Louisiana Western District Court
Case #: 1:20-mc-00033
Case Filed:Jun 05, 2020
Terminated:Jun 05, 2020

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Docket last updated: 84 minutes ago
Friday, June 05, 2020
1 1 2 pgs misccs Registration of Foreign Judgment Fri 06/05 11:51 AM
REGISTRATION of Foreign Judgment filed by William Emory Reffett.(crt,Bunting, M)
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Att: 1 11 pgs Exhibit,
Att: 2 12 pgs Judgment,
Att: 3 1 pgs Letter,
Att: 4 1 pgs Envelope
misc Filing Fee Received Fri 06/05 11:52 AM
FILING FEE RECEIVED: on behalf of William Emory Reffett in the amount of $47.00, receipt number 14635003273. (crt,Bunting, M)
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