Connecticut District Court
Judge:Dominic J Squatrito
Case #: 3:20-cv-01237
Nature of Suit446 Civil Rights - Amer w/Disabilities - Other
Cause42:12182 Americans with Disabilities Act
Case Filed:Aug 24, 2020
Terminated:Jan 13, 2021
Last checked: Saturday Feb 20, 2021 4:26 AM EST
Vegamour, Inc.
Barbara Blejewski
Represented By
Stephen John Teti
Block & Leviton LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
16 16 order Order Dismissing Case Wed 01/13 12:32 PM
ORDER DISMISSING CASE. The case having been reported settled, see15 , the Court hereby orders, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(2), that it be dismissed without prejudice to the plaintiff moving to reopen the case on or before February 15, 2021. If the plaintiff does not move to reopen the case on or before February 15, 2021, the dismissal of this action shall be with prejudice. This dismissal is without costs to either party. The Clerk is hereby directed to close this case. IT IS SO ORDERED. Signed by Judge Dominic J. Squatrito on 1/13/21. (Pike, Corinne)
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notice Judicial Evaluation Program Survey Thu 01/21 3:13 PM
JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS SURVEY - FOR COUNSEL ONLY: The following link to the confidential survey requires you to log into CM/ECF for SECURITY purposes. Once in CM/ECF you will be prompted for the case number. Although you are receiving this survey through CM/ECF, it is hosted on an independent website called SurveyMonkey. Once in SurveyMonkey, the survey is located in a secure account. The survey is not docketed and it is not sent directly to the judge. To ensure anonymity, completed surveys are held up to 90 days before they are sent to the judge for review. We hope you will take this opportunity to participate, please click on this link: (Velez, F.)
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021
15 15 notice Notice of Settlement Tue 01/12 2:38 PM
NOTICE of Settlement by Barbara Blejewski (Teti, Stephen)
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Monday, December 21, 2020
14 14 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Mon 12/21 8:20 AM
ORDER granting13 Motion for Extension of Time. The plaintiff shall file a Motion for Default Judgment pursuant to FRCP 55(b) by 1/25/2021 or this action will be dismissed pursuant to Rule 41(a) FRCP. Signed by Judge Dominic J. Squatrito on 12/21/2020. (Ring, T.)
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utility Update Motion for Default Judgment Deadline Tue 12/22 7:52 AM
** Set Deadline: Motion for default judgment due by 1/25/2021. See 14 Order. (Bozek, M.)
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Friday, December 18, 2020
13 13 motion Extension of Time Fri 12/18 1:27 PM
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time until 01/25/2021 for Plaintiff to File Motion for Default Judgement by Barbara Blejewski. (Teti, Stephen)
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Wednesday, November 25, 2020
12 12 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Wed 11/25 7:13 AM
ORDER granting11 Motion for Extension of Time. The plaintiff shall file a Motion for Default Judgment pursuant to FRCP 55(b) by 12/25/2020 or this action will be dismissed pursuant to Rule 41(a) FRCP. Signed by Judge Dominic J. Squatrito on 11/25/2020. (Ring, T.)
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Tuesday, November 24, 2020
11 11 motion Extension of Time Tue 11/24 4:27 PM
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time until 12/25/2020 for Plaintiff to File Motion for Default Judgement by Barbara Blejewski. (Teti, Stephen)
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Monday, October 26, 2020
10 10 order Order on Motion for Default Entry 55(a) Mon 10/26 2:49 PM
ORDER granting9 Motion for Default Entry 55(a). Default entered pursuant to Rule 55(a)FRCP. A Motion for Default Judgment pursuant to FRCP 55(b) shall be filed by 11/25/2020 or this action will be dismissed by the Clerk pursuant to Rule 41(a) FRCP. Signed by Clerk on 10/26/2020. (Velez, F.)
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Friday, October 23, 2020
9 9 motion Default Entry 55(a) Fri 10/23 1:54 PM
MOTION for Default Entry 55(a) PLAINTIFFS REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Vegamour, Inc. by Barbara Blejewski.(Teti, Stephen)
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Att: 1 Affidavit
Thursday, September 03, 2020
8 8 service Affidavit of Service Thu 09/03 12:17 PM
AFFIDAVIT of Service for Summons and Complaint for Vegamour, Inc. served on Casey Pineda on 08/28/2020, filed by Barbara Blejewski. (Teti, Stephen)
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Tuesday, September 01, 2020
7 7 order Order of Transfer Tue 09/01 2:46 PM
ORDER OF TRANSFER. Case reassigned to Judge Dominic J. Squatrito for all further proceedings. Signed by Clerk on 9/1/2020.(Walker, J.)
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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
6 6 service Electronic Summons Issued Tue 08/25 9:42 AM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 and LR 4 as to *Vegamour, Inc.* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. Attorney *Stephen John Teti* *Block & Leviton LLP* *260 Franklin Street, Ste 1860* *Boston, MA 02110*. (Fazekas, J.)
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5 5 order Electronic Service Documents Tue 08/25 9:36 AM
NOTICE TO COUNSEL/SELF-REPRESENTED PARTIES : Counsel or self-represented parties initiating or removing this action are responsible for serving all parties with attached documents and copies of3 Electronic Filing Order,1 Complaint filed by Barbara Blejewski,4 Standing Protective Order,2 Order on Pretrial Deadlines Signed by Clerk on 08/24/2020.(Fazekas, J.)
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Monday, August 24, 2020
4 4 order Protective Order Tue 08/25 9:34 AM
STANDING PROTECTIVE ORDER Signed by Judge Victor A. Bolden on 08/24/2020.(Fazekas, J.)
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3 3 order Electronic Filing Order Tue 08/25 9:33 AM
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2 2 1 pgs order Order on Pretrial Deadlines Tue 08/25 9:32 AM
Order on Pretrial Deadlines: Amended Pleadings due by 10/23/2020. Discovery due by 2/23/2021. Dispositive Motions due by 3/30/2021. Signed by Clerk on 08/24/2020.(Fazekas, J.)
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1 1 cmp Complaint Mon 08/24 2:59 PM
COMPLAINT against Vegamour, Inc. ( Filing fee $400 receipt number ACTDC-6050446.), filed by Barbara Blejewski.(Teti, Stephen)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet
service Request to Issue Summons Mon 08/24 3:00 PM
Request for Clerk to issue summons as to Vegamour, Inc.. (Teti, Stephen)
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Mon 08/24 3:56 PM
Judge Victor A. Bolden added. (Nuzzi, Tiffany)
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