Lead case: 2:18-cv-00381

Washington Western District Court
Judge:Ricardo S Martinez
Case #: 2:18-cv-00535
Nature of Suit820 Property Rights - Copyrights
Cause17:101 Copyright Infringement
Case Filed:Apr 11, 2018
Terminated:Jul 30, 2018
Case in other court:New York Northern, 5:17-cv-01353
Last checked: Monday Oct 08, 2018 2:10 AM PDT
Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.
Represented By
Bella S. Satra
Barclay Damon Llp - Albany Office
contact info
Rhett V Barney
Lee & Hayes, Pllc (spokane)
contact info
Sarah E Elsden
Lee & Hayes, Pllc (spokane)
contact info
Robert J Carlson
Lee & Hayes
contact info
Peter Jason Evangelatos
Barclay Damon LLP
contact info
Michael A. Oropallo
Barclay Damon Llp - Syracuse Office
contact info
Cloanto Corporation
Represented By
Michael G Atkins
Atkins Intellectual Property PLLC
contact info
Gordon E R Troy
Gordon E R Troy, PC
contact info
Gordon E.R. Troy
Office Of Gordon E.R. Troy
contact info

Docket last updated: 10 hours ago
Monday, July 30, 2018
40 40 5 pgs order Order Reassigning Case ~Util - Terminate Motions Mon 07/30 10:43 AM
ORDER granting Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.'s35 MOTION to Consolidate. This case is hereby TRANSFERRED to Judge Ricardo S. Martinez for all further proceedings as related to Hyperion Entertainment C. V.B.A. v. Itec LLC et al ., No. C18-0381RSM. All future pleadings shall bear the cause number C18-0381 RSM. Signed by Judge James L. Robart. (PM)
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utility Terminate Civil Case Mon 07/30 10:47 AM
***Civil Case Terminated per entry of40 Order consolidating case with C18-381RSM. All future filings found in C18-381RSM. (PM)
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Friday, July 27, 2018
39 39 respm Reply to Response to Motion Fri 07/27 5:27 PM
REPLY, filed by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A., TO RESPONSE to35 MOTION to Consolidate Cases (Carlson, Robert)
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Monday, July 23, 2018
38 38 respm Response to Motion Mon 07/23 3:37 PM
RESPONSE, by Plaintiff Cloanto Corporation, to35 MOTION to Consolidate Cases .(Troy, Gordon)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Docket (07-cv-00631) Amiga,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Docket (07-cv-01761) Amino,
Att: 3 Exhibit C-1 Motion to Dismiss,
Att: 4 Exhibit C-2 Proposed Order,
Att: 5 Exhibit C-3 Declaration Esther Goldschmidt,
Att: 6 Exhibit C-4 Exhibit 1 to Declaration,
Att: 7 Exhibit C-5 Exhibit 2 to Declaration,
Att: 8 Exhibit C-6 Exhibit 3 to Declaration,
Att: 9 Exhibit C-7 Exhibit 4 to Declaration,
Att: 10 Exhibit D Acknowledgement
Friday, July 20, 2018
37 37 answer Answer to Amended Complaint Fri 07/20 2:55 PM
ANSWER to29 Amended Complaint by Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A..(Carlson, Robert)
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Tuesday, July 10, 2018
36 36 respm Declaration Tue 07/10 6:33 PM
DECLARATION of Robert J. Carlson filed by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. re35 MOTION to Consolidate Cases (Carlson, Robert)
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35 35 motion Consolidate Cases Tue 07/10 6:32 PM
MOTION to Consolidate Cases , filed by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. Noting Date 7/27/2018, (Carlson, Robert)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Friday, July 06, 2018
34 34 answer Answer to Amended Complaint Fri 07/06 3:47 PM
ANSWER to29 Amended Complaint by Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A..(Carlson, Robert)
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Tuesday, June 12, 2018
33 33 4 pgs order Order on Stipulated Motion Wed 06/13 7:54 AM
ORDER re:32 Stipulated Motion to Extend Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Plaintiff's Complaint. Defendant's time to answer or respond extended to 7/6/2018. Signed by Judge James L. Robart. (PM)
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32 32 motion Stipulated Motion Tue 06/12 2:52 PM
Stipulated MOTION to Extend Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to Plaintiff's Complaint , filed by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. Noting Date 6/12/2018, (Carlson, Robert)
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31 31 discov Corporate Disclosure Statement Tue 06/12 2:45 PM
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT indicating no Corporate Parents and/or Affiliates. Filed pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P 7.1. Filed by Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. (Carlson, Robert)
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Tuesday, May 29, 2018
30 30 notice Notice of Appearance Tue 05/29 3:35 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Sarah E Elsden on behalf of Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. (Elsden, Sarah)
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Friday, May 25, 2018
29 29 cmp Amended Complaint Fri 05/25 1:46 PM
AMENDED COMPLAINT against defendant(s) Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. with JURY DEMAND, filed by Cloanto Corporation.(Troy, Gordon)
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Monday, May 21, 2018
28 28 4 pgs order Order on Stipulated Motion ~Util - Set/Reset Deadlines Mon 05/21 9:11 AM
STIPULATION AND ORDER to Extend Initial Scheduling Dates re parties'27 Stipulated Motion: FRCP 26f Conference Deadline is 6/14/2018, Initial Disclosure Deadline is 6/28/2018, Joint Status Report due by 7/6/2018, signed by Judge James L. Robart.(SWT)
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Friday, May 18, 2018
27 27 motion Stipulated Motion Fri 05/18 4:05 PM
Stipulated MOTION TO EXTEND INITIAL SCHEDULING DATES , filed by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. Noting Date 5/18/2018, (Carlson, Robert)
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Tuesday, May 08, 2018
26 26 order Order on Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Tue 05/08 9:03 AM
ORDER re24 Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice. The Court ADMITS Attorney Gordon E. R. Troy for Cloanto Corporation by Clerk William M McCool. No document associated with this docket entry, text only. NOTE TO COUNSEL: Local counsel agrees to sign all filings and to be prepared to handle the matter, including the trial thereof, in the event the applicant is unable to be present on any date scheduled by the court, pursuant to LCR 83.1(d). (DS)
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25 25 utility Notice of Corrected Image/Document Tue 05/08 7:57 AM
NOTICE of Corrected Image/Document re24 Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Initial upload missing Bar # and State, per counsel.(Service of corrected image is attached). (PS)
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Monday, May 07, 2018
24 24 misc Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Mon 05/07 4:41 PM
APPLICATION OF ATTORNEY Gordon E. R. Troy FOR LEAVE TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE for Plaintiff Cloanto Corporation (Fee Paid) Receipt No. 0981-5309368 (Atkins, Michael)
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Thursday, May 03, 2018
23 23 order Joint Status Report Order Form for District Judges Thu 05/03 3:16 PM
ORDER REGARDING INITIAL DISCLOSURES AND JOINT STATUS REPORT by Judge James L. Robart. Joint Status Report due by 6/7/2018, FRCP 26f Conference Deadline is 5/17/2018, Initial Disclosure Deadline is 5/31/2018. (AD)
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Friday, April 27, 2018
22 22 service Certificate of Service Fri 04/27 4:46 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. re20 Notice of Appearance (Barney, Rhett)
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21 21 service Certificate of Service Fri 04/27 4:44 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. re19 Notice of Appearance (Carlson, Robert)
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20 20 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 04/27 4:31 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Rhett V Barney on behalf of Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. (Barney, Rhett)
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19 19 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 04/27 4:25 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Robert J Carlson on behalf of Defendant Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. (Carlson, Robert)
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Monday, April 16, 2018
18 18 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 04/16 8:23 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Michael G Atkins on behalf of Plaintiff Cloanto Corporation. (Atkins, Michael)
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Wednesday, April 11, 2018
17 17 utility Judge Assignment Letter (Removal & Transfer cases only) Wed 04/11 2:51 PM
LETTER from Clerk to counsel re: receipt of case from Northern District of New York (Syracuse) and advising of WAWD case number and judge assignment. (DJ)
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16 16 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Wed 04/11 2:33 PM
Case transferred in from District of New York Northern, Case Number 5:17-cv-01353;.
