Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Referred: Alex G Tse
Case #: 3:20-cv-03720
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Jun 05, 2020
Case in other court:Ohio Northern, 3:20-cv-01070
Last checked: Wednesday Dec 02, 2020 1:27 AM PST
Monsanto Company
Represented By
John Q. Lewis
Tucker Ellis - Cleveland
contact info
Madeline Dennis
Tucker Ellis - Cleveland
contact info
Denise Coressel
Represented By
James G. O'Brien
O'Brien Law
contact info

Docket last updated: 10 hours ago
Friday, October 18, 2024
31 31 oth_evt Clerk's Notice Fri 10/18 2:44 PM
CLERK'S NOTICE VACATING 11/1/2024 MOTION HEARINGS. The Court will schedule hearings on an as-needed basis. Parties will be notified which motions will be heard on which day via the docket. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (bxs, COURT STAFF) Any non-CM/ECF Participants have been served by First Class Mail to the addresses of record listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)
Related: [-]
Sunday, October 13, 2024
30 30 8 pgs respm Reply to Opposition/Response Sun 10/13 1:20 PM
REPLY Related [+] filed byMonsanto Company. (Hsu, Linda)
Friday, October 11, 2024
29 29 14 pgs respm Reply to Opposition/Response Fri 10/11 3:45 PM
REPLY Related [+] filed byMonsanto Company.(Hsu, Linda)
Att: 1 Declaration Hsu,
Att: 2 Exhibit 41 Report,
Att: 3 Exhibit 42 Statement
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
28 28 respm Opposition/Response to Motion Tue 10/01 4:39 PM
OPPOSITION/RESPONSE Related [+] filed byDenise Coressel.(O'Brien, James)
Att: 1 4 pgs Declaration of James G. O'Brien,
Att: 2 Exhibit A - Kevin B. Knopf M.D. Curriculum Vitae,
Att: 3 Exhibit B - Kevin B. Knopf M.D. Materials Referenced (updated),
Att: 4 Exhibit C - Knopf David Booth Expert Report,
Att: 5 Exhibit D - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: David Booth,
Att: 6 42 pgs Exhibit E - Knopf James Coressel (deceased) Expert Report,
Att: 7 Exhibit F - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: James Coressel (deceased),
Att: 8 Exhibit G - Knopf Catherine Cryan Expert Report,
Att: 9 Exhibit H - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: Catherine Cryan,
Att: 10 Exhibit I - Knopf Floyd Dominique (deceased) Expert Report,
Att: 11 Exhibit J - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: Floyd Dominique (deceased),
Att: 12 Exhibit K - Knopf Jason Rhuland Expert Report,
Att: 13 Exhibit L - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: Jason Rhuland,
Att: 14 Exhibit M - Knopf Dean Rowland Expert Report,
Att: 15 Exhibit N - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: Dean Rowland,
Att: 16 Exhibit O - Knopf William Setzer (deceased) Expert Report,
Att: 17 Exhibit P - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: William Setzer (deceased),
Att: 18 Exhibit Q - Knopf Robert Wistinghausen Expert Report,
Att: 19 Exhibit R - Knopf Dep. Tr. re: Robert Wistinghausen
27 27 respm Opposition/Response to Motion Tue 10/01 2:37 PM
OPPOSITION/RESPONSE Related [+] filed byDenise Coressel.(O'Brien, James)
Att: 1 Finley Declaration,
Att: 2 Exh. 1 - Bobst Perillo Dep,
Att: 3 Exh. 2 - Bobst Doran Dep,
Att: 4 Exh. 3 - Bobst Rodgers dep,
Att: 5 Exh. 4 - Bobst Putzrath Depo,
Att: 6 Exh. 5 - Bobst Williams dep,
Att: 7 Exh. 6 - Bobst Abel dep,
Att: 8 Exh. 7 - Bobst Dominique dep,
Att: 9 Exh. 8 - Holliday Excerpts for Bobst,
Att: 10 Exh. 9 - Stackhouse Excerpts for Bobst,
Att: 11 Exh. 10 - Bobst Rhuland dep,
Att: 12 Exh. 11 - Bobst Cryan dep,
Att: 13 Exh. 12 - Bobst Booth dep,
Att: 14 Exh. 13 - cancer_guidelines_final_3-25-05,
Att: 15 Exh. 14 - Bobst Rhuland Report,
Att: 16 Exh. 15 - Bobst Rowland report,
Att: 17 Exh. 16 - 2024-05-08 Second Supplement to Reports Bobst,
Att: 18 Exh. 17 - 2024-08-20 Bobst Third Supplement - DORAN,
Att: 19 Exh. 18 - Bobst Perry dep,
