Texas Northern District Court
Judge:Brantley Starr
Case #: 3:20-cv-00778
Nature of Suit710 Labor - Fair Labor Standards Act
Cause28:1331 Fed. Question: Fair Labor Standards
Case Filed:Apr 02, 2020
Terminated:Jan 21, 2021
Last checked: Tuesday Sep 29, 2020 3:18 AM CDT
Univar USA Inc
Represented By
Shira R Yoshor
Greenberg Traurig LLP
contact info
Keshia McCrary Tiemann
Greenberg Traurig LLP
contact info
Amanda Ann Williams
Greenberg Traurig LLP
contact info
Felicia Edwards
Represented By
James A Vagnini
Valli Kane & Vagnini LLP
contact info
Alexander M White
Valli Kane & Vagnini LLP
contact info

GPO Jan 12 2021
MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting 11 Motion to Certify Class. The Court GRANTS the motion for conditional certification and ORDERS the parties to meet and confer in order to draft a proposed class notice. The proposed notice is due 21 days from the date of this order. (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 1/12/2021) (hml)

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM CDT
Friday, January 22, 2021
27 27 1 pgs order Order Fri 01/22 10:02 AM
ORDER OF DISMISSAL: Having received the parties Stipulation of Dismissal [Doc. No.26 ], the Court hereby DISMISSES all claims by all parties WITH PREJUDICE. Each party will bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney's fees. (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 1/22/2021) (ctf)
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Thursday, January 21, 2021
26 26 misc Stipulation Thu 01/21 10:33 AM
STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL by Felicia Edwards. (White, Alexander)
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utility Terminate Civil Case (Optional) Thu 01/21 4:40 PM
Civil Case Terminated per26 Stipulation of Dismissal. (ykp)
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Tuesday, January 19, 2021
25 25 order Order Tue 01/19 2:01 PM
ELECTRONIC ORDER: The Court VACATES the January 12, 2021 Memorandum Opinion and Order24 and ORDERS the parties to jointly brief the Court on the impact the 5th Circuits recent opinion in Swales v. KLLM Transport Servs, LLC, No. 19-60847 2021 WL 98229 (5th Cir. Jan. 12, 2021) has on the class certification issue in this case. The parties should file this joint brief by March 22, 2021. (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 1/19/2021) (chmb)
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021
24 24 7 pgs order Memorandum Opinion and Order Tue 01/12 11:07 AM
MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting11 Motion to Certify Class. The Court GRANTS the motion for conditional certification and ORDERS the parties to meet and confer in order to draft a proposed class notice. The proposed notice is due 21 days from the date of this order. (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 1/12/2021) (hml)
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Tuesday, July 28, 2020
23 23 respm Appendix in Support Tue 07/28 6:33 PM
Appendix in Support filed by Felicia Edwards re22 Reply (Ellwanger, Jay)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit(s),
Att: 2 Exhibit(s)
22 22 respm Reply Tue 07/28 6:31 PM
REPLY filed by Felicia Edwards re:11 MOTION to Certify Class (Ellwanger, Jay)
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Tuesday, July 14, 2020
21 21 misc Amended Document Tue 07/14 9:43 PM
AMENDED DOCUMENT by Univar USA Inc. Amendment to20 Response/Objection. Defendant's Amended Response in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Conditional Certification . (Yoshor, Shira)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Appendix,
Att: 2 Exhibit(s) A,
Att: 3 Exhibit(s) B,
Att: 4 Exhibit(s) C,
Att: 5 Exhibit(s) D,
Att: 6 Exhibit(s) E
20 20 respm Response/Objection Tue 07/14 7:53 PM
RESPONSE filed by Univar USA Inc re:11 MOTION to Certify Class (Yoshor, Shira)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Appendix,
Att: 2 Exhibit(s) A,
Att: 3 Exhibit(s) B,
Att: 4 Exhibit(s) C,
Att: 5 Exhibit(s) D,
Att: 6 Exhibit(s) E
Wednesday, July 08, 2020
19 19 order Order on Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice Wed 07/08 1:22 PM
ELECTRONIC ORDER granting16 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Alexander M. White. Important Reminder: Unless excused for cause, an attorney who is not an ECF user must register within 14 days of the date the attorney appears in a case pursuant to LR 5.1(f) and LCrR 49.2(g). (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 7/8/2020) (chmb)
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18 18 order Order on Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice Wed 07/08 1:20 PM
ELECTRONIC ORDER granting15 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of James A. Vagnini. Important Reminder: Unless excused for cause, an attorney who is not an ECF user must register within 14 days of the date the attorney appears in a case pursuant to LR 5.1(f) and LCrR 49.2(g). (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 7/8/2020) (chmb)
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17 17 order Order on Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice Wed 07/08 1:17 PM
ELECTRONIC ORDER granting14 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Keshia M. Tiemann. Important Reminder: Unless excused for cause, an attorney who is not an ECF user must register within 14 days of the date the attorney appears in a case pursuant to LR 5.1(f) and LCrR 49.2(g). (Ordered by Judge Brantley Starr on 7/8/2020) (chmb)
