New York Eastern District Court
Judge:Rachel P Kovner
Referred: James Orenstein
Case #: 1:19-cv-06197
Nature of Suit480 Other Statutes - Consumer Credit
Cause15:1681 Fair Credit Reporting Act
Case Filed:Nov 01, 2019
Terminated:Jun 01, 2020
Last checked: Wednesday Apr 29, 2020 4:49 AM EDT
American Honda Finance Corp.
Represented By
James K. Haney
Wong & Fleming
contact info
Dafney Dubuisson Stokes
Wong Fleming
contact info
Rafail Kats
Represented By
Edward Y. Kroub
Cohen & Mizrahi LLP
contact info
Daniel C Cohen
Cohen & Mizrahi LLP
contact info
Equifax Information Services, LLC
Terminated: 01/08/2020
Represented By
Boris Brownstein
Clark Hill PLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 3 hours ago
Monday, June 01, 2020
order Order Dismissing Case Mon 06/01 12:39 PM
ORDER DISMISSING CASE: The Stipulation of Dismissal is so ordered. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to close this case. Ordered by Judge Rachel P. Kovner on 6/1/2020. (Hershey, Kenneth)
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Friday, May 29, 2020
order Order(Other) Fri 05/29 9:34 AM
ORDER re27 Stipulation of Dismissal -- In light of the parties' stipulation of dismissal, all scheduled conferences before me are canceled. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 5/29/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
27 27 misc Stipulation of Dismissal Thu 05/28 12:11 PM
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Defendant American Honda Finance Corp. by Rafail Kats (Kroub, Edward)
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Tuesday, April 28, 2020
26 26 motion Extension of Time to File Document Tue 04/28 4:18 PM
Letter MOTION for Extension of Time to File Stipulation of Dismissal with Rafail Kats by American Honda Finance Corp.. (Dubuisson Stokes, Dafney)
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order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Tue 04/28 4:39 PM
ORDER granting26 Motion for Extension of Time to File -- The motion is granted. The telephone conference previously scheduled for April 30, 2020 is rescheduled for June 1, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. The call-in information for the telephone conference remains the same. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 4/28/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Tuesday, March 31, 2020
25 25 motion Extension of Time to File Document Tue 03/31 3:40 PM
Letter MOTION for Extension of Time to File Stipulation of Dismissal with Rafail Kats by American Honda Finance Corp.. (Dubuisson Stokes, Dafney)
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order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Tue 03/31 5:03 PM
ORDER granting25 Motion for Extension of Time to File -- The motion is granted. The telephone conference previously scheduled for April 1, 2020 is rescheduled for April 30, 2020. The call-in information remains the same. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 3/31/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Monday, March 30, 2020
order Order(Other) Mon 03/30 1:21 PM
ORDER -- For the telephone conference scheduled for April 1, 2020, I respectfully direct all counsel to call 1-877-336-1839 five minutes before the scheduled start of the conference and use access code 391-4302. Any party experiencing difficulty accessing the telephone conference should contact chambers by email at[] . Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 3/30/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Monday, March 02, 2020
24 24 notice Notice of Settlement Mon 03/02 1:12 PM
NOTICE of Settlement (corrected) by Rafail Kats (Cohen, Daniel)
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23 23 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 03/02 1:10 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Daniel C Cohen on behalf of Rafail Kats (aty to be noticed) (Cohen, Daniel)
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22 22 notice Notice of Settlement Mon 03/02 12:06 PM
NOTICE of Settlement by Rafail Kats (Cohen, Daniel)
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order Scheduling Order Mon 03/02 2:57 PM
SCHEDULING ORDER re24 Notice of Settlement -- The status conference previously scheduled for March 3, 2020 is canceled. I will hold a telephone conference on April 1, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. If a stipulation of dismissal is filed before the conference, I will cancel the conference; otherwise, counsel for the plaintiff shall initiate the call and conference in chambers when all parties are on the line. All parties are directed to use landlines rather than mobile telephones in order to reduce potential interference. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein.Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 3/2/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Wednesday, February 26, 2020
21 21 service Certificate of Service Wed 02/26 4:32 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by American Honda Finance Corp. re19 Initial Conference Hearing,,,, Set Hearings,,, (Dubuisson Stokes, Dafney)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - January 29, 2020 Order,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Correspondence
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