Att: 20 Exh. 19 - Bobst Rowland dep,
Att: 21 Exh. 20 - Bobst Setzer dep,
Att: 22 Exh. 21 - Richard A. Doran, Jr Depo,
Att: 23 Exh. 22 - 2018-11-20 Sawyer Expert report,
Att: 24 Exh. 23 - Bobst Coressel dep
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
26 26 oth_evt Clerk's Notice ~Util - Set Motion and Deadlines/Hearings Wed 09/25 1:53 PM
CLERK'S NOTICE CONTINUING 9/26/2024 MOTION TO EXCLUDE TESTIMONY HEARINGS TO 11/1/2024. Motion Hearings set for 11/1/2024 at 10:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 04, 17th Floor before Judge Vince Chhabria. MDL Docket Nos.: 18951, 18952,18953,18954, 18955, 18956, 18957,18958, 18959, 18960, 18961, 18963, 18969, 18970, 18971, 18972, 18973, 18974, 18976, 18982, 18985, 18988, 18990, 18991, 18992, 18993, 18994, 18995, 19041, 19043, 19046. 19047, 19048, 19049, 19051, 19062. Associated cases: 3:16-cv-05786-VC - Harris v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:17-cv-03448-VC - Setzer et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:17-cv-05084-VC - Cryan v. Monsanto Company, 3:18-cv-01428-VC - Berenfeld v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-03014-VC - Holliday v. Monsanto Company, Inc., 3:19-cv-03786-VC - Putzrath et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-05238-VC - Casale v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-05310-VC - Rowland et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-05345-VC - Eilmes et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-05598-VC - Rhuland et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-05600-VC - Hayden et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-05957-VC - Haase et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-06407-VC - Huntley v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-06423-VC - Gordon v. Monsanto Company et al,, 3:19-cv-07858-VC - Vander Groef et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:19-cv-08064-VC - Gannon v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-00057-VC - Bodie v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-00056-VC - Beisner v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-00027-VC - Wistinghausen et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-00024-VC - Glassman et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-00248-VC - Fallon et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-00621-VC - Belfleur et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-01419-VC - Collins v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:20-cv-02419-VC - Finnell v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-02404-VC - Iona v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-02650-VC - Doran v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-03363-VC - Holmes v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-03433-VC - Aldoupolis et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-03444-VC - Hutchison v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-03720-VC - Coressel v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-04654-VC - Booth v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-04758-VC - Williams v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-04834-VC - COLTON v. MONSANTO COMPANY et al, 3:20-cv-05871-VC - Tudal et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-05888-VC - Gonzalez Lopez v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-05870-VC - Rubin et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-06194-VC - Romano v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-07219-VC - McDermott v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-08053-VC - Skonicki v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-08173-VC - Pinheiro v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:20-cv-08167-VC - Drons v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-08518-VC - Daulton v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-08801-VC - Penalver v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-08851-VC - Thompson et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:20-cv-08847-VC - Fox v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:21-cv-00041-VC - Pinheiro v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-00172-VC - Proctor et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-00175-VC - Kay et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-00675-VC - BOATRIGHT v. MONSANTO COMPANY et al, 3:21-cv-02550-VC - Perillo v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:21-cv-02705-VC - Dominique v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-02908-VC - Stackhouse v. Monsanto Company, Inc., 3:21-cv-03297-VC - Rodgers v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-05398-VC - Hayes et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-05621-VC - Perry v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:21-cv-05971-VC - Fleischhauer et al v. Monsanto Company, 3:21-cv-06562-VC - Agosta v. Monsanto Company, Inc., 3:21-cv-07124-VC - Abel et al v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:21-cv-09937-VC - El-Hakam et al v. Monsanto Company, Inc. et al, 3:22-cv-00092-VC - Sullivan v. Monsanto Company, 3:22-cv-00358-VC - Ginkel v. Monsanto Company et al, 3:22-cv-05287-VC - Sorrell et al v. Monsanto Company. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (bxs, COURT STAFF) Any non-CM/ECF Participants have been served by First Class Mail to the addresses of record listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)
Related: [-]
Thursday, August 29, 2024
25 25 2 pgs order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery Thu 08/29 1:39 PM
ORDER REGARDING CERTAIN MOTIONS TO EXTEND DEADLINES by Judge Vince Chhabria granting 18934 Motion for Extension of Time to File; granting 18936 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery; granting 18944 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery; granting 18945 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Associated Cases: 3:16-md-02741-VC; 3:17-cv-05084-VC; 3:18-cv-01428-VC; 3:19-cv-05310-VC; 3:19-cv-05345-VC; 3:19-cv-05598-VC; 3:19-cv-05600-VC; 3:19-cv-05957-VC; 3:19-cv-06407-VC; 3:20-cv-00027-VC; 3:20-cv-00024-VC; 3:20-cv-00621-VC; 3:20-cv-02404-VC; 3:20-cv-03363-VC; 3:20-cv-03720-VC; 3:20-cv-04654-VC; 3:20-cv-08851-VC; 3:21-cv-00172-VC; 3:21-cv-02550-VC; 3:21-cv-02705-VC; 3:21-cv-03297-VC; 3:21-cv-05621-VC; 3:21-cv-07124-VC. (crblc4, COURT STAFF) Any non-CM/ECF Participants have been served by First Class Mail to the addresses of record listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)
Related: [-]
Saturday, August 10, 2024
24 24 motion Miscellaneous Relief Sat 08/10 5:44 PM
MOTION EXCLUDE TESTIMONY OF DR. KEVIN KNOPF filed by Monsanto Company. Motion Hearing set for 9/26/2024 10:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 04, 17th Floor before Judge Vince Chhabria. Responses due by 8/30/2024. Replies due by 9/12/2024.(Hsu, Linda)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Declaration Linda C. Hsu,
Att: 2 Exhibit 1-Aldoupolis Rpt,
Att: 3 Exhibit 2-Booth Rpt,
Att: 4 Exhibit 3-Casale Rpt,
Att: 5 Exhibit 4-Coressel Rpt,
Att: 6 Exhibit 5-Cryan Rpt,
Att: 7 Exhibit 6-Dominique Rpt,
Att: 8 Exhibit 7-Doran Rpt,
Att: 9 Exhibit 8 -Holliday Rpt,
Att: 10 Exhibit 9-Putzrath Rpt,
Att: 11 Exhibit 10-Rhuland Rpt,
Att: 12 Exhibit 11-Rowland Rpt,
Att: 13 Exhibit 12-Setzer Rpt,
Att: 14 Exhibit 13-Sorrell Rpt,
Att: 15 Exhibit 14-Stackhouse Rpt,
Att: 16 Exhibit 15-Williams Rpt,
Att: 17 Exhibit 16-Wistinghausen Rpt,
Att: 18 Exhibit 17-Adoupolis Dep,
Att: 19 Exhibit 18-Beckfield Dep,
Att: 20 Exhibit 19-Booth Dep,
Att: 21 Exhibit 20 - Casale Dep,
Att: 22 Exhibit 21-Coressel Dep,