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Wednesday, July 01, 2020
16 16 motion Admission Pro Hac Vice Wed 07/01 2:05 PM
Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice with Certificate of Good Standing (Filing fee $100; Receipt number 0539-10961043) filed by Felicia Edwards with Brief/Memorandum in Support.Attorney Alexander M White added to party Felicia Edwards(pty:pla) (White, Alexander)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Certificate of Good Standing,
Att: 2 Exhibit(s) Attachment A,
Att: 3 Proposed Order
15 15 motion Admission Pro Hac Vice Wed 07/01 1:55 PM
Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice with Certificate of Good Standing (Filing fee $100; Receipt number 0539-10960989) filed by Felicia Edwards with Brief/Memorandum in Support.Attorney James A Vagnini added to party Felicia Edwards(pty:pla) (Vagnini, James)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Certificate of Good Standing,
Att: 2 Exhibit(s) Attachment A,
Att: 3 Proposed Order
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
14 14 motion Admission Pro Hac Vice Tue 06/23 4:30 PM
Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice with Certificate of Good Standing (Filing fee $100; Receipt number 0539-10939234) filed by Univar USA IncAttorney Keshia McCrary Tiemann added to party Univar USA Inc(pty:dft) (Tiemann, Keshia)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit(s) Certificate of Good Standing
13 13 respm Appendix in Support Tue 06/23 1:38 PM
Appendix in Support filed by Felicia Edwards re11 MOTION to Certify Class (Ellwanger, Jay)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit(s) 1,
Att: 2 Exhibit(s) 2,
Att: 3 Exhibit(s) 3,
Att: 4 Exhibit(s) 4
12 12 respm Brief/Memorandum In Support Tue 06/23 1:35 PM
Brief/Memorandum in Support filed by Felicia Edwards re11 MOTION to Certify Class (Ellwanger, Jay)
Related: [-]
11 11 motion Certify Class Tue 06/23 1:34 PM
MOTION to Certify Class filed by Felicia Edwards (Ellwanger, Jay)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Proposed Order
Thursday, June 18, 2020
10 10 notice Notice (Other) Thu 06/18 5:15 PM
NOTICE of Consent to Become a Party Plaintiff signed by Megan Mitchell on 06/17/2020. (Ellwanger, Jay)
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Monday, June 15, 2020
9 9 misc Certificate Of Interested Persons/Disclosure Statement Mon 06/15 2:05 PM
Related: [-]
8 8 answer Answer to Complaint Mon 06/15 2:04 PM
ANSWER to1 Complaint,,,, filed by Univar USA Inc. Unless exempted, attorneys who are not admitted to practice in the Northern District of Texas must seek admission promptly. Forms and Instructions found at www.txnd.uscourts.gov, or by clicking here:[LINK:Attorney Information - Bar Membership] . If admission requirements are not satisfied within 21 days, the clerk will notify the presiding judge. (Williams, Amanda)
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Monday, June 01, 2020
7 7 notice Notice (Other) Mon 06/01 8:41 PM
NOTICE of Consent to Become a Party Plaintiff signed by Felicia Edwards on 06/01/2020. (Henderson, David)
Related: [-]
Friday, May 29, 2020
6 6 notice Notice (Other) Fri 05/29 9:30 PM
NOTICE of Consent to Become a Party Plaintiff signed by Priscilla Narvaez on 5/29/2020. (Henderson, David)
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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
5 5 service Waiver of Service Executed Wed 04/22 5:29 PM
WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed as to Univar USA Inc. Waiver sent on 4/15/2020. (Ellwanger, Jay)
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Friday, April 03, 2020
4 4 service Summons Issued Fri 04/03 8:38 AM
Summons Issued as to Univar USA Inc. (oyh)
Related: [-]
Thursday, April 02, 2020
3 3 qcref Starr Fri 04/03 8:32 AM
New Case Notes: A filing fee has been paid. Pursuant to Misc. Order 6, Plaintiff is provided the Notice of Right to Consent to Proceed Before A U.S. Magistrate Judge (Judge Rutherford). Clerk to provide copy to plaintiff if not received electronically. (oyh)
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2 2 misc Certificate Of Interested Persons/Disclosure Statement Thu 04/02 5:00 PM
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1 1 11 pgs cmp Complaint Thu 04/02 4:59 PM
COMPLAINT WITH JURY DEMAND against Univar USA Inc. filed by Felicia Edwards. (Filing fee $400; Receipt number 0539-10744738) Clerk to issue summons(es). In each Notice of Electronic Filing, the judge assignment is indicated, and a link to the[LINK:Judges Copy Requirements] is provided. The court reminds the filer that any required copy of this and future documents must be delivered to the judge, in the manner prescribed, within three business days of filing. Unless exempted, attorneys who are not admitted to practice in the Northern District of Texas must seek admission promptly. Forms, instructions, and exemption information may be found at www.txnd.uscourts.gov, or by clicking here:[LINK:Attorney Information - Bar Membership] . If admission requirements are not satisfied within 21 days, the clerk will notify the presiding judge. (Ellwanger, Jay)
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Att: 1 Cover Sheet