jwr)

Docket last updated: 03/11/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Thursday, May 25, 2017
27 27 order Order on Objection Order on Motion to Stay Fri 05/26 8:28 AM
ORDER granting in part 67 Motion to Stay to July 20, 2017, overruling 67 Objection/Appeals By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (jwr)
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
26 26 motion Objection to Document Other than a Motion Stay Thu 05/25 4:36 PM
MOTION to Stay Proceedings for Medical Reasons and Pending Outcome of Forthcoming Criminal Trial, OBJECTION/APPEAL of all Rulings of Judge Nivison and Judicial Misconduct Complaint filed by BRADLEY WILLIAMS. (jwr)
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Monday, December 12, 2016
25 25 order Order on Motion for Reconsideration Mon 12/12 3:03 PM
ORDER overruling ECF No.20 Objection to the Magistrate Judge's Recommended Decision. By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (mnw)
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Friday, November 18, 2016
24 24 misc Notice of Docket Entry Modification Fri 11/18 1:20 PM
NOTICE of Docket Entry Modification regarding23 Reply to Response to Motion : This docket entry has been modified to reflect it is a Response to a Motion and not a Reply. (jwr)
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23 23 respm Reply to Response to Motion Fri 11/18 10:08 AM
RESPONSE to Motion re20 MOTION for Reconsideration filed by JONATHAN FISHMAN. Reply due by 12/2/2016. (KUBETZ, BERNARD) Modified on 11/18/2016 to change document to a response to motion (jwr)
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utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Fri 11/18 1:19 PM
Set Deadlines as to20 MOTION for Reconsideration : Reply due by 12/2/2016. (jwr)
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Monday, November 07, 2016
22 22 order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 1 Mon 11/07 4:07 PM
ORDER denying21 Motion for Writ in Nature of Quo Warranto. To the extent Plaintiff requests the Court order any of the individuals named in this action to demonstrate any particular authority to act, Plaintiff's motion is denied. By MAGISTRATE JUDGE JOHN C. NIVISON. (NIVISON, JOHN)
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Tuesday, November 01, 2016
21 21 motion Miscellaneous Relief 1 Mon 11/07 3:44 PM
MOTION for Writ in Nature of Quo Warranto by BRADLEY WILLIAMS (jwr)
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20 20 motion Reconsideration Mon 11/07 3:42 PM
MOTION for Reconsideration titled Answer to Document 9 Decision on Removal of Jurisdiction for Failure to Respond by BRADLEY WILLIAMS Responses due by 11/22/2016.(jwr)
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Att: 1 Document in support titled Demand for Arrest of Jon Fishman Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding Motions Document 10 Where They Pertain to CV-362-DBH
Thursday, October 13, 2016
19 19 misc Letter Thu 10/13 8:41 AM
LETTER from the Clerk's Office to the Maine District Court in Belfast re: Remand of Case File. (mnw)
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016
18 18 order Order on Order to Show Cause Order on Report and Recommendations Order on Motion to Extend Time Wed 10/12 3:54 PM
ORDER AFFIRMING RECOMMENDED DECISION OF THE MAGISTRATE JUDGE - adopting Report and Recommended Decision re9 Report and Recommendations; denying10 Motion to Extend Time. By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (mnw)
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17 17 order Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Wed 10/12 9:54 AM
ORDER granting16 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. By JUDGE D. BROCK HORNBY. (HORNBY, D.)
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016
16 16 motion Withdraw as Attorney Tue 10/11 2:59 PM
First MOTION by Attorney Joseph W. Baiungo to Withdraw as Attorney by JONATHAN FISHMAN Responses due by 11/1/2016.(BAIUNGO, JOSEPH)
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Att: 1 Certificate of Service,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order
Thursday, October 06, 2016
15 15 motion Extend Time Thu 10/06 9:55 AM
MOTION to Extend Time to October 26, 2016 to respond to Motion for Injunction, Motion to Remove and Motion for Sanctions and Arrests (Docket #10) by JONATHAN FISHMAN Responses due by 10/27/2016. (KUBETZ, BERNARD)
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Thursday, September 29, 2016
14 14 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 09/29 4:30 PM
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Monday, September 19, 2016
13 13 order Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Mon 09/19 9:27 AM
ORDER mooting12 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Court previously granted Plaintiff's motion to proceed in forma pauperis. (ECF No. 6.) By MAGISTRATE JUDGE JOHN C. NIVISON. (NIVISON, JOHN)
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Thursday, September 15, 2016
12 12 motion Proceed In Forma Pauperis Mon 09/19 8:54 AM
MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by BRADLEY WILLIAMS (jwr)
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11 11 notice Notice of Appearance Pro Se Mon 09/19 8:54 AM
NOTICE of Pro Se Appearance form filed by BRADLEY WILLIAMS (jwr)
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10 10 motion Extend Time Preliminary Injunction Miscellaneous Relief 1 Sanctions Mon 09/19 8:26 AM
