New York Eastern District Court
Judge:Gary R Brown
Referred: Anne Y Shields
Case #: 2:18-cv-04751
Nature of Suit710 Labor - Fair Labor Standards Act
Cause29:201 Fair Labor Standards Act
Case Filed:Aug 22, 2018
Terminated:Jul 01, 2022
Last checked: Monday Feb 18, 2019 3:46 AM EST
Evergreen Computer Solutions, Inc.
Represented By
Brooke Dana Youngwirth
Corbally, Gartland & Rappleyea
contact info
Precision Care Software, Inc.
Represented By
Brooke Dana Youngwirth
Corbally, Gartland & Rappleyea
contact info
Leslie Epstein
Represented By
Nicole Deanna Grunfeld
Katz Melinger PLLC
contact info
Kenneth J. Katz
Katz Melinger PLLC
contact info

GPO Jun 30 2022
MEMORANDUM OF DECISION & ORDER granting in part and denying in part 51 Motion for Summary Judgment: Based on the foregoing, defendants motion for summary judgment is GRANTED as to plaintiffs federal and state overtime claims and DENIED as to the remaining state law recordkeeping and notice allegations. As to the latter claims, however, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction, such that the notice and recordkeeping claims are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of the Court is directed to enter judgment consistent with this Order and close the case. So Ordered by Judge Gary R. Brown on 6/30/2022. (Cubano, Jazmin)

Docket last updated: 12 hours ago
Friday, July 01, 2022
60 60 order Judgment Fri 07/01 3:48 PM
JUDGMENT in favor of Evergreen Computer Solutions, Inc., Precision Care Software, Inc. against Leslie Epstein: it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that plaintiff Leslie Epstein take nothing of defendants Evergreen Computer Solutions, Inc. and Precision Care Software, Inc.; granting defendants motion for summary judgment as to the plaintiffs federal and state overtime claims and denied as to the remaining state law recordkeeping and notice allegations, such that the notice and record keeping claims are dismissed without prejudice; and that this case is closed. So Ordered by ClerkofCourt on 7/1/2022. (Cubano, Jazmin)
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Thursday, June 30, 2022
59 59 7 pgs order Order on Motion for Summary Judgment Fri 07/01 1:58 PM
MEMORANDUM OF DECISION & ORDER granting in part and denying in part51 Motion for Summary Judgment: Based on the foregoing, defendants motion for summary judgment is GRANTED as to plaintiffs federal and state overtime claims and DENIED as to the remaining state law recordkeeping and notice allegations. As to the latter claims, however, the Court declines to exercise supplemental jurisdiction, such that the notice and recordkeeping claims are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of the Court is directed to enter judgment consistent with this Order and close the case. So Ordered by Judge Gary R. Brown on 6/30/2022. (Cubano, Jazmin)
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