Adversary Proceeding
Lead BK case is: 1:18-bk-10055

Delaware Bankruptcy Court
Chapter 7
Judge:Kevin Gross
Case #: 1:20-ap-50004
Nature of Suit12 Bankruptcy - Recovery of money/property - §547 preference
14 Bankruptcy - Recovery of money/property - other
Case Filed:Jan 10, 2020
Terminated:Jul 29, 2020
Last checked: never
Federal Express Corporation
Represented By
Federal Express Corporation
contact info
Alfred T. Giuliano, Chapter 7 Trustee
Represented By
Sally E. Veghte
Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 5 hours ago
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
5 5 notice Dismissal - Notice Wed 07/29 12:46 PM
Notice of Dismissal Filed by Alfred T. Giuliano (Veghte, Sally)
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Att: 1 Certificate of Service
court Close Adversary Case Wed 07/29 5:06 PM
Adversary Case 1:20-ap-50004 Closed (JS)
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Thursday, February 06, 2020
4 4 court Case Reassigned Thu 02/06 3:20 PM
Order of Reassignment of Judge. Judge John T. Dorsey added to case. Involvement of Judge Kevin Gross Terminated (SH)
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020
3 3 notice Summons and Notice of Pretrial Conference Wed 01/22 3:42 PM
Summons and Notice of Pretrial Conference Served on Defendant Federal Express Corporation. Related [+] Tickle due by: 3/23/2020. (Veghte, Sally)
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Friday, January 10, 2020
2 2 crditcrd none Fri 01/10 1:42 PM
Receipt of filing fee for Complaint 20-50004 KG) [cmp,cmp] ( 350.00). Receipt Number 9595975, amount $ 350.00. (U.S. Treasury)
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1 1 cmp RETIRED - Complaint Fri 01/10 1:41 PM
Adversary case 20-50004 Complaint to Avoid and Recover Preferential Transfers by Alfred Thomas Giuliano, Chapter 7 Trustee against Federal Express Corporation. Fee Amount $350 (12 (Recovery of money/property - 547 preference)),(14 (Recovery of money/property - other)). AP Summons Served due date: 4/9/2020. (Veghte, Sally)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1