Maryland District Court
Judge:Paula Xinis
Case #: 8:18-cv-01846
Nature of Suit820 Property Rights - Copyrights
Cause17:101 Copyright Infringement (definitions)
Case Filed:Jun 21, 2018
Last checked: Tuesday Dec 18, 2018 4:15 AM EST
Behaviour Interactive, Inc.
Represented By
David I Bledsoe
Impresa Legal Group
contact info
Stephen S Smith
Law Offices Of Stephen S. Smith PC
contact info
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Represented By
Rachel S Janger
Omelveny And Myers LLP
contact info
Matt Kline
O'Melveny And Myers LLP
contact info
Bethesda Softworks LLC
1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120
Rockville, MD 20850
Represented By
Nicholas Petrella
Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett And Dunner LLP
contact info
Margaret Aldona Esquenet
Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett And Dunner LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 7 hours ago
Thursday, December 13, 2018
31 31 order Order Thu 12/13 3:20 PM
PAPERLESS ORDER APPROVING29 Stipulation of Dismissal. The Clerk is DIRECTED to CLOSE this case. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 12/13/2018. (tb2s, Chambers)
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30 30 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Thu 12/13 3:18 PM
PAPERLESS ORDER DENYING as MOOT25 Motion for Extension of Time. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 12/13/2018. (tb2s, Chambers)
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Wednesday, December 12, 2018
29 29 2 pgs misc Stipulation of Dismissal Wed 12/12 1:15 PM
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Action with Prejudice by Bethesda Softworks LLC(Esquenet, Margaret)
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Friday, November 30, 2018
28 28 notice Notice (Other) Fri 11/30 10:23 AM
PAPERLESS NOTICE: The conference call scheduled for December 3, 2018 is CANCELLED. (tb2s, Chambers)
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Thursday, November 29, 2018
27 27 1 pgs order Settlement Order Thu 11/29 4:51 PM
SETTLEMENT ORDER Directing the parties to submit a proposed Order of Settlement on or before December 28, 2018. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 11/29/2018. (km4s, Deputy Clerk)
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018
26 26 1 pgs order Order Tue 11/27 11:28 AM
LETTER ORDER scheduling a recorded conference for Monday, December 3, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 11/27/2018. (km4s, Deputy Clerk)
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018
25 25 motion Extension of Time Wed 11/21 5:33 PM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Kline, Matt)
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Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
24 24 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Tue 11/13 4:10 PM
PAPERLESS ORDER Granting23 Motion for Extension of Time. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 11/13/2018. (km4s, Deputy Clerk)
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Friday, November 09, 2018
23 23 motion Extension of Time Fri 11/09 5:43 PM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Kline, Matt)
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Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
22 22 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Tue 10/09 9:45 AM
PAPERLESS ORDER GRANTING21 Motion for Extension of Time. All Defendants' responses to the Complaint shall be due on November 16, 2018. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 10/9/2018. (tb2s, Chambers)
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Monday, October 08, 2018
21 21 motion Extension of Time Mon 10/08 6:54 PM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Kline, Matt)
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Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
20 20 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Tue 09/11 12:18 PM
PAPERLESS ORDER GRANTING19 Motion for Extension of Time. All Defendants responses to the Complaint shall be due October 17, 2018. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 9/11/2018. (tb2s, Chambers)
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utility Set/Reset Deadlines Wed 09/12 3:36 PM
Set/Reset Deadlines: Behaviour Interactive, Inc. and Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. answers due 10/17/2018. (tds, Deputy Clerk)
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Monday, September 10, 2018
19 19 motion Extension of Time Mon 09/10 4:44 PM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Kline, Matt)
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Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
Thursday, August 16, 2018
18 18 order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 08/16 11:14 AM
PAPERLESS ORDER granting17 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Nicholas Petrella. Directing attorney Nicholas Petrella to register online for CM/ECF at Signed by Clerk on 8/16/2018. (srd, Deputy Clerk)
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Monday, August 13, 2018
17 17 motion Pro Hac Vice Mon 08/13 3:18 PM
MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Nicholas D. Petrella (Filing fee $100, receipt number 0416-7498934.) by Bethesda Softworks LLC(Esquenet, Margaret)
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Wednesday, August 01, 2018
16 16 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Wed 08/01 10:25 AM
PAPERLESS ORDER GRANTING15 Motion for Extension of Time. All Defendants responses to the Complaint are extended to September 17, 2018. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 8/1/2018. (tb2s, Chambers)
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Thursday, July 26, 2018
15 15 motion Extension of Time Thu 07/26 9:15 PM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Janger, Rachel)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
