Original Case: 2:09-cv-08199

Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals
Case #: 0:13-cv-56036
Typecivil / private
Nature of Suit950 Other Statutes - Constitutionality of State Statutes
Case Filed:Jun 14, 2013
Terminated:Apr 08, 2014
Last checked: Monday Jan 11, 2016 12:53 AM PST
Defendant - Appellee
TOBY DOUGLAS, Director of the California Department of Health Care Services
Represented By
Leslie Patricia McElroy
AGCA-Office of the California Attorney General
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Carmen Denise Snuggs
AGCA-Office of the California Attorney General
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Plaintiff - Appellant
Represented By
Tom Myers
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
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Laura Boudreau
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
contact info
Samantha Robin Azulay
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
contact info
Andrew Francis Kim
Law Office of Andrew F. Kim
contact info

Docket last updated: 01/10/2016 11:15 PM PST
Friday, June 14, 2013
1 1 DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. SEND MQ: Yes. The schedule is set as follows: Mediation Questionnaire due on 06/21/2013. Transcript ordered by 07/15/2013. Transcript due 10/15/2013. Appellant Aids Healthcare Foundation opening brief due 11/25/2013. Appellee Toby Douglas answering brief due 12/26/2013. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the answering brief. [8667569] (BG) [Entered: 06/14/2013 08:28 AM]
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2 2 Filed representation notice of Samantha R. Azulay for Appellant. Served on 06/13/2013. [8667574] (BG) [Entered: 06/14/2013 08:31 AM]
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