Virginia Eastern District Court
Judge:Robert E Payne
Case #: 3:19-cv-00424
Nature of Suit790 Labor - Other Labor Litigation
Cause29:2101 Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
Case Filed:Jun 06, 2019
Last checked: Tuesday Dec 03, 2019 3:38 AM EST
Colortree Group, Inc.
8000 Villa Park Drive
Richmond, VA 23228
Represented By
Laura Denise Windsor
Williams Mullen (richmond)
contact info
Amanda Michael Weaver
Williams Mullen (richmond)
contact info
Terry Kennedy
Represented By
Rene Sara Roupinian
Outten & Golden LLP
contact info
Jack Raisner
Outten & Golden LLP
contact info
Edward Everett Bagnell, Jr
Spotts Fain PC
contact info
Jennifer Jo West
Spotts Fain PC
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/16/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
30 30 notice Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Tue 12/31 4:58 PM
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal (Stipulation of Dismissal and Proposed Order) by Terry Kennedy (Bagnell, Edward)
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Friday, November 22, 2019
29 29 1 pgs order Order Fri 11/22 1:28 PM
ORDER that having reviewed the STATUS REPORT (ECF No28 ) filed on November 19, 2019, it is hereby ORDERED that, pursuant to ORDER (ECF No.27 ), the parties shall file the next report advising the status of this matter in bankruptcy by January 20, 2020. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 11/22/2019. (walk, )
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019
28 28 misc Status Report Tue 11/19 10:57 AM
STATUS REPORT by Terry Kennedy. (West, Jennifer)
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Friday, September 20, 2019
27 27 1 pgs order Order Fri 09/20 12:30 PM
ORDER that having reviewed the NOTICE OF DEFENDANT'S SUGGESTION OF BANKRUPTCY (ECF No.26 ), it is hereby ORDERED that, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 362, this action is STAYED until further Order of the Court. It is further ORDERED that counsel for the parties shall file a report advising the status of this matter in bankruptcy by November 18, 2019, and every 60 days thereafter, said report to include the progress of the bankruptcy and any developments that affect this action. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/20/2019. Copy sent to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia to be filed in 19-34739 KLP. (walk, )
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Thursday, September 19, 2019
minutes Telephone Conference Fri 10/04 12:08 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne: Telephone Conference held on 9/19/2019. (Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, OCR.) (nbrow)
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Thursday, September 12, 2019
26 26 misc Suggestion of Bankruptcy Thu 09/12 6:31 PM
SUGGESTION OF BANKRUPTCY Upon the Record as to Defendant by Terry Kennedy. (West, Jennifer)
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25 25 order Protective Order ~Util - Terminate Motions Thu 09/12 3:57 PM
PROTECTIVE ORDER GOVERNING DISCOVERY. See Order for complete details. It is so ORDERED. Signed by United States District Judge Robert E. Payne on 9/12/2019. (Attachment: #1 Exhibit 1). (sbea, )
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24 24 3 pgs order Order on Motion to Certify Class Thu 09/12 10:51 AM
ORDER CERTIFYING A CLASS AND GRANTING RELATED RELIEF that now, upon consideration of Plaintiff's20 Motion for Class Certification and Related Relief, and the proposed Notice to the Class, and the Court being otherwise advised in the premises, and upon finding that the proposed class meets the requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and 23(b)(3), it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that Plaintiff's20 Class Certification Motion is GRANTED; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that: (please see Order for additional information.) It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 09/11/2019.. (walk, )
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Att: 1 Notice of Class Action
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
23 23 3 pgs respm Memorandum in Support Wed 09/11 10:31 AM
Memorandum in Support re22 Consent MOTION for Protective Order filed by Colortree Group, Inc.. (Windsor, Laura)
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22 22 motion Protective Order Wed 09/11 10:30 AM
Consent MOTION for Protective Order by Colortree Group, Inc..(Windsor, Laura)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Monday, September 09, 2019
minutes Telephone Conference Fri 10/04 12:07 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne: Telephone Conference held on 9/9/2019. (Court Reporter Peppy Peterson, OCR.)(nbrow)
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Monday, August 26, 2019
21 21 20 pgs respm Memorandum in Support Mon 08/26 5:22 PM
Memorandum in Support re20 MOTION to Certify Class Unopposed Motion for Class Certification and related relief filed by Terry Kennedy.(Bagnell, Edward)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Declaration of Plaintiff Terry Kennedy,
Att: 2 Exhibit Declaration of Rene Roupinian,
Att: 3 Exhibit Proposed Notice of Class Action
20 20 motion Certify Class Mon 08/26 5:18 PM
MOTION to Certify Class Unopposed Motion for Class Certification and related relief by Terry Kennedy.(Bagnell, Edward)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
19 19 1 pgs order Order Wed 08/21 1:35 PM
ORDER that at the Initial Pretrial Conference on August 20, 2019, counsel advised that the parties were considering a possible consent to class certification. It is hereby ORDERED that the parties shall submit, by August 26, 2019, an Order consenting to class certification if they so agree; and if they have not agreed by August 27, 2019, the plaintiff shall file a Motion for Class Certification on August 28, 2019. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 08/21/2019. (walk, )
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Tuesday, August 20, 2019
minutes Pretrial Conference - Initial Tue 08/20 2:53 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Robert E. Payne: Initial Pretrial Conference held on 8/20/2019. (nbrow)
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Wednesday, July 31, 2019
18 18 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 07/31 12:21 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Amanda Michael Weaver on behalf of Colortree Group, Inc. (Weaver, Amanda)