14 14 order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Tue 07/24 1:42 PM
PAPERLESS ORDER granting13 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Stephen S Smith. Directing attorney Stephen S Smith to register online for CM/ECF at Signed by Clerk on 7/24/2018. (srd, Deputy Clerk)
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Monday, July 23, 2018
13 13 2 pgs motion Pro Hac Vice Mon 07/23 1:52 PM
MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Stephen S. Smith (Filing fee $100, receipt number 0416-7459131.) by Behaviour Interactive, Inc.(Bledsoe, David)
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12 12 1 pgs notice Notice of Appearance Mon 07/23 1:47 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by David I Bledsoe on behalf of Behaviour Interactive, Inc. (Bledsoe, David)
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Friday, July 13, 2018
11 11 service Summons Returned Executed Fri 07/13 12:08 PM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Bethesda Softworks LLC. Behaviour Interactive, Inc. served on 7/5/2018, answer due 7/26/2018.(Esquenet, Margaret)
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Thursday, July 12, 2018
10 10 order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 07/12 2:07 PM
PAPERLESS ORDER granting7 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Matt Kline. Directing attorney Matt Kline to register online for CM/ECF at Signed by Clerk on 7/12/2018. (srd, Deputy Clerk)
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9 9 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Thu 07/12 10:07 AM
PAPERLESS ORDER GRANTING8 Motion for Extension of Time. All Defendants Responses to the Complaint are due August 3, 2018. Signed by Judge Paula Xinis on 7/12/2018. (tb2s, Chambers)
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Wednesday, July 11, 2018
8 8 motion Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Wed 07/11 3:05 PM
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to1 Complaint,, by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Janger, Rachel)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
7 7 motion Pro Hac Vice Wed 07/11 3:00 PM
MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Matt Kline (Filing fee $100, receipt number 0416-7439033.) by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(Janger, Rachel)
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6 6 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 07/11 1:51 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Rachel S Janger on behalf of Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. (Janger, Rachel)
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Friday, July 06, 2018
5 5 misc Local Rule 103.3 Disclosure Statement Fri 07/06 2:54 PM
Local Rule 103.3 Disclosure Statement by Bethesda Softworks LLC identifying Corporate Parent ZeniMax Media Inc., Other Affiliate ZeniMax Technology LLC, Other Affiliate Vir2L Studios LLC, Other Affiliate id Software LLC, Other Affiliate ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, Other Affiliate Arkane Studios, LLC, Other Affiliate Bethesda Game Studios Austin LLC, Other Affiliate Escalation Studios LLC, Other Affiliate ZeniMax East Holdings Limited LLC, Other Affiliate PAC Investments Limited I LLC, Other Affiliate ZeniMax Europe Ltd., Other Affiliate ZeniMax Online Ireland Limited, Other Affiliate ZeniMax Germany GmbH, Other Affiliate ZeniMax France SAS, Other Affiliate ZeniMax Benelux B.V., Other Affiliate ZeniMax Australia Pty. Limited, Other Affiliate ZeniMax Asia Pacific Limited, Other Affiliate Bethesda Softworks Europe Ltd., Other Affiliate Machine Games Sweden AB, Other Affiliate ZeniMax Asia K.K., Other Affiliate Arkane Studios SAS, Other Affiliate Bethesda Studios Montral Inc. for Bethesda Softworks LLC.(Esquenet, Margaret)
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Friday, June 29, 2018
4 4 service Summons Returned Executed Fri 06/29 2:31 PM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Bethesda Softworks LLC. Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. served on 6/22/2018, answer due 7/13/2018.(Esquenet, Margaret)
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Friday, June 22, 2018
3 3 service Summons Issued Fri 06/22 10:18 AM
Summons Issued 21 days as to Behaviour Interactive, Inc. and Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.(jf3s, Deputy Clerk)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Summons Issued
2 2 1 pgs notice Notice (Other) Fri 06/22 10:17 AM
Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright. (c/m 06/22/2018 - jf3s, Deputy Clerk)
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Thursday, June 21, 2018
1 1 30+ pgs cmp Complaint Thu 06/21 1:07 PM
COMPLAINT FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT, INDUCEMENT TO BREACH OF CONTRACT, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, MISAPPROPRIATION OF TRADE SECRETS, AND UNFAIR COMPETITION against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0416-7402539.), filed by Bethesda Softworks LLC.(Esquenet, Margaret)
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Att: 1 23 pgs Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Exhibit B,
Att: 3 Exhibit C,
Att: 4 Exhibit D,
Att: 5 Exhibit E,
Att: 6 Exhibit F,
Att: 7 Exhibit G,
Att: 8 Exhibit H,
Att: 9 Exhibit I,
Att: 10 Exhibit J,
Att: 11 Exhibit K,
Att: 12 Exhibit L,
Att: 13 Exhibit M,
Att: 14 Exhibit N,
Att: 15 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 16 Summons to Behaviour Interactive, Inc.,
Att: 17 Summons to Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
utility Case Assigned/Reassigned Thu 06/21 5:53 PM
Case Reassigned to Judge Paula Xinis. Judge Roger W Titus no longer assigned to the case. (kns, Deputy Clerk)
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