Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Case #: 3:20-cv-01027
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Case Filed:Feb 10, 2020
Case in other court:Tennessee Eastern, 1:19-cv-00336
Last checked: Saturday Aug 08, 2020 4:16 AM PDT
Monsanto Company
Represented By
Eric G. Lasker
Hollingsworth LLP
contact info
Joe G. Hollingsworth
Hollingsworth LLP
contact info
Donna Brown
Represented By
Rachel Abrams
Levin Simes Abrams, LLP
contact info
Andrew Scott Herring
Cory Watson, P.C.
contact info
Rachel Beth Abrams
Levin Simes Abrams LLP
contact info
Jerry Brown
Represented By
Rachel Abrams
Levin Simes Abrams, LLP
contact info
Andrew Scott Herring
Cory Watson, P.C.
contact info
Rachel Beth Abrams
Levin Simes Abrams LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 11 hours ago
Thursday, May 14, 2020
15 15 service Certificate/Proof of Service Thu 05/14 5:23 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Donna Brown, Jerry Brown (Abrams, Rachel)
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Tuesday, April 28, 2020
14 14 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Tue 04/28 8:24 AM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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13 13 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Tue 04/28 8:23 AM
Certificate of Interested Entities by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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12 12 answer Answer to Complaint Tue 04/28 8:22 AM
ANSWER to Complaint with jury demand byMonsanto Company. (Hollingsworth, Joe)
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Monday, February 10, 2020
11 11 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Mon 02/10 9:48 AM
Case transferred in from District of Tennessee Eastern; Case Number 1:19-cv-00336. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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utility MDL Member Case Mon 02/10 9:49 AM
MEMBER CASE OPENED MDL 2741: Eastern District of Tennessee, 19-cv-00336-TAV-HBG, Brown v. Monsanto Company, Opened in California Northern District as 20-cv-01027-VC pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order 174 cc: JPMDL. (wsnS, COURT STAFF)
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Wednesday, January 15, 2020
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Case transferred to District of Northern District of California.
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Monday, December 23, 2019
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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
8 8 SECOND NOTICE of Deficiency (Pro Hac)Attorney Rachel Abrams is not admitted (See LR 83.5). This matter will be referred to a magistrate judge if a pro hac motion is not filed within 15 days of this Notice. (BDG)Notice mailed to Abrams.
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Monday, December 02, 2019
7 7 Order Governing Sealing Confidential Information. Signed by District Judge Thomas A Varlan on 12/2/19. (ABF)
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6 6 Order Governing Motions To Dismiss. Signed by District Judge Thomas A Varlan on 12/2/19. (ABF)
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5 5 Order Governing Depositions. Signed by District Judge Thomas A Varlan on 12/2/19. (ABF)
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4 4 ORDER: Pursuant to Local Rule 3.2(d)(3), the undersigned finds that the above-captioned case is related to Arms v. Monsanto Company, No. 3:19-CV-374. The Court finds that these cases arise out of the same transaction or occurrence and involve one or more of the same parties. Therefore, the two cases are related. Because the first of these cases was assigned to District Judge Thomas A. Varlan and Magistrate Judge H. Bruce Guyton, this case will also be assigned to District Judge Thomas A. Varlan and Magistrate Judge H. Bruce Guyton. However, consolidation is not ordered. Signed by Magistrate Judge H Bruce Guyton on 12/2/19. (ABF)
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District Judge Thomas A Varlan and Magistrate Judge H Bruce Guyton added. (ABF)
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Friday, November 22, 2019
3 3 Summons Issued as to Monsanto Company. (AMP)
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2 2 NOTICE of Deficiency (Pro Hac). Attorney is not admitted (See LR 83.5). This matter will be referred to a magistrate judge if a pro hac motion is not filed within 15 days of this Notice. A form motion can be found here: (Copy of Notice mailed to Rachel Abrams) (AMP)
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1 1 COMPLAINT against Monsanto Company ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0649-4138674.), filed by Donna Brown, Jerry Brown.(Herring, Andrew)
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Att: 1 Other Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Summons Summons to Monsanto Company
Case has been referred to Magistrate Judge Guyton for related case determination. (AMP)
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