New York Southern District Court
Judge:Loretta A Preska
Case #: 1:18-cv-10372
Nature of Suit820 Property Rights - Copyrights
Cause17:101 Copyright Infringement
Case Filed:Nov 08, 2018
Terminated:Nov 28, 2018
Last checked: Tuesday May 07, 2019 4:57 AM EDT
United Federation of Churches LLC
Represented By
Bruce H. Lederman
D'Agostino, Levine, Landesman & Lederman LLP
contact info
Christopher Michael Tarnok
D'Agostino, Levine, Landesman & Lederman LLP
contact info
Netflix, Inc.
Terminated: 12/06/2018
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Terminated: 12/06/2018

1. Satanic Temple files lawsuit against Netflix, Warner Bros. (
Submitted Thu 11/08/2018
Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Thursday, December 06, 2018
16 16 order Notice of Voluntary Dismissal - Signed ~Util - Add and Terminate Parties Thu 12/06 11:40 AM
NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO F.R.C.P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i): Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Plaintiff, UNITED FEDERATION OF CHURCHES LLC d/b/a THE SATANIC TEMPLE, and its counsel, hereby gives notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, with prejudice, against defendants, NETFLIX, INC. and WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. (Netflix, Inc. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. terminated.) (Signed by Judge Loretta A. Preska on 12/5/2018) (jwh)
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018
15 15 misc AO 121 Form Copyright - Case Terminated - Submitted Wed 11/28 4:01 PM
AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT - CASE TERMINATED- SUBMITTED. In compliance with the provisions of 17 U.S.C. 508, the Register of Copyrights is hereby advised that a final decision was rendered on 11/28/2018 in a court action filed on the following copyright(s) in the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Form e-mailed to Register of Copyrights. (km)
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14 14 notice Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Wed 11/28 2:20 PM
NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, with prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) Netflix, Inc., Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.. Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). . (Tarnok, Christopher)
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018
13 13 misc AO 121 Form Copyright - Case Opening - Submitted Tue 11/13 2:04 PM
AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT - CASE OPENING - SUBMITTED. In compliance with the provisions of 17 U.S.C. 508, the Register of Copyrights is hereby advised that a court action has been filed on the following copyright(s) in the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Form e-mailed to Register of Copyrights. (pne)
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Monday, November 12, 2018
12 12 misc AO 121 Form Copyright - Notice of Submission by Attorney Mon 11/12 4:28 PM
AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT - NOTICE OF SUBMISSION BY ATTORNEY. AO 121 Form Copyright for case opening submitted to court for review.(Tarnok, Christopher)
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Friday, November 09, 2018
11 11 18 pgs cmp Complaint Fri 11/09 4:46 PM
COMPLAINT against Netflix, Inc., Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.. Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC.(Lederman, Bruce)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A-1 (Baphomet Plaster Full),
Att: 2 Exhibit Exhibit A-2 (Baphomet Head Plaster),
Att: 3 Exhibit Exhibit A-3 (Baphomet Plaster Upward Gaze),
Att: 4 Exhibit Exhibit A-4 (Baphomet Plaster),
Att: 5 Exhibit Exhibit B (Baphomet Bronze),
Att: 6 Exhibit Exhibit C (Comparison),
Att: 7 Exhibit Exhibit D-1 (Netflix Promo 1),
Att: 8 Exhibit Exhibit D-2 (Netflix Promo 2),
Att: 9 Exhibit Exhibit E (1856 Levi Baphomet),
Att: 10 Exhibit Exhibit F (Baphomet Original Drawing),
Att: 11 Exhibit Exhibit G (Baphoment on Website)
10 10 service Summons Issued Fri 11/09 3:40 PM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Netflix, Inc.. (jgo)
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9 9 service Summons Issued Fri 11/09 3:39 PM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.. (jgo)
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8 8 2 pgs misc Rule 7.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement Fri 11/09 12:15 PM
RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. No Corporate Parent. Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC.(Tarnok, Christopher)
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7 7 misc Civil Cover Sheet Fri 11/09 9:44 AM
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed. (Lederman, Bruce)
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6 6 cmp Complaint Fri 11/09 9:40 AM
FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - FILED AGAINST PARTY ERROR - COMPLAINT against All Defendants. Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC.(Lederman, Bruce) Modified on 11/9/2018 (jgo)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A-1 (Baphoment Plaster Full),
Att: 2 Exhibit Exhibit A-2 (Baphoment Head Plaster),
Att: 3 Exhibit Exhibit A-3 (Baphoment Plaster Upward Gaze),
Att: 4 Exhibit Exhibit A-4 (Baphoment Plaster),
Att: 5 Exhibit Exhibit B (Baphoment Bronze),
Att: 6 Exhibit Exhibit C (Comparison),
Att: 7 Exhibit Exhibit D-1 (Netflix Promo 1),
Att: 8 Exhibit Exhibit D-2 (Netflix Promo 2),
Att: 9 Exhibit Exhibit E (1856 Levi Baphoment),
Att: 10 Exhibit Exhibit F (Baphoment Original Drawing),
Att: 11 Exhibit Exhibit G (Baphoment on Website)
misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Deficient Pleading Fri 11/09 9:08 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT PLEADING. Notice to Attorney Christopher Michael Tarnok to RE-FILE Document No. 1 Complaint. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): the pleading was not signed by the filing attorney;. Re-file the pleading using the event type Complaint found under the event list Complaints and Other Initiating Documents - attach the correct signed PDF - select the individually named filer/filers - select the individually named party/parties the pleading is against. (jgo)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Deficient Civil Cover Sheet Fri 11/09 9:09 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT CIVIL COVER SHEET. Notice to attorney Christopher Michael Tarnok to RE-FILE Document No. 2 Civil Cover Sheet. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): Nature of Suit Code - multiple selections; pdf is not signed by the filing attorney;. Re-file the document using the event type Civil Cover Sheet found under the event list Other Documents and attach the correct PDF. Use civil cover sheet issued by S.D.N.Y. dated June 2017. The S.D.N.Y. Civil Cover Sheet dated June 2017 is located at (jgo)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Case Opening Statistical Error Correction Fri 11/09 9:10 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING CIVIL CASE OPENING STATISTICAL ERROR CORRECTION: Notice to attorney Christopher Michael Tarnok. The following case opening statistical information was erroneously selected/entered: Cause of Action code 17:501; Dollar Demand $50000000000; Fee Status code due (due);. The following correction(s) have been made to your case entry: the Cause of Action code has been modified to 17:101; the Dollar Demand has been modified to $9999000; the Fee Status code has been modified to pd (paid);. (jgo)
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notice Case Opening Initial Assignment Notice Fri 11/09 9:11 AM
CASE OPENING INITIAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICE: The above-entitled action is assigned to Judge Loretta A. Preska. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned District Judge, located at[LINK:] . Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. Please download and review the ECF Rules and Instructions, located at[LINK:] . (jgo)
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utility Case Designation Fri 11/09 9:13 AM
Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn is so designated. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 636(c) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 73(b)(1) parties are notified that they may consent to proceed before a United States Magistrate Judge. Parties who wish to consent may access the necessary form at the following link:[LINK:] . (jgo)
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utility Case Designated ECF Fri 11/09 9:13 AM
Case Designated ECF. (jgo)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Deficient Pleading Fri 11/09 3:38 PM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT PLEADING. Notice to Attorney Christopher Michael Tarnok to RE-FILE Document No. 6 Complaint. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): the All Defendant radio button was selected;. Re-file the pleading using the event type Complaint found under the event list Complaints and Other Initiating Documents - attach the correct signed PDF - select the individually named filer/filers - select the individually named party/parties the pleading is against. (jgo)
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misc Notice to Attorney to Submit AO 120 Form/AO 121 Form Fri 11/09 4:28 PM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY TO SUBMIT AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT. Notice to Attorney Christopher Michael Tarnok to submit a completed AO 121 Form Copyright to court for review. Use the event type AO 121 Copyright - Notice of Submission by Attorney found under the event list Other Documents. (jgo)
Related: [-]
Thursday, November 08, 2018
5 5 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 11/08 11:58 AM
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Bruce H. Lederman on behalf of United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a The Satanic Temple. (Lederman, Bruce)
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4 4 service Request for Issuance of Summons Thu 11/08 11:17 AM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., re:1 Complaint,,,. Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a The Satanic Temple. (Tarnok, Christopher)
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3 3 service Request for Issuance of Summons Thu 11/08 11:16 AM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Netflix, Inc., re:1 Complaint,,,. Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a The Satanic Temple. (Tarnok, Christopher)
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2 2 misc Civil Cover Sheet Thu 11/08 11:11 AM
FILING ERROR - PDF ERROR - CIVIL COVER SHEET filed. (Tarnok, Christopher) Modified on 11/9/2018 (jgo).
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1 1 cmp Complaint Thu 11/08 11:05 AM
FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - SIGNATURE ERROR - COMPLAINT against Netflix, Inc., Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.. (Filing Fee $ 400.00, Receipt Number ANYSDC-15882546)Document filed by United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a The Satanic Temple.(Tarnok, Christopher) Modified on 11/9/2018 (jgo).
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Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A-1 (Baphoment Plaster Full),
Att: 2 Exhibit Exhibit A-2 (Baphoment Head Plaster),
Att: 3 Exhibit Exhibit A-3 (Baphoment Plaster Upward Gaze),
Att: 4 Exhibit Exhibit A-4 (Baphoment Plaster),
Att: 5 Exhibit Exhibit B (Baphoment Bronze),
Att: 6 Exhibit Exhibit C (Comparison),
Att: 7 Exhibit Exhibit D-1 (Netflix Promo 1),
Att: 8 Exhibit Exhibit D-2 (Netflix Promo 2),
Att: 9 Exhibit Exhibit E (1856 Levi Baphoment),
Att: 10 Exhibit Exhibit F (Baphoment Original Drawing),
Att: 11 Exhibit Exhibit G (Baphoment on Website)