utility Case Assigned/Reassigned Wed 02/12 11:49 AM
Case Reassigned to Judge Rachel P. Kovner. Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto no longer assigned to the case. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned Judges, located on our[LINK:website] . Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. (Mahoney, Brenna)
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Thursday, February 06, 2020
20 20 misc Transcript Thu 02/06 11:50 AM
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on January 29, 2020, before Judge Orenstein. Court Transcriber: Typewrite Word Processing Service, Telephone number 518-581-8973. Email address: Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.File redaction request using event "Redaction Request - Transcript" located under "Other Filings - Other Documents". Redaction Request due 2/27/2020. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/9/2020. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/6/2020. (Rocco, Christine)
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Wednesday, January 29, 2020
19 19 minutes Initial Conference Hearing ~Util - Set Hearings Wed 01/29 10:40 AM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge James Orenstein:Initial Conference Hearing held on 1/29/2020. Scheduling: The next status conference will be held on March 3, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. Summary: Counsel of record for defendant Honda, Dafney D. Stokes and James K. Haney, did not appear as required. To minimize the potential prejudice to the defendant arising from its lack of representation, I respectfully direct those attorneys to secure the minutes of today's proceeding (at counsel's expense and not the client's), to provide copies of that transcript and of this order to defendant Honda, and to certify compliance with the foregoing directives by March 2, 2020. The plaintiff will consider filing an amended complaint. I will expect the parties' counsel to be prepared to discuss settlement at next conference. (Orenstein, James)
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020
18 18 misc Proposed Scheduling Order Tue 01/21 12:02 AM
Proposed Scheduling Order Prior to Initial Pretrial Conference by Rafail Kats (Kroub, Edward)
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Thursday, January 09, 2020
17 17 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 01/09 2:14 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Dafney Dubuisson Stokes on behalf of American Honda Finance Corp. (aty to be noticed) (Dubuisson Stokes, Dafney)
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Wednesday, January 08, 2020
16 16 2 pgs order Order Dismissing Parties Wed 01/08 5:23 PM
Order Dismissing Parties: that the action against Defendant Equifax Information Services, LLC only shall be, and is hereby, dismissed with prejudice and without costs, or disbursements, or attorneys' fees to any party, pursuant to Rule 41(a)(l)(A)(ii) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Party Equifax Information Services, LLC terminated. (Ordered by Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto on 1/7/2020) C/M (Galeano, Sonia)
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order Order(Other) Wed 01/08 10:39 AM
ORDER re15 Stipulation of Dismissal -- In light of the parties' stipulation of dismissal, the telephone conference previously scheduled for January 10, 2020 is canceled. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 1/8/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Tuesday, January 07, 2020
15 15 misc Stipulation of Dismissal Tue 01/07 11:27 AM
STIPULATION of Dismissal with Equifax Information Services, LLC by Rafail Kats (Kroub, Edward)
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Monday, January 06, 2020
14 14 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 01/06 6:18 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Boris Brownstein on behalf of Equifax Information Services, LLC (aty to be noticed) (Brownstein, Boris)
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Friday, January 03, 2020
order Order on Motion to Adjourn Conference Fri 01/03 9:07 AM
ORDER granting13 Motion to Adjourn Conference -- The motion is granted. The initial conference previously scheduled for January 23, 2020 is rescheduled for January 29, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 11D South. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 1/3/2020. (Walker, Anna)
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Thursday, January 02, 2020
13 13 motion Adjourn Conference Thu 01/02 6:47 PM
Letter MOTION to Adjourn Conference by Rafail Kats. (Kroub, Edward)
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12 12 service Summons Returned Executed Thu 01/02 2:58 PM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Rafail Kats. American Honda Finance Corp. served on 11/15/2019, answer due 12/20/2019. (Kroub, Edward)
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
11 11 order Scheduling Order Thu 12/19 3:05 PM
