California Central District Court
Judge:Philip S Gutierrez
Referred: Maria A Audero
Case #: 2:20-cv-03683
Nature of Suit840 Property Rights - Trademark
Cause15:1125 Trademark Infringement (Lanham Act)
Case Filed:Apr 22, 2020
Terminated:Jul 21, 2020
Last checked: Monday Oct 19, 2020 4:04 AM PDT
MNML Los Angeles LLC
Represented By
David Martinez
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info
Chrome Hearts LLC
Represented By
Colby Ann Meagle
Blakely Law Group
contact info
Mark S Zhai
Blakely Law Group
contact info
Brent H Blakely
Blakely Law Group
contact info

Docket last updated: 10 hours ago
Thursday, August 13, 2020
19 19 2 pgs order Order Thu 08/13 4:14 PM
NOTICE OF STIPULATED DISMISSAL OF ACTION WITH PREJUDICE; ORDER by Judge Philip S. Gutierrez, re Stipulation to Dismiss Case17 : IT IS SO ORDERED. (bm)
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Wednesday, August 12, 2020
18 18 misc Report of Determination of Patent/Trademark Action (CLOSE) (AO 120) Wed 08/12 2:31 PM
REPORT ON THE DETERMINATION OF AN ACTION Regarding a Patent or Trademark. (Closing) (yl)
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Tuesday, August 11, 2020
17 17 stip Dismiss Case Tue 08/11 5:17 PM
STIPULATION to Dismiss Case pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 41(a) filed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC.(Zhai, Mark)
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020
16 16 order Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held ~Util - Terminate Civil Case Tue 07/21 11:41 AM
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS by Judge Philip S. Gutierrez: re: Notice of Settlement15 . The Court, having been advised by the Plaintiff that this action has been settled by a NOTICE of Settlement AND JOINT REQUEST TO STAY15 , hereby orders all proceedings, if any, vacated and the action dismissed without prejudice. (Made JS-6. Case Terminated.) (yl)
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Monday, July 20, 2020
15 15 notice Settlement Mon 07/20 4:07 PM
NOTICE of Settlement AND JOINT REQUEST TO STAY ALL DATES FOR (30) DAYS filed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC. (Zhai, Mark)
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Friday, May 22, 2020
14 14 order Initial Order Setting R26 Scheduling Conference - form only Fri 05/22 3:02 PM
ORDER SETTING SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Judge Philip S. Gutierrez. Scheduling Conference set for 7/27/2020 at 02:00 PM before Judge Philip S. Gutierrez. (wm)
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
13 13 notice Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties Thu 05/21 7:14 PM
Third Estate LLC d/b/a mnml, erroneously sued as MNML Los Angeles LLC NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendant MNML Los Angeles LLC, (Martinez, David)
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12 12 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement Thu 05/21 7:12 PM
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Third Estate LLC d/b/a mnml, erroneously sued as MNML Los Angeles LLC filed by Defendant MNML Los Angeles LLC (Martinez, David)
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11 11 answer Answer to Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening) Thu 05/21 7:10 PM
ANSWER to Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)1 with JURY DEMAND filed by Defendant MNML Los Angeles LLC.(Attorney David Martinez added to party MNML Los Angeles LLC(pty:dft))(Martinez, David)
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Thursday, May 07, 2020
10 10 service Service of Summons and Complaint Returned Executed (21 days) Thu 05/07 11:05 AM
PROOF OF SERVICE Executed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC, upon Defendant MNML Los Angeles LLC served on 4/30/2020, answer due 5/21/2020. Service of the Summons and Complaint were executed upon Lelan Davis, Person In Charge in compliance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by substituted service at business address and by also mailing a copy.Original Summons NOT returned. (Blakely, Brent)
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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
9 9 order Initial Order upon Filing of Complaint - form only Wed 04/22 4:32 PM
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8 8 service Summons Issued (Attorney Civil Case Opening) Wed 04/22 3:21 PM
21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)1 as to Defendant MNML Los Angeles LLC. (ghap)
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7 7 adr Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program (ADR-8) - optional html form Wed 04/22 3:10 PM
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6 6 notice Notice of Assignment to United States Judges (CV-18) - optional html form Wed 04/22 3:09 PM
NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez and Magistrate Judge Maria A. Audero. (ghap)
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5 5 misc Report on Filing of Patent/Trademark Action (Initial Notification) (AO 120) Wed 04/22 11:58 AM
REPORT ON THE FILING OF AN ACTION Regarding a Patent or a Trademark (Initial Notification) filed by Chrome Hearts LLC. (Blakely, Brent)
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4 4 notice Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties Wed 04/22 11:57 AM
NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC, identifying None. (Blakely, Brent)
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3 3 misc Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71) Wed 04/22 11:56 AM
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC. (Blakely, Brent)
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2 2 notice Summons Request Wed 04/22 11:56 AM
Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)1 filed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC. (Blakely, Brent)
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1 1 cmp Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening) Wed 04/22 11:55 AM
COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-26180636 - Fee: $400, filed by Plaintiff Chrome Hearts LLC. (Attorney Brent H Blakely added to party Chrome Hearts LLC(pty:pla))(Blakely, Brent)
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