U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Judge:Elaine D Kaplan
Case #: 1:19-cv-00231
Nature of Suit512
Cause28:1491 Tucker Act
Case Filed:Feb 11, 2019

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Docket last updated: 01/31/2022 5:35 PM EST
Monday, February 11, 2019
1 1 12 pgs COMPLAINT against USA (ARM) (Filing fee $400, Receipt number 9998-5196272) (Copy Served Electronically on Department of Justice), filed by WILKINSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, CLAIBORNE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, JIM HOOD, NATCHEZ-ADAMS SCHOOL DISTRICT. Answer due by 4/12/2019.(vds)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet
2 2 NOTICE of Assignment to Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (vds)
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3 3 NOTICE of Designation of Electronic Case. (vds)
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