Original Case: 1:17-cv-00062

Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals
Case #: 0:19-cv-00609
Typecivil / private
Nature of Suit890 Other Statutes - Other Statutory Actions
Case Filed:Mar 11, 2019
Terminated:Sep 24, 2020
Last checked: Friday Mar 15, 2019 4:25 AM EDT
Defendant - Appellee
Federal Republic of Germany
Represented By
Jeffrey Harris
Rubin, Winston, Diercks, Harris & Cooke, LLP
contact info
David Frederick, Chief and Chairman of the Nama Traditional Authorities Association
Plaintiff - Appellant
Vekuii Rukoro, Paramount Chief of the Ovaherero People and Representative of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority
Represented By
Kenneth Foard McCallion
McCallion & Associates LLP
contact info
Plaintiff - Appellant
The Association of The Ovaherero Genocide in the USA, Inc.
Represented By
Kenneth Foard McCallion
McCallion & Associates LLP
contact info
Plaintiff - Appellant
Barnabas Veraa Katuuo, Individually and as an Officer of The Association of the Ovaherero Genocide in the USA, Inc., on behalf of themselves and all other Ovaherero and Nama indigenous peoples
Represented By
Kenneth Foard McCallion
McCallion & Associates LLP
contact info
Plaintiff - Appellant
Johannes Isaack, Chief and Chairman of the Nama Traditional Authorities Association
Represented By
Kenneth Foard McCallion
McCallion & Associates LLP
contact info

GPO Sep 24 2020
OPINION, affirming judgment of the district court, by RKW, RSP, MHP, FILED.[2937492] [19-609]

Docket last updated: 12/04/2024 2:26 PM EST
Monday, March 11, 2019
1 1 NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant Johannes Isaack, Barnabas Veraa Katuuo, Vekuii Rukoro and The Association of The Ovaherero Genocide in the USA, Inc., FILED. [2516310] [19-609] [Entered: 03/12/2019 04:08 PM]
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Att: 1 2 pgs Dkt_Ntc_BK_CV_PR_Tax
Att: 2 13 pgs Case FILED
2 2 23 pgs DISTRICT COURT OPINION & ORDER, dated 03/06/2019, RECEIVED.[2516318] [19-609] [Entered: 03/12/2019 04:11 PM]
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3 3 PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant Johannes Isaack, Barnabas Veraa Katuuo, Vekuii Rukoro and The Association of The Ovaherero Genocide in the USA, Inc., district court receipt # CNYSDC16471225, FILED.[2516321] [19-609] [Entered: 03/12/2019 04:13 PM]
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4 4 ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[2516323] [19-609] [Entered: 03/12/2019 04:13 PM]
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Att: 1 1 pgs Notice_of_Index_or_ROA_Filed
Att: 2 12 pgs Index/FRAP 10(d) in lieu of ROA FILED