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17 17 order Scheduling Order Wed 07/31 11:02 AM
SCHEDULING ORDER. See for complete details . It is so ORDERED. Signed by Nikki Brown with permission of District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/31/2019. (Attachment: #1 Schedule A)(nbrow)
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16 16 3 pgs order Order Set/Reset Hearings Wed 07/31 11:01 AM
ORDER SETTING PRETRIAL CONFERENCE. Initial Pretrial Conference set for 8/20/2019 at 11:15 AM in Richmond Judges Chamber before District Judge Robert E. Payne. See for complete details . Issued at the direction of the Court. Signed by Nikki Brown with permission of District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/31/2019. (nbrow)
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Wednesday, July 17, 2019
15 15 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Pro hac vice Wed 07/17 3:53 PM
ORDER granting13 Motion for Jack Raisner to appear as Pro hac vice for Terry Kennedy. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/17/2019. (smej, )
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14 14 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Pro hac vice Wed 07/17 3:52 PM
ORDER granting12 Motion for Rene Sara Roupinian to appear as Pro hac vice for Terry Kennedy. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/17/2019. (smej, )
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Thursday, July 11, 2019
13 13 motion Pro Hac Vice Thu 07/11 3:14 PM
Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Jack Raisner and Certification of Local Counsel Jennifer J. West Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-6733959. by Terry Kennedy. (West, Jennifer)
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12 12 motion Pro Hac Vice Thu 07/11 3:11 PM
Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Rene Sara Roupinian and Certification of Local Counsel Jennifer J. West Filing fee $ 75, receipt number 0422-6733943. by Terry Kennedy. (West, Jennifer)
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Wednesday, July 03, 2019
11 11 answer Answer to Complaint Wed 07/03 10:09 AM
ANSWER to Complaint and Affirmative Defenses by Colortree Group, Inc..(Windsor, Laura)
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10 10 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Leave to File Wed 07/03 9:51 AM
ORDER that upon consideration of Defendant Colortree Group, Inc.'s Motion for Leave to File Answer (ECF No.7 ), with the consent of Plaintiff, and for good cause shown, it is hereby ORDERED that Defendant's Unopposed Motion for Leave to File Answer (ECF No.7 ), is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Defendant shall electronically file its proposed Answer forthwith. It is SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Robert E. Payne on 07/02/2019. (walk, )
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Tuesday, July 02, 2019
9 9 misc Financial Disclosure Statement Tue 07/02 2:56 PM
Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by Colortree Group, Inc.. (Windsor, Laura)
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8 8 3 pgs respm Memorandum in Support Tue 07/02 2:55 PM
Memorandum in Support re7 Consent MOTION for Leave to File Answer filed by Colortree Group, Inc.. (Windsor, Laura)
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7 7 motion Leave to File Document Tue 07/02 2:53 PM
Consent MOTION for Leave to File Answer by Colortree Group, Inc..(Windsor, Laura)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Proposed Answer,
Att: 2 Proposed Order
6 6 notice Notice of Appearance Tue 07/02 2:46 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Laura Denise Windsor on behalf of Colortree Group, Inc. (Windsor, Laura)
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Thursday, June 13, 2019
5 5 service Summons Returned Executed Thu 06/13 11:48 AM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Terry Kennedy Colortree Group, Inc. served on 6/10/2019, answer due 7/1/2019 (West, Jennifer)
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misc Notice of Correction Thu 06/13 9:56 AM
Notice of Correction re: Document4 ; the filing user is notified the wrong filing event was selected and the document does not include the original summons. Please also see the docket text for document3 . The filing user is requested to refile each original summons (both pages) and the Affidavit of Process Server (as the last page) using the filing event, Summons Returned Executed. The filing event automatically calculates the Answer Due Date after the service date is entered. The filing user is requested to contact the Clerk's Office if further assistance is needed. (walk, )
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Tuesday, June 11, 2019
4 4 service Affidavit of Service Tue 06/11 2:46 PM
AFFIDAVIT of Service for Summons and Complaint served on Colortree Group, Inc. c/o Cogency Global Inc., Registered Agent on 06/10/2019, filed by Terry Kennedy.(West, Jennifer)
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Att: 1 Affidavit of Registered Agent
Thursday, June 06, 2019
3 3 service Summons Issued Thu 06/06 5:20 PM
Summons Issued as to Colortree Group, Inc. NOTICE TO ATTORNEY: Please remove the headers and print two duplexed copies of the electronically issued summons for the Defendant. Please serve one copy of the summons and a copy of the Complaint upon the Defendant. Please ask your process server to return the service copy (executed or unexecuted) to your attention and electronically file it using the filing events, Summons Returned Executed or Summons Returned Unexecuted. (walk, )
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2 2 misc Proposed Summons Thu 06/06 4:20 PM
Proposed Summons by Terry Kennedy. (West, Jennifer)
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1 1 cmp Complaint Thu 06/06 4:14 PM
Class Action Complaint filed by Terry Kennedy against ColorTree Group, Inc. (Filing Fee Paid: $400.00, Receipt Number: 0422-6678521). Attachment: #1 Civil Cover Sheet). (West, Jennifer). Modified docket entry on 06/06/2019 and regenerated NEF. (walk, )
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utility Initial Case Assignment Thu 06/06 5:20 PM
Initial Case Assignment to District Judge Robert E. Payne. (walk, )
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