Att: 23 Exhibit 22-Cryan Dep,
Att: 24 Exhibit 23-Dominque Dep,
Att: 25 Exhibit 24-Doran Dep,
Att: 26 Exhibit 25-Holliday Dep,
Att: 27 Exhibit 26-Putzrath Dep,
Att: 28 Exhibit 27-Rhuland Dep,
Att: 29 Exhibit 28-Sorrell Dep,
Att: 30 Exhibit 29-Stackhouse Dep,
Att: 31 Exhibit 30-Williams Dep
Friday, August 09, 2024
23 23 motion Miscellaneous Relief Fri 08/09 11:18 PM
MOTION EXCLUDE TESTIMONY OF DR. SOL BOBST filed by Monsanto Company. Motion Hearing set for 9/26/2024 10:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 04, 17th Floor before Judge Vince Chhabria. Responses due by 8/30/2024. Replies due by 9/12/2024.(Marshall, Kenneth)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Declaration Linda C. Hsu,
Att: 2 Exhibit 1 - Abel - 2024-06-07-Abel-Ps Expert Disclosure,
Att: 3 Exhibit 2 - Booth - Plaintiff Expert Disclosure,
Att: 4 Exhibit 3 - Coressel Plaintiff Expert Discl,
Att: 5 Exhibit 4 - Dominique Ps Expert Disclosure,
Att: 6 Exhibit 5 - Doran Expert Disclosure,
Att: 7 Exhibit 6 - Holliday Disclosure of Expert Witnesses,
Att: 8 Exhibit 7 - Perillo Antonio P's Amended Expert Disclosure,
Att: 9 Exhibit 8 - Perry-Ps Expert Discl,
Att: 10 Exhibit 9 - Putzrath Expert Disclosure,
Att: 11 Exhibit 10 - Rodgers-Ps Expert Disclosure,
Att: 12 Exhibit 11 - Setzer Ps Expert Disclosure,
Att: 13 Exhibit 12 - Stackhouse Disclosure of Expert Witnesses,
Att: 14 Exhibit 13 - Williams, Charles - Plaintiff's R. 26 Specific Causation Expert Disclosures,
Att: 15 Exhibit 14 - Booth - Bobst Rpt (2024.01.15),
Att: 16 Exhibit 15 - EPA 2016a - glyphosate_issue_paper_evaluation_of_carcincogenic_potential (1),
Att: 17 Exhibit 16 - Cryan - Bobst (2024.04.05),
Att: 18 Exhibit 17 - Perry - Bobst Dep (2024.05.09),
Att: 19 Exhibit 18 - Doran - Bobst Dep (2024.04.04),
Att: 20 Exhibit 19 - Williams - Bobst Dep (2024.04.04),
Att: 21 Exhibit 20 - Abel - Bobst Rpt (2024.06.07),
Att: 22 Exhibit 21 - Coressel - Bobst Rpt (2d Corrected) (2024.06.11),
Att: 23 Exhibit 22 - Cryan - Bobst Rpt (2024.02.05),
Att: 24 Exhibit 23 - Dominique - Bobst Rpt (2024.02.09),
Att: 25 Exhibit 24 - Doran - Bobst Rpt (2024.02.05),
Att: 26 Exhibit 25 - Holliday - Bobst Rpt (2024.03.20),
Att: 27 Exhibit 26 - Perillo - Bobst Rpt (2024.06.07),
Att: 28 Exhibit 27 - Perry - Bobst Report (Corrected) (2024.05.08),
Att: 29 Exhibit 28 - Putzrah - Bobst Expert Report,
Att: 30 Exhibit 29 - 2024-04-17 Bobst Setzer Report,
Att: 31 Exhibit 30 - Stackhouse - Bobst Rpt (2024.01.12),
Att: 32 Exhibit 31 - Williams - Bobst Rpt (2024.02.05),
Att: 33 Exhibit 32 - Whitby 4-19-18 Depo of Bobst, Ph.D,
Att: 34 Exhibit 33 - EPA 2016b - Meeting Minutes and Report FIFRA SAP Meeting Dec 13 2016 december_13-16_2016_final_report_03162017,
Att: 35 Exhibit 34 - Kane 8-21 and 8-22-19 Depo of Bobst PhD,
Att: 36 Exhibit 35 - Rogers - Bobst Rpt (2024.06.07),
Att: 37 Exhibit 36 - Stackhouse - Bobst Dep (2024.03.06),
Att: 38 Exhibit 37 - Booth - Bobst Dep (2024.03.06),
Att: 39 Exhibit 38 - Holliday - Bobst Dep (2024.05.13),
Att: 40 Exhibit 39 - 2024-05-10-Sol Bobst PhD DABT Deposition,
Att: 41 Exhibit 40 - 2024-03-20 Booth - Sol Bobst Supplemental Statement
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
22 22 motion Extension of Time to Complete Discovery Wed 08/07 2:56 PM
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery (Certain Deadlines) filed by Monsanto Company.(Martinez, Anthony)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 2 pgs Proposed Order
Friday, July 28, 2023
21 21 1 pgs order Order on Administrative Motion per Civil Local Rule 7-11 Fri 07/28 2:13 PM
Order by Judge Vince Chhabria granting (17025) Motion to Move Cases to Later Waves. Associated Cases: 3:16-md-02741-VC, 3:17-cv-03448-VC, 3:17-cv-05084-VC, 3:19-cv-05310-VC, 3:19-cv-05598-VC, 3:20-cv-03720-VC, 3:20-cv-04654-VC, 3:21-cv-02705-VC, 3:21-cv-05621-VC (crblc4, COURT STAFF)
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Tuesday, July 25, 2023
20 20 motion Administrative Motion per Civil Local Rule 7-11 Tue 07/25 12:42 PM
Consent ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION to move case to Wave 7 (Unopposed) filed by Denise Coressel. Responses due by 8/8/2023.(O'Brien, James)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Proposed Order
Tuesday, April 04, 2023
19 19 1 pgs order Order on Administrative Motion per Civil Local Rule 7-11 Tue 04/04 4:58 PM
Order by Judge Vince Chhabria granting (16374) Motion to Move Cases to Wave 6. (crblc4, COURT STAFF)
Related: [-]
Friday, March 24, 2023
18 18 motion Administrative Motion per Civil Local Rule 7-11 Fri 03/24 12:08 PM
UNOPPOSED MOTION TO MOVE CASES TO WAVE 5 - Consent ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION to move case to Wave 6 (Unopposed) filed by Denise Coressel. Responses due by 4/7/2023.(O'Brien, James) Modified on 3/24/2023 (kmg, COURT STAFF)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Proposed Order
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
17 17 2 pgs order Order on Motion to Compel Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Order on Discovery Letter Brief Tue 11/15 7:51 PM
DISCOVERY ORDER NO. 4: REGARDING MONSANTOS MOTIONS TO COMPEL. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alex G. Tse on 11/15/2022. (shy, COURT STAFF)
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Thursday, October 20, 2022
16 16 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Thu 10/20 12:10 PM
ORDER GRANTING UNOPPOSED MOTION TO MOVE CASES TO WAVE 5 (Dkt. 15323) by Judge Vince Chhabria. Motion in case 3:16-md-02741-VC. Associated Cases: 3:16-md-02741-VC, 3:17-cv-03448-VC, 3:17-cv-05084-VC, 3:19-cv-05310-VC, 3:19-cv-05598-VC, 3:20-cv-03720-VC, 3:20-cv-04654-VC, 3:21-cv-02705-VC, 3:21-cv-05621-VC. (crblc4, COURT STAFF)
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Tuesday, August 23, 2022
oth_evt Clerk's Notice Tue 08/23 9:18 AM
CLERK'S NOTICE VACATING THE MOTION HEARING SCHEDULED FOR 8/25/2022, re Motion to Move Case to Wave 5. The Court will issue a written ruling. Mr. O'brien is reminded of the requirement to follow the Local Rules of this court. The motion filed in the main MDL and the member cases for his clients regarding the motion to move cases to a different Wave is an administrative motion which does not require a hearing date. Even if the motion did require a hearing date, the date selected was not in compliance with the Local Rules, having been set too soon after filing. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (knm, COURT STAFF)
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Friday, August 19, 2022
14 14 motion Miscellaneous Relief Fri 08/19 11:24 AM
Consent MOTION to Move Case to Wave 5 filed by Denise Coressel. Motion Hearing set for 8/25/2022 02:30 PM in Do Not Use Videoconference Only before Judge Vince Chhabria. Responses due by 9/2/2022. Replies due by 9/9/2022. (O'Brien, James)
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Friday, July 15, 2022
utility Case Referred to Magistrate Judge for Discovery Fri 07/15 10:08 AM
CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Alex G. Tse for Discovery (mkl, COURT STAFF)
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Thursday, July 14, 2022
13 13 2 pgs order Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge for Discovery Thu 07/14 1:47 PM
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Friday, July 08, 2022
12 12 respm Reply to Opposition/Response Fri 07/08 1:20 PM
REPLY Related [+] filed byMonsanto Company. (Lasker, Eric)
Related: [-] 8 MOTION to Compel
Friday, July 01, 2022
11 11 respm Opposition/Response to Motion Fri 07/01 10:24 PM
OPPOSITION/RESPONSE Related [+] filed byDenise Coressel.(O'Brien, James)