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15 15 1 pgs order Order on Motion to Transfer Case Wed 04/11 11:32 AM
ORDER TRANSFERRING CASE to Western District of Washington. Signed by Senior Judge Lawrence E. Kahn on 4/10/18. (sfp, ) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Wed 04/11 2:39 PM
Judge James L. Robart added. (DJ)
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Monday, April 09, 2018
14 14 STIPULATION (Joint) To Transfer to the Western District of Washington by Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. submitted to Judge Kahn. (Evangelatos, Peter) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Tuesday, April 03, 2018
13 13 RESPONSE to Motion re9 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim or Alternatively, to Transfer or Stay (Statement of Non-Opposition) filed by Cloanto Corporation. (Troy, Gordon) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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12 12 TEXT ORDER: In the memorandum of law submitted in support of its motion to dismiss, Defendant requested oral argument. Dkt. No. 9-1 ("Memorandum"); see also Dkt. No. 9 ("Motion"). The request is DENIED. The Motion will be considered on the submission of the papers, only. No personal appearances are required. Signed by Senior Judge Lawrence E. Kahn on April 03, 2018. (sas) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Monday, March 19, 2018
11 11 TEXT ORDER: The Rule 16 conference set for 4/16/2018 and 3/19/2018 deadline for the submission of a joint Civil Case Management Plan and exchange of Mandatory Disclosures are ADJOURNED WITHOUT DATE. The hearing and related deadlines will be reset, if deemed necessary, after disposition of the9 motion to dismiss. So Ordered by U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew T. Baxter on 3/19/2018. (nmk) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Wednesday, March 14, 2018
10 10 FRCP 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. (Satra, Bella) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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9 9 MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim or Alternatively, to Transfer or Stay Motion Hearing set for 4/20/2018 09:30 AM in Albany before Senior Judge Lawrence E. Kahn Response to Motion due by 4/3/2018 Reply to Response to Motion due by 4/9/2018. filed by Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A.. (Satra, Bella) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Att: 1 Memorandum of Law,
Att: 2 Declaration of M. Oropallo,
Att: 3 Exhibit(s) Ex. A - Stipulated Judgment & Settlement Agreement,
Att: 4 Exhibit(s) Ex. B - Washington Complaint
Thursday, February 15, 2018
8 8 TEXT ORDER: granting7 Letter Request. The telephonic Rule 16 conference set for 3/26/2018 is RESCHEDULED to 4/16/2018 at 11:00 AM before U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew T. Baxter. Plaintiff's counsel is directed to coordinate the conference call and is to contact chambers at 315-234-8600 once all participants are on the conference line. So Ordered by U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew T. Baxter on 2/15/2018. (nmk) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Tuesday, February 13, 2018
7 7 Letter Motion from Gordon E. R. Troy for Cloanto Corporation requesting Request for Continuance of Initial Conference submitted to Judge Hon. Andrew T. Baxter . (Troy, Gordon) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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6 6 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Cloanto Corporation. Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. waiver sent on 12/14/2017, answer due 3/14/2018. (Troy, Gordon) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Friday, December 15, 2017
5 5 G.O. 25 FILING ORDER ISSUED: Rule 16 Initial Conference set for 3/26/2018 at 11:00 AM by telephone before US Magistrate Judge Andrew T. Baxter. Civil Case Management Plan must be filed and Mandatory Disclosures are to be exchanged by the parties on or before 3/19/2018. (Pursuant to Local Rule 26.2, mandatory disclosures are to be exchanged among the parties but are NOT to be filed with the Court.) (sfp, ) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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3 3 Report on the Filing and Determination of an Action Regarding a Copyright(s). [Served by mail.] (sfp, ) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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2 2 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action regarding a Trademark. (sfp, ) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Thursday, December 14, 2017
4 4 FRCP 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Cloanto Corporation. (sfp, ) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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1 1 COMPLAINT against Hyperion Entertainment C.V.B.A. (Filing fee $400 receipt number 4225960) filed by Cloanto Corporation.(sfp, ) [Transferred from nynd on 4/11/2018.]
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Notice of Lawsuit,
Att: 3 Waiver of Service of Summons