NOTICE of Tampering, NOTICE of Pending Appeals, MOTION to Extend Time for Filing Appeals ( Responses due by 10/6/2016), MOTION for Injunction ( Responses due by 10/6/2016), MOTION to Remove CR 16-7110 ( Responses due by 10/6/2016), MOTION for Sanctions and Arrests by BRADLEY WILLIAMS(jwr)
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Att: 1 Exhibits
Tuesday, September 06, 2016
9 9 motion Report and Recommended Decision Tue 09/06 8:38 AM
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Monday, August 08, 2016
8 8 motion Subpoena Sanctions Wed 08/10 7:53 AM
MOTION for Issuance of Subpoena, MOTION for Sanctions against Judge Worth and NOTICE of Judicial Misconduct by Judge Patricia Worth by BRADLEY WILLIAMS Responses due by 8/29/2016.(jwr)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1A - Order,
Att: 2 Exhibit 1B - Handwritten Note,
Att: 3 Exhibit 1C - Motion to Recuse,
Att: 4 Exhibit 1D - Docket record BELDC-CR-14-910,
Att: 5 Exhibit 1E - Docket Record BELDC-CV-16-39,
Att: 6 Exhibit 1F - Docket record BELDC-PA-16-62
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Tue 07/26 9:53 AM
Reset Deadlines as to7 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE : Show Cause Response due by 8/5/2016 after dft's call indicating he did not have copies. (mlm)
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Monday, July 18, 2016
7 7 motion Order to Show Cause Mon 07/18 8:42 AM
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Show Cause Response due by 7/29/2016. By MAGISTRATE JUDGE JOHN C. NIVISON. (CWP)
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Sunday, July 10, 2016
6 6 order Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Sun 07/10 9:54 AM
ORDER granting5 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis By MAGISTRATE JUDGE JOHN C. NIVISON. (NIVISON, JOHN)
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Friday, July 08, 2016
5 5 motion Proceed In Forma Pauperis Fri 07/08 4:45 PM
MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by BRADLEY WILLIAMS (jwr)
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Thursday, July 07, 2016
4 4 misc Notice of Docket Entry Modification Thu 07/07 11:43 AM
NOTICE of Docket Entry Modification regarding Set Answer Deadline : This deadline has been terminated as it was set in error. After the state court record is received, in accordance with the Procedural Order, any necessary deadlines will be set. (jwr)
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Wednesday, July 06, 2016
3 3 order Procedural Order Re: Removal of Case Wed 07/06 10:48 AM
PROCEDURAL ORDER RE: REMOVAL: State Court Record due by 7/13/2016. By DEPUTY CLERK: Susan Way. (sfw)
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2 2 misc Additional Attachments Wed 07/06 10:37 AM
ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS filed by BRADLEY PAUL WILLIAMS re1 Notice of Removal. Main Document: Exhibit List to Additional Attachments.(sfw)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1 Placeholder,
Att: 2 Exhibit A: Original Letter to Fishman,
Att: 3 Exhibit B: List of Video Links,
Att: 4 Exhibit C: Allegations re: Donation Letter,
Att: 5 Exhibit D: Notice of Refusal Return for Cause,
Att: 6 Exhibit E: Affidavit of Probable Cause by Reed,
Att: 7 Exhibit F: Summons and Complaint signed by Mike McFadden,
Att: 8 Exhibit G: Comparison of signatures,
Att: 9 Exhibit H: Map,
Att: 10 Exhibit I: Emails to Joe Baiungo,
Att: 11 Exhibit J: BDN article,
Att: 12 Exhibit K: Placeholder for flyers,
Att: 13 Exhibit L: Fishman Second Order of Protection,
Att: 14 Exhibit M: Summons for Protection Order hearing,
Att: 15 Exhibit N: Complaint filed by Plaintiff Fishman,
Att: 16 Exhibit O: Summary Judgment,
Att: 17 Exhibit P: Partial transcript of hearing,
Att: 18 Exhibit Q: Bail commissioner's report,
Att: 19 Exhibit R: Demand letter from DA Rushlau
utility Set/Reset Answer Deadline Wed 07/06 10:53 AM
Set Answer Deadline for Bradley Williams : Answer due by 7/11/2016. (sfw)
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Friday, July 01, 2016
1 1 notice Notice of Removal Wed 07/06 9:54 AM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL with State Court Pleadings Summons, Complaint and Civil Cover Sheet from BELFAST DISTRICT COURT, case number BEL-2016-62. PAYMENT OF FILING FEE DUE WITHIN 48 HOURS. IF FILING FEE IS BEING PAID WITH A CREDIT CARD, COUNSEL ARE INSTRUCTED TO LOGIN TO CM/ECF AND DOCKET Case Opening Filing Fee Paid FOUND IN THE Complaints and Other Initiating Documents CATEGORY. CHECK PAYMENTS DUE WITHIN 48 HOURS. , filed by BRADLEY PAUL WILLIAMS. Fee due by 7/5/2016. (Service of Process Deadline 9/29/2016)(sfw) Modified on 7/6/2016 (sfw)
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Att: 1 Exhibit B to Notice of Removal: Notice of Pending Litigation in BDN,
Att: 2 Exhibit C to Notice of Removal: Notice of Pending Litigation Joe Baiungo,
Att: 3 Exhibit D to Notice of Removal: Notice of Pending Litigation Briar Fishman,
Att: 4 Exhibit E to Notice of Removal: Bail Commission Extortion Action,
Att: 5 Exhibit F to Notice of Removal: Civil Rights Action against Waldo County,
Att: 6 Exhibit G to Notice of Removal: Affidavit of Probable Cause to Arrest Reed and McFadden,
Att: 7 Exhibit H to Notice of Removal: Counter Complaint Fishman v Williams,
Att: 8 Exhibit I to Notice of Removal: Affidavit of Probable Cause to Arrest Jon Fishman,
Att: 9 Exhibit List: Notice of Removal