Related: [-] 8 MOTION to Compel
Att: 1 Declaration of James Griffin O'Brien,
Att: 2 Exhibit A - O'Brien Law Letter to Monsanto's Counsel,
Att: 3 Exhibit B - Email Chain,
Att: 4 Exhibit C - The Estate of James A. Coressels Responses to Monsantos Request for Entry onto Land,
Att: 5 Exhibit D - The Estate of James A. Coressels Responses to Monsantos Request for Inspection of Tangible Goods,
Att: 6 Exhibit E - The Estate of James A. Coressels Responses to Monsantos First Set of Interrogatories,
Att: 7 Exhibit F - The Estate of James A. Coressels Responses to Monsantos First Requests for Admission
Thursday, June 30, 2022
10 10 misc Stipulation without Proposed Order Thu 06/30 11:39 AM
STIPULATION Regarding Governing State Law filed by Denise Coressel. (O'Brien, James)
Related: [-]
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
oth_evt Clerk's Notice Wed 06/22 10:56 AM
CLERK'S NOTICE vacating the motion hearing scheduled for 7/14/2022, re Monsanto's Motion to Compel. The Court will either rule on the motions and responsive briefs or refer the matters to a Magistrate Judge for disposition. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (knm, COURT STAFF)
Related: [-]
Friday, June 17, 2022
8 8 motion Compel Fri 06/17 7:48 AM
MOTION to Compel Plaintiffs' Discovery Responses filed by Monsanto Company. Motion Hearing set for 7/14/2022 02:30 PM in San Francisco, Courtroom 05, 17th Floor before Judge Vince Chhabria. Responses due by 7/1/2022. Replies due by 7/8/2022.(Lasker, Eric)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Devarati Das,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Declaration of Devarati Das,
Att: 3 Exhibit C - Declaration of Devarati Das,
Att: 4 Exhibit D - Declaration of Devarati Das,
Att: 5 Exhibit E - Declaration of Devarati Das,
Att: 6 Exhibit F - Declaration of Ralph Applegate,
Att: 7 Exhibit G - Declaration of Jim O'Brien,
Att: 8 Exhibit H - Declaration of John Kalas
Friday, June 05, 2020
7 7 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Fri 06/05 3:01 PM
Case transferred in from District of Ohio Northern; Case Number 3:20-cv-01070. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
Related: [-]
utility MDL Member Case Fri 06/05 3:03 PM
MEMBER CASE OPENED: Northern District of Ohio, 3:20-cv-01070, Coressel v. Monsanto Company, Opened in California Northern District as 3:20-cv-3720-VC pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order6 cc: JPMDL (slhS, COURT STAFF)
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Wednesday, June 03, 2020
6 6 Conditional Transfer Order (CTO 212) by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. In re: MDL 2741 Roundup Products Liability Litigation. Case transferred to the Northern District of California and assigned to the Honorable Vince Chhabria. (P,R)
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Friday, May 15, 2020
5 5 Civil Case Management Procedures Order. Judge Jack Zouhary on 5/15/2020. (M,L)
Related: [-]
4 4 Magistrate Consent Form issued. (M,L)
Related: [-]
3 3 Answer to Complaint with Jury Demand filed by Monsanto Company. (Dennis, Madeline)
Related: [-]
2 2 Corporate Disclosure Statement identifying Corporate Parent Bayer AG for Monsanto Company filed by Monsanto Company. (Dennis, Madeline)
Related: [-]
1 1 Notice of Removal from Wood County Common Pleas, case number 2020cv0199 with jury demand, Filing fee paid $ 400, receipt number AOHNDC-9980646.. Filed by Monsanto Company. (Dennis, Madeline)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit 1 (Summons and Complaint),
Att: 2 Civil Cover Sheet
Judge Jack Zouhary assigned to case. (M,L)
Related: [-]
Random Assignment of Magistrate Judge pursuant to Local Rule 3.1. In the event of a referral, case will be assigned to Magistrate Judge James R. Knepp, II. (M,L)
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