SCHEDULING ORDER: Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 16(a), I order the parties to appear for an initial discovery planning conference on, January 23, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. in Courtroom 11D South of the United States Courthouse, 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York. No later than January 21, 2020, the parties must submit, by means of electronic filing on the court's ECF (Electronic Case Filing) system, a joint proposed discovery plan. Each party's counsel must be personally prepared to discuss all factual and legal issues in the case, including the possibility of settlement; otherwise, the client must attend in person as well. SEE ATTACHED ORDER. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 12/19/2019. (Guy, Alicia)
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
10 10 answer Answer to Complaint Tue 12/17 2:34 PM
ANSWER to1 Complaint, by American Honda Finance Corp.. (Haney, James)
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9 9 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement Tue 12/17 2:31 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by American Honda Finance Corp. identifying Corporate Parent Honda Motor Co. Ltd., Corporate Parent American Honda Motor Co. Inc. for American Honda Finance Corp.. (Haney, James)
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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
8 8 notice Notice of Settlement Wed 12/11 12:02 PM
NOTICE of Settlement with Equifax Information Services, LLC by Rafail Kats (Kroub, Edward)
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order Scheduling Order Wed 12/11 1:25 PM
SCHEDULING ORDER re8 Notice of Settlement with Equifax Information, Services, LLC -- I will hold a telephone conference on January 10, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. If a stipulation of dismissal is filed before the conference, I will cancel the conference; otherwise, counsel for the plaintiff shall initiate the call and conference in chambers when all parties are on the line. All parties are directed to use landlines rather than mobile telephones in order to reduce potential interference. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 12/11/2019. (Walker, Anna)
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Friday, December 06, 2019
7 7 motion Extension of Time to File Answer Fri 12/06 3:56 PM
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re1 Complaint, by American Honda Finance Corp.. (Haney, James)
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order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Answer Fri 12/06 4:52 PM
ORDER granting7 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer -- The motion is granted; defendant American Honda Finance Corp. shall answer or otherwise respond to the complaint by December 20, 2019. Ordered by Magistrate Judge James Orenstein on 12/6/2019. (Walker, Anna)
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Wednesday, December 04, 2019
6 6 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 12/04 3:37 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by James K. Haney on behalf of American Honda Finance Corp. (aty to be noticed) (Haney, James)
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Monday, November 18, 2019
5 5 service Waiver of Service Executed Mon 11/18 11:34 AM
WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Rafail Kats. Equifax Information Services, LLC waiver sent on 11/13/2019, answer due 1/13/2020. (Kroub, Edward)
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Tuesday, November 05, 2019
4 4 misc Quality Control Check - Attorney Case Opening Tue 11/05 1:46 PM
This attorney case opening filing has been checked for quality control. See the attachment for corrections that were made, if any. (Bowens, Priscilla)
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3 3 misc Clerks Notice of Rule 73 Tue 11/05 1:43 PM
In accordance with Rule 73 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Rule 73.1, the parties are notified that if all parties consent a United States magistrate judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action including a (jury or nonjury) trial and to order the entry of a final judgment. Attached to the Notice is a blank copy of the consent form that should be filled out, signed and filed electronically only if all parties wish to consent. The form may also be accessed at the following link:[LINK:] . You may withhold your consent without adverse substantive consequences . Do NOT return or file the consent unless all parties have signed the consent. (Bowens, Priscilla)
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Friday, November 01, 2019
2 2 service Summons Issued Tue 11/05 1:35 PM
Summons Issued as to American Honda Finance Corp., Equifax Information Services, LLC. (Bowens, Priscilla)
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1 1 cmp Complaint Fri 11/01 6:04 PM
COMPLAINT against American Honda Finance Corp., Equifax Information Services, LLC filing fee $ 400, receipt number ANYEDC-12005110 Was the Disclosure Statement on Civil Cover Sheet completed -Yes,, filed by Rafail Kats. (Kroub, Edward)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Proposed Summons
utility Case Assigned/Reassigned Tue 11/05 1:32 PM
Case assigned to Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto and Magistrate Judge James Orenstein. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned Judges, located on our[LINK:website] . Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. (Bowens, Priscilla)
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