New York Southern District Court
Judge:Paul A Engelmayer
Referred: James L Cott
Case #: 1:17-cv-03298
Nature of Suit367 Torts - Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury/Product Liability
Cause28:1332pi Diversity-Personal Injury
Case Filed:May 04, 2017
Terminated:Jun 21, 2019
Last checked: Tuesday Oct 31, 2017 5:13 AM EDT
Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Represented By
Darryl Scott Lavery
Boehl Stopher & Graves, Llp - Louisville
contact info
Bayer Oy
Represented By
Darryl Scott Lavery
Boehl Stopher & Graves, Llp - Louisville
contact info
Bayer Pharma AG
Kara Stanley
Represented By
D. Todd Mathews
Gori Julian & Associates, PC
contact info
Lawrence L. Jones, II
Jones Ward PLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 4 hours ago
Friday, June 21, 2019
80 80 order Judgment - Clerk Wed 06/26 10:57 AM
CLERK'S JUDGMENT re: (55 in 1:17-cv-03331-PAE-JLC, 70 in 1:17-cv-03304-PAE-JLC, 79 in 1:17-cv-03298-PAE-JLC, 61 in 1:17-cv-03305-PAE-JLC, 52 in 1:17-cv-03323-PAE-JLC, 69 in 1:17-cv-03301-PAE-JLC, 54 in 1:17-cv-03299-PAE-JLC) Memorandum & Opinion in favor of Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Bayer Oy, Bayer Pharma AG against Amanda Clark, Caitlyn Aboulba, Kara Stanley, Keysa Ellis, Maria Aguilar, Taquoya Keryawna Williams, Tiffany Sawyer. It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: That for the reasons stated inthe Court's Opinion & Order dated June 11, 2019, Bayer's motion for summary judgment isgranted and all remaining member cases in this MDL are closed. (Signed by Clerk of Court Ruby Krajick on 6/21/2019)(km)
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