New York Southern District Court
Judge:Analisa Torres
Referred: Barbara C Moses
Case #: 1:20-cv-08026
Nature of Suit360 Torts - Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury
Cause28:1441pi Petition for Removal- Personal Injury
Case Filed:Sep 28, 2020
Terminated:Apr 11, 2023
Last checked: Saturday Mar 27, 2021 4:44 AM EDT
Michael Minnetta
517 Vernon Avenue Apt. 4
Venice, CA 90291
Way International
Represented By
Michael K Farrell
Baker & Hostetler
contact info
James Hefferan Rollinson
Baker & Hostetler LLP
contact info
Kendall Cooke Kash
Baker & Hostetler LLP
contact info
Yvette Vozzo
765 Seneca Avenue #3f
Queens, NY 11385
Represented By
Alex Latanision
Levy Konigsberg, LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/11/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
misc Mail Order by USPS Wed 04/12 1:26 PM
Mailed a copy of93 Order of Dismissal to Michael Anthony Farris-Manetta at Apt. 4, 517 Vernon Avenue, Venice Beach, CA 90291. (kh)
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Tuesday, April 11, 2023
93 93 1 pgs order Order of Dismissal Tue 04/11 4:20 PM
ORDER: The Court has been advised that all claims asserted herein have been settled in principle. ECF No. 92. Accordingly, the above-entitled action is hereby dismissed and discontinued without costs, and without prejudice to the right to reopen the action within thirty days of the date of this Order if the settlement is not consummated. Any application to reopen must be filed within thirty days of this Order; any application to reopen filed thereafter may be denied solely on that basis. Further, if the parties wish for the Court to retain jurisdiction for the purposes of enforcing any settlement agreement, they must submit the settlement agreement to the Court within the same thirty-day period to be so ordered by the Court. Per Rule IV(C) of the Court's Individual Practices in Civil Cases, the Court will not retain jurisdiction to enforce a settlement agreement unless it is made part of the public record. Any pending motions are moot. All conferences are vacated. The Clerk of Court is directed to mail a copy of this order to Defendant Michael Anthony Farris-Manetta pro se and close the case. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Analisa Torres on 4/11/2023) (kv)
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92 92 misc Letter Tue 04/11 3:09 PM
LETTER addressed to Magistrate Judge Barbara C. Moses from Anna Kull dated April 11, 2023 re: Settlement. Document filed by Yvette Vozzo..(Kull, Anna)
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Monday, April 10, 2023
91 91 2 pgs order Order to Show Cause Mon 04/10 11:24 AM
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE: NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDERED that defendant Farris- Manetta SHOW CAUSE in writing, no later than April 24, 2023, why a default judgment should not be entered against him. Defendant is again warned that he is now in default and that a default judgment for money damages may be entered against him. (Signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara C. Moses on 4/10/2023) (rro)
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