Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Case #: 3:19-cv-08382
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Dec 26, 2019
Terminated:Aug 10, 2021
Case in other court:Pennsylvania Western, 2:19-cv-01234
Last checked: Tuesday Jun 23, 2020 2:26 AM PDT
Bayer A.G.
Lowe's Home Centers, LLC
Represented By
David S. Cohen
Mintzer, Sarowitz, Zeris, Ledva & Meyers, LLP
contact info
Monsanto Company
Represented By
Joseph H. Blum
Shook, Hardy And Bacon L.L.P.
contact info
Represented By
Clark A. Mitchell
Clark A. Mitchell, Esquire
contact info
Kelly L. Enders
Caroselli Beachler And Coleman, LLC
contact info
Represented By
Clark A. Mitchell
Clark A. Mitchell, Esquire
contact info
Kelly L. Enders
Caroselli Beachler And Coleman, LLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 02/28/2025 11:59 PM PST
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
13 13 misc Stipulation without Proposed Order Tue 08/10 7:10 AM
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utility MDL Member Case Closed Tue 08/10 11:08 AM
MDL MEMBER CASE CLOSED MDL 2741: Pursuant to the Stipulation of Dismissal, civil case no. 3:19-cv-08382 Bonanni v Monsanto Company is terminated. cc: JPMDL (wsnS, COURT STAFF)
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Monday, August 09, 2021
12 12 1 pgs order Order Mon 08/09 3:25 PM
ORDER re: Incorrectly Filed Motion. Signed by Judge Vince Chhabria on 8/9/2021. (vclc3S, COURT STAFF)
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Thursday, March 11, 2021
11 11 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 03/11 1:28 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Jennifer Elaine Hackman (Hackman, Jennifer)
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Thursday, December 26, 2019
10 10 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Thu 12/26 8:30 AM
Case transferred in from District of Pennsylvania Western; Case Number 2:19-cv-01234. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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utility MDL Member Case Thu 12/26 12:45 PM
MEMBER CASE OPENED: Pennsylvania Western, 2:19-cv-01234, BONANNI et al v. MONSANTO COMPANY et al, Opened in California Northern District as 3:19-cv-08382-VC pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order 158 cc: JPMDL (fabS, COURT STAFF)
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Friday, December 20, 2019
9 9 Certified Copy of Conditional Transfer Order received from Northern District of California. (cjo)
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Friday, October 18, 2019
8 8 Disclosure Statement identifying Lowe's Companies,Inc. as corporate parent or other affiliate, by LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC. (Cohen, David)
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Att: 1 Certificate of Service
7 7 Remark: Attorney may disregard the QC Message related to Doc4 since the disclosure statement was already filed. Text-only entry. No PDF document will issue. This text-only entry constitutes the Order of the Court or Notice on the matter. (cjo)
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Thursday, October 17, 2019
CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE re4 Answer to Complaint. ERROR: Party did not file disclosure statement as required pursuant L.R. 7.1.1. CORRECTION: Attorney advised to file statement within 7 days. Disclosure Statement due by 10/24/2019. (cjo)
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CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE re5 Answer to Complaint. ERROR: Party did not file disclosure statement as required pursuant L.R. 7.1.1. CORRECTION: Attorney advised to file statement within 7 days. Disclosure Statement due by 10/24/2019. (cjo)
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Wednesday, October 16, 2019
6 6 Conditional Transfer Order received from the Judicial Panel on Multi-District Litigation. (cjo)
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Monday, October 14, 2019
5 5 Defendant's ANSWER to Complaint by LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC. (Cohen, David)
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Att: 1 Certificate of Service
4 4 ANSWER to Complaint by MONSANTO COMPANY. (Blum, Joseph)
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Thursday, October 03, 2019
3 3 NOTICE that instant civil action has been designated for placement into the United States District Court's Alternative Dispute Resolution program. Parties are directed to fully complete the required 26(f) report, which includes the stipulation of selecting an ADR process. Counsel for plaintiff (or in the case of a removal action, counsel for removing defendant) shall make service of the notice on all parties. (av)
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Friday, September 27, 2019
2 2 Disclosure Statement identifying Bayer AG as corporate parent or other affiliate, by MONSANTO COMPANY. (Blum, Joseph)
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Thursday, September 26, 2019
1 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Common Please of Beaver County, case number 2019-11053 (Filing fee, including Administrative fee, $400, receipt number 0315-5298716), filed by VINCENT BONANNI, PAOLA BONANNI. (jm)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Exhibit 1,
Att: 3 Exhibit 2,
Att: 4 Exhibit 3