Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Case #: 3:19-cv-07354
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Nov 07, 2019
Terminated:May 15, 2020
Case in other court:Florida Middle, 8:19-cv-02242
Last checked: Tuesday May 05, 2020 1:24 AM PDT
Monsanto Company
Represented By
Joe G. Hollingsworth
Hollingsworth LLP
contact info
Lawrence Oberheim
Represented By
Jason Edward Ochs
Ochs Law Firm PC
contact info
Rinky S. Parwani
Parwani Law, PA
contact info

GPO May 15 2020
ORDER Granting Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice. Signed by Judge Vince Chhabria on 5/15/2020. (knm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2020)

Docket last updated: 02/28/2025 11:59 PM PST
Friday, May 15, 2020
13 13 1 pgs order Order Dismissing Case Fri 05/15 2:53 PM
ORDER Granting Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice. Signed by Judge Vince Chhabria on 5/15/2020. (knm, COURT STAFF)
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utility MDL Member Case Closed Tue 05/19 8:04 AM
MDL MEMBER CASE CLOSED: Pursuant to the Court's order of 5/15/20 in the MDL 3:16-md-02741 master file (dkt. #10724), civil case no. 3:19-cv-07354 is terminated. cc: JPMDL (fabS, COURT STAFF)
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Wednesday, February 05, 2020
12 12 motion Dismiss Wed 02/05 7:30 PM
MOTION to Dismiss filed by Lawrence Oberheim. Responses due by 2/19/2020. Replies due by 2/26/2020.(Ochs, Jason)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Thursday, December 05, 2019
11 11 motion Withdraw as Attorney Thu 12/05 1:19 PM
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Rinky Parwani filed by Lawrence Oberheim. Responses due by 12/19/2019. Replies due by 12/26/2019.(Ochs, Jason)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
10 10 answer Answer to Complaint Thu 12/05 10:56 AM
ANSWER to Complaint with jury demand byMonsanto Company. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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9 9 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Thu 12/05 10:55 AM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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8 8 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Thu 12/05 10:54 AM
Certificate of Interested Entities by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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Tuesday, November 12, 2019
utility MDL Member Case Tue 11/12 8:04 PM
MEMBER CASE OPENED: re 3:16-md-02741-VC; Middle District of Florida, 8:19-cv-02242-WFJ-JSS Oberheim v. Monsanto Company, opened in California Northern District as 3:19-cv-7354-VC pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order 163 cc: JPMDL (gbaS-adi, COURT STAFF)
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Thursday, November 07, 2019
7 7 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Tue 11/12 7:28 PM
Case transferred in from District of Florida Middle; Case Number 8:19-cv-02242. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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Monday, November 04, 2019
6 6 MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION panel order transferring case to: Northern District of California re MDL case number: 2741. (AG)
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Tuesday, September 17, 2019
5 5 CERTIFICATE of interested persons and corporate disclosure statement by Lawrence Oberheim. (Parwani, Rinky)
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4 4 NOTICE of pendency of related cases re3 Related case order and track 2 notice per Local Rule 1.04(d) by Lawrence Oberheim. Related case(s): Yes (Parwani, Rinky)
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Monday, September 09, 2019
3 3 RELATED CASE ORDER AND NOTICE of designation under Local Rule 3.05 - track 2. Counsel and any unrepresented party shall meet within sixty days after service of the complaint upon any defendant for the purpose of preparing and filing a Case Management Report. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 9/9/2019. (SAO)
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2 2 NEW CASE ASSIGNED to Judge William F. Jung and Magistrate Judge Julie S. Sneed. New case number: 8:19-cv-2242-T-02JSS. (SJB)
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1 1 COMPLAINTagainst Lawrence Oberheim with Jury Demand (Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 113A-15895523) filed by Lawrence Oberheim.(Parwani, Rinky)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet