Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Case #: 3:19-cv-07113
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Oct 30, 2019
Terminated:Sep 09, 2021
Case in other court:Ohio Northern, 3:19-cv-01833
Last checked: Monday Apr 27, 2020 3:43 AM PDT
Monsanto Company, Inc.
Represented By
Joe G. Hollingsworth
Hollingsworth LLP
contact info
James Missler
Represented By
Margaret M. Murray
Murray & Murray
contact info

Docket last updated: 02/06/2025 11:59 PM PST
Thursday, September 09, 2021
15 15 misc Stipulation without Proposed Order Thu 09/09 7:19 AM
STIPULATION of Dismissal with Prejudice filed by James Missler. (Murray, Margaret)
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utility MDL Member Case Closed Fri 09/10 11:23 AM
MDL MEMBER CASE CLOSED: Pursuant to the Stipulation of Dismissal in the MDL 3:16-md-02741 master file (dkt. #13679), civil case no. 3:21-cv-07113 is terminated. cc: JPMDL (dhmS, COURT STAFF)
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Thursday, November 21, 2019
14 14 answer Answer to Complaint Thu 11/21 12:49 PM
ANSWER to Complaint with jury demand byMonsanto Company, Inc.. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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13 13 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Thu 11/21 12:48 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Monsanto Company, Inc. identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company, Inc.. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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12 12 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Thu 11/21 12:47 PM
Certificate of Interested Entities by Monsanto Company, Inc. identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company, Inc.. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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Thursday, October 31, 2019
utility MDL Member Case Thu 10/31 9:50 AM
MEMBER CASE OPENED: re 3:16-md-02741-VC; Northern District of Ohio, 19-01833 Missler, opened in California Northern District as 19-07113 pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order 158 cc: JPMDL (wsnS-adi, COURT STAFF)
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019
11 11 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Wed 10/30 10:52 AM
Case transferred in from District of Ohio Northern; Case Number 3:19-cv-01833. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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Thursday, October 17, 2019
10 10 Conditional Transfer Order (CTO 158) by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. In re: MDL 2741 Roundup Products Liability Litiation. Case transferred to the Northern District of California and assigned to the Honorable Vince Chhabria. (P,R)
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Monday, October 07, 2019
9 9 Waiver of Service Returned Executed by James Missler. Monsanto Company, Inc. waiver sent on 8/15/2019, answer due 10/15/2019 filed on behalf of James Missler (Murray, Margaret)
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Tuesday, October 01, 2019
8 8 Civil Case Management Procedures Order. Judge Jack Zouhary on 10/1/2019. (M,L)
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7 7 Original Summons and Magistrate Consent Form issued to counsel for service upon Monsanto Company, Inc. (M,L)
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Att: 1 Magistrate Consent Form
6 6 Praecipe for issuance of Original Summons filed by James Missler.(Murray, Margaret)
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Att: 1 Summons for Defendant
Notice re Prompt Service. Counsel for Plaintiff is responsible for promptly serving the Complaint on Defendant(s) upon receiving the issued summons from the Clerk and, after service has been perfected, electronically filing a Return of Service or an executed Waiver of Service for each Defendant. Service is to be accomplished pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4, which includes provisions for personal service and waiver of service, and Local Rule 4.2. If you wish the Clerk to serve the Complaint on Defendant(s) (a seldom used alternative because it does not save time or money), you must provide the Clerk's office with copies of the Complaint along with other necessary documents, in the manner set forth in Local Rule 4.2(a). After Defendant(s) have been served and counsel enter an appearance, this Court will promptly hold an Initial Phone Status Conference. No Motion to Dismiss may be filed in advance of this Conference. The responsive pleading deadline will be automatically tolled until that time. (M,L)
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019
5 5 FILING ERROR: Praecipe for issuance of Original Summons filed by James Missler. (Murray, Margaret) Modified on 10/1/2019: Incomplete document. (M,L).
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019
4 4 FILING ERROR: Supplement to Complaint - Summons, filed by James Missler. Related document(s)1 . (Murray, Margaret) Modified on 9/25/2019: Filer notified and will refile with Praecipe. (M,L).
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Tuesday, August 13, 2019
3 3 Civil Case Management Procedures Order. Judge Jack Zouhary on 8/13/2019. (M,L)
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2 2 Magistrate Consent Form issued. Summons were not provided and were not issued. (M,L)
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Judge Jack Zouhary assigned to case. (M,L)
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Random Assignment of Magistrate Judge pursuant to Local Rule 3.1. In the event of a referral, case will be assigned to Magistrate Judge James R. Knepp, II. (M,L)
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Notice re Prompt Service. Counsel for Plaintiff is responsible for promptly serving the Complaint on Defendant(s) upon receiving the issued summons from the Clerk and, after service has been perfected, electronically filing a Return of Service or an executed Waiver of Service for each Defendant. Service is to be accomplished pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4, which includes provisions for personal service and waiver of service, and Local Rule 4.2. If you wish the Clerk to serve the Complaint on Defendant(s) (a seldom used alternative because it does not save time or money), you must provide the Clerk's office with copies of the Complaint along with other necessary documents, in the manner set forth in Local Rule 4.2(a). After Defendant(s) have been served and counsel enter an appearance, this Court will promptly hold an Initial Phone Status Conference. No Motion to Dismiss may be filed in advance of this Conference. The responsive pleading deadline will be automatically tolled until that time. (M,L)
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Monday, August 12, 2019
1 1 Complaint with jury demand (Tag-Along Action) against Monsanto Company, Inc. Filing fee paid $ 400, Receipt number 0647-9465742. Filed by James Missler. (Murray, Margaret)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet