Mississippi Southern District Court
Judge:Henry T Wingate
Referred: Lakeysha Greer Isaac
Case #: 3:20-cv-00652
Nature of Suit950 Other Statutes - Constitutionality of State Statutes
Cause28:1331 Fed. Question
Case Filed:Oct 09, 2020
Terminated:Aug 18, 2022
Last checked: Wednesday Apr 07, 2021 3:35 AM CDT
Dr. Thomas Dobbs
Represented By
Brandon Kyle Malone
Mississippi Attorney General'S Office
contact info
Paul E. Barnes-State Gov
Mississippi Attorney General'S Office
contact info
Genbiopro, Inc.
Represented By
U. Gwyn Williams - PHV
Latham & Watkins, Llp - Boston
contact info
J. Carter Thompson, Jr.
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, Pc - Jackson
contact info
Allison Lukas Turner - PHV
Latham & Watkins, Llp - Boston
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/27/2025 11:59 PM CDT
Thursday, August 18, 2022
46 46 2 pgs notice Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Thu 08/18 4:36 PM
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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Monday, August 15, 2022
order Order on Motion to Extend Deadline Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Mon 08/15 3:42 PM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting45 Unopposed Motion to Extend Deadline for Reply Brief, filed by Plaintiff GenBioPro, Inc. Plaintiff's reply in support of its Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint is due on August 18, 2022. Further, this court grants Plaintiff's request that the requirement of a separate memorandum brief be waived. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER SHALL FOLLOW. Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 8/15/2022 (nd)
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Thursday, August 11, 2022
45 45 motion Extend Deadline Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Thu 08/11 4:30 PM
Unopposed MOTION to Extend Reply Brief to Dkt. 41 Deadline , MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to41 MOTION to Amend/Correct1 Complaint, by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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Thursday, August 04, 2022
44 44 28 pgs respm Memorandum in Opposition to Motion Thu 08/04 5:06 PM
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re41 MOTION to Amend/Correct1 Complaint, filed by Thomas Dobbs (Minor-State Gov, Wilson)
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43 43 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 08/04 5:05 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Wilson D. Minor-State Gov on behalf of Thomas Dobbs (Minor-State Gov, Wilson)
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Thursday, July 21, 2022
42 42 8 pgs respm Memorandum in Support of Motion Thu 07/21 2:50 PM
MEMORANDUM in Support re41 MOTION to Amend/Correct1 Complaint, filed by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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41 41 motion Amend/Correct Thu 07/21 2:48 PM
MOTION to Amend/Correct1 Complaint, by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Proposed Amended Complaint
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
40 40 1 pgs order Order on Motion to Redact Transcript Wed 07/20 12:28 PM
ORDER granting38 Unopposed MOTION to Redact30 Transcript. Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 7/20/2022 (ND)
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Monday, July 18, 2022
39 39 4 pgs respm Memorandum in Support of Motion Mon 07/18 2:53 PM
MEMORANDUM in Support re38 Unopposed MOTION to Redact30 Transcript filed by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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38 38 motion Redact Transcript Mon 07/18 2:51 PM
Unopposed MOTION to Redact30 Transcript by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Thomas Leonard
misc Docket Annotation Mon 07/18 4:27 PM
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to #35 ,38 ,39 : Attorney is advised to include the correct judge assignment (HTW-LGI) on future filed pleadings. This case was reassigned to Magistrate Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac on 1/5/2021. (LAT)
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Monday, July 11, 2022
37 37 1 pgs order Order Mon 07/11 4:55 PM
ORDER Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 07/11/2022 (nd)
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Friday, July 08, 2022
36 36 2 pgs respm Response to Order Fri 07/08 4:05 PM
Response to Order re34 ORDER Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 07/1/2022(nd) filed by Thomas Dobbs (Miracle-State Gov, Douglas)
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Tuesday, July 05, 2022
35 35 notice Notice of Intent to Request Redaction re Transcript Tue 07/05 1:15 PM
NOTICE of Intent to Request Redaction by J. Carter Thompson, Jr re30 Transcript. (Thompson, J.)
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Friday, July 01, 2022
34 34 1 pgs order Order Fri 07/01 4:50 PM
ORDER Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 07/1/2022(nd)
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Att: 1 1 pgs Exhibit Email Correspondence
Thursday, June 30, 2022
33 33 2 pgs misc Attachment Thu 06/30 5:14 PM
ATTACHMENT re32 MOTION Defendants Response to the Courts Inquiry Regarding the Effect the U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Dobbs and Mississippis Trigger Law Have on the Merits of this Case Ex. A (in its entirety) - Attorney General's Determination Regarding 41-41-45 by Thomas Dobbs (Miracle-State Gov, Douglas)
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32 32 8 pgs motion Miscellaneous Relief Thu 06/30 4:57 PM
MOTION Defendants Response to the Courts Inquiry Regarding the Effect the U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Dobbs and Mississippis Trigger Law Have on the Merits of this Case by Thomas Dobbs(Miracle-State Gov, Douglas)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 1 pgs Exhibit A - Attorney General's Determination Regarding 41-41-45
31 31 3 pgs notice Notice (Other) - DO NOT USE FOR APPEALS OR DISCOVERY Thu 06/30 3:59 PM
NOTICE - Letter to Judge Wingate in response to the Court's inquiry regarding Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Org. by Genbiopro, Inc. (Williams - PHV, U.)
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Tuesday, June 28, 2022
30 30 misc Transcript (DO NOT USE FOR APPEALS) Tue 06/28 8:44 PM
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motion to Dismiss Proceedings held on 06/08/2022 before Judge Henry T. Wingate. Court Reporter/Transcriber Tamika Bartee, Telephone Number : 601-608-4188. NOTICE RE : REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no Notice is filed, the transcript will be made electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on the court website at www.mssd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 7/19/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/29/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/26/2022. (tb)
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Thursday, June 23, 2022
order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 06/23 4:19 PM
TEXT ONLY ORDER. Before the court is Attorney Kenneth J. Parsigian's motion for leave to appear pro hac vice [Docket no. 29]. Attorney Parsigian's application indicates that he seeks to represent Plaintiff GenBioPro in this matter. This court is satisfied that the requirements of Local Rule 83.1(d), which governs pro hac vice admission of attorneys, have been fulfilled. Further, no objection to the application has been filed. Therefore, Attorney Kenneth J. Parsigian's motion for leave to appear pro hac vice [Docket no. 29] hereby is granted. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER SHALL FOLLOW. Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 06/23/2022 (nd)
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Wednesday, June 08, 2022
29 29 6 pgs motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 06/08 3:56 PM
MOTION for Kenneth J. Parsigian to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Paid $100 PHV fee; receipt number AMSSDC-4856240) by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Certificate of Good Standing
minutes Motion Hearing Wed 06/08 2:45 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Henry T. Wingate: Motion Hearing held on 6/8/2022 re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Thomas Dobbs. The Court heard arguments from the parties and will render its ruling at a later date. APPEARANCES: Attorneys J. Carter Thompson, Avery E. Borreliz, U. Gwyn Williams and Kenneth Parsigian on behalf of Plaintiff. Attorneys Douglas T. Miracle and Whitney Lipscomb on behalf of Defendant. Journalists from Bloomberg Government, Bloomberg Law and Thomas Reuters as well as faculty from Georgetown University Law Center observed the hearing. Court Reporter/Transcriber Tamika Bartee, Telephone Number : 601-608-4188. (TDB)
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Thursday, May 26, 2022
28 28 misc Transcript - Redacted Thu 05/26 10:36 AM
Redacted Transcript20 Transcript of March 25, 2021, Motion Hearing. (CC)
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
utility Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Tue 05/24 8:28 AM
Set Hearing as to8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction : Motion Hearing set for 6/8/2022 at 9:30 AM in Courtroom 6A (Jackson) Wingate before District Judge Henry T. Wingate. This hearing will take place via Zoom. Email to follow with Zoom information. (TDB)
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Monday, May 23, 2022
utility Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Mon 05/23 9:03 AM
Set Hearing as to8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction : Motion Hearing set for 5/31/2022 at 3:00 PM in Courtroom 6A (Jackson) Wingate before District Judge Henry T. Wingate (TDB)
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Tuesday, September 14, 2021
27 27 notice Notice of Appearance Tue 09/14 8:15 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Douglas T. Miracle-State Gov on behalf of Thomas Dobbs (Miracle-State Gov, Douglas)
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misc Docket Annotation Tue 09/14 9:43 AM
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to #27 : Attorney is advised to include the correct judgeassignment (HTW-LGI) on future filed pleadings. Thiscase was reassigned to Magistrate Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac on 1/5/2021. (LAT)
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order Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Tue 09/14 7:41 PM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting26 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Brandon Kyle Malone terminated. Attorney Douglas T. Miracle will remain as counsel for Defendant Dobbs. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER SHALL ISSUE. Signed by Magistrate Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac on 9/14/21 (NL)
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Thursday, September 02, 2021
26 26 motion Withdraw as Attorney Thu 09/02 8:47 AM
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Thomas Dobbs (Malone, Brandon)
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misc Docket Annotation Thu 09/02 9:42 AM
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to #26 : Wrong division listed on pleading. Attorney is directed to correct the error in future filings. (LAT)
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Friday, July 02, 2021
25 25 2 pgs order Order on Motion to Redact Transcript Fri 07/02 4:07 PM
ORDER granting22 Motion to Redact22 Unopposed MOTION to Redact20 Transcript ,20 Transcript,,, Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 7/2/2021 (ab)
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order Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Fri 07/02 5:24 PM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting24 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Paul E. Barnes-State Gov terminated. Defendant will continue to be represented by Kyle Malone with the Mississippi Attorney General's Office.NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER SHALL ISSUE. Signed by Magistrate Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac on 7/2/21 (Lewis, Nijah)
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021
24 24 motion Withdraw as Attorney Tue 06/29 5:21 PM
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Thomas Dobbs (Barnes-State Gov, Paul)
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
23 23 5 pgs respm Memorandum in Support of Motion Thu 05/27 4:34 PM
MEMORANDUM in Support re22 Unopposed MOTION to Redact20 Transcript filed by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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22 22 motion Redact Transcript Thu 05/27 4:33 PM
Unopposed MOTION to Redact20 Transcript by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Affidavit Declaration of Thomas Leonard
Thursday, May 13, 2021
21 21 notice Notice of Intent to Request Redaction re Transcript Thu 05/13 2:02 PM
NOTICE of Intent to Request Redaction by J. Carter Thompson, Jr re20 Transcript. (Thompson, J.)
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Thursday, May 06, 2021
20 20 misc Transcript (DO NOT USE FOR APPEALS) Thu 05/06 2:38 PM
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Motion Hearing Proceedings held on March 25, 2021 before Judge Henry T. Wingate. Court Reporter/Transcriber Amy Key, Telephone Number : 601-608-4186. NOTICE RE : REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no Notice is filed, the transcript will be made electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days. The policy is located on the court website at www.mssd.uscourts.gov. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 5/27/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/7/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/4/2021. (AK)
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Thursday, April 08, 2021
misc Pro Hac Vice fee paid Thu 04/08 1:25 PM
Pro Hac Vice fee paid by J. Thomson of Baker Donelson, $ 100, receipt number 34643063049. (KNS)
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Wednesday, April 07, 2021
order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 04/07 9:34 AM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting19 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Avery E. Borreliz is admitted pro hac vice in this case on behalf of Plaintiff, Genbiopro, In., in association with local counsel, payment of the pro hac admission fee and registration for electronic filing. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER WILL ISSUE FROM THE COURT. Signed by Magistrate Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac on 4/7/21 (Lewis, Nijah)
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Tuesday, April 06, 2021
19 19 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Tue 04/06 11:34 AM
MOTION for Avery E. Borreliz to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Attachment Certificate of Good Standing
Thursday, April 01, 2021
18 18 notice Notice (Other) - DO NOT USE FOR APPEALS OR DISCOVERY Thu 04/01 7:36 PM
NOTICE - Letter to Judge Wingate by Genbiopro, Inc. re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Williams - PHV, U.)
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Thursday, March 25, 2021
minutes Motion Hearing Thu 03/25 4:37 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Henry T. Wingate: Motion Hearing held on 3/25/2021 re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Thomas Dobbs APPEARANCES: The parties were represented by their respective attorneys of record: plaintiff -- Carter Thompson, Gwyn Williams, and Avery Borreliz; defendant -- Paul Barnes. PROCEEDINGS: The parties argued the motion and the court asked questions. The court allowed the parties an additional fifteen (15) days to submit authority. Court Reporter/Transcriber Amy Key, Telephone Number : 601-608-4188. (ab)
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
utility Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Tue 01/26 3:08 PM
Set Hearings as to8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction . Motion Hearing set for 3/25/2021 09:30 AM before District Judge Henry T. Wingate VIA VTC. Email to follow with connection instructions. (ab)
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Wednesday, January 13, 2021
utility Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Wed 01/13 1:18 PM
Set Hearings as to8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction . Motion Hearing set for 2/8/2021 09:30 AM before District Judge Henry T. Wingate VIA VTC. Email to Follow with connection instructions. (ab)
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Tuesday, January 05, 2021
17 17 13 pgs order Order Reassigning Case Wed 01/06 9:01 AM
ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge LaKeysha Greer Isaac for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Linda R. Anderson no longer assigned to case. Signed by Chief District Judge Daniel P. Jordan, III on 01/05/2021 (KNS)
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utility Remark Wed 01/06 9:03 AM
Parties should include the case number and new judge assignment of 3:20cv652 HTW-LGI on future filings. (KNS)
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Monday, December 21, 2020
order Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Mon 12/21 10:33 AM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting16 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Allison Lukas Turner - PHV terminated. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER SHALL ISSUE. Signed by Magistrate Judge Linda R. Anderson on 12/21/2020 (Lewis, Nijah)
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Friday, December 18, 2020
16 16 motion Withdraw as Attorney Fri 12/18 12:02 PM
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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Friday, December 04, 2020
15 15 respm Rebuttal Fri 12/04 4:13 PM
Rebuttal re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Thomas Dobbs (Barnes-State Gov, Paul)
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Tuesday, November 24, 2020
14 14 2 pgs order Order Tue 11/24 3:17 PM
ORDER GRANTING ORE TENUS MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Signed by District Judge Henry T. Wingate on 11/24/2020 (ab)
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Friday, November 20, 2020
13 13 19 pgs respm Memorandum in Opposition to Motion Fri 11/20 5:09 PM
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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12 12 respm Response in Opposition to Motion Fri 11/20 5:05 PM
RESPONSE in Opposition re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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Wednesday, November 18, 2020
11 11 2 pgs order Order Staying Discovery Wed 11/18 3:14 PM
ORDER STAYING DISCOVERY and Case Management Conference. Signed by Magistrate Judge Linda R. Anderson on 11/18/2020 (Lewis, Nijah)
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Friday, November 13, 2020
10 10 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 11/13 11:06 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Brandon Kyle Malone on behalf of Thomas Dobbs (Malone, Brandon)
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Friday, November 06, 2020
9 9 26 pgs respm Memorandum in Support of Motion Fri 11/06 9:27 PM
MEMORANDUM in Support re8 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Thomas Dobbs (Barnes-State Gov, Paul)
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8 8 motion Dismiss/Lack of Jurisdiction Fri 11/06 9:26 PM
MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction by Thomas Dobbs (Barnes-State Gov, Paul)
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Thursday, October 29, 2020
order Order ~Util - Set Deadlines Thu 10/29 10:11 AM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting 3-day extension to file response, Dr. Thomas Dobbs answer due 11/6/2020. NO WRITTEN ORDER TO FOLLOW. Signed by Magistrate Judge Linda R. Anderson on 10/29/2020. (ACF)
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Monday, October 19, 2020
order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Mon 10/19 11:03 AM
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting6 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting7 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Allison L. Turner and U. Gwyn Williams are admitted pro hac vice in this case on behalf of Plaintiff, Genbiopro, Inc., in association with local counsel and upon payment of the pro hac admission fee and registration for electronic filing. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER WILL ISSUE FROM THE COURT. Signed by Magistrate Judge Linda R. Anderson on 10/19/2020 (Lewis, Nijah)
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Friday, October 16, 2020
7 7 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 10/16 11:31 AM
MOTION for U. Gwyn Williams to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Certificate of Good Standing
6 6 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 10/16 11:29 AM
MOTION for Allison L. Turner to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Genbiopro, Inc.(Thompson, J.)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Good Faith Certificates
misc Pro Hac Vice fee paid Fri 10/16 12:59 PM
Pro Hac Vice fees paid by U. Gwyn Williams and Allison L. Turner: $ 200.00, receipt number 34643061168. (ND)
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020
5 5 service Summons Returned Executed Tue 10/13 4:07 PM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Genbiopro, Inc.. Thomas Dobbs served on 10/13/2020, answer due 11/3/2020. (Thompson, J.)
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4 4 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement Tue 10/13 10:55 AM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Genbiopro, Inc. (Thompson, J.)
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Friday, October 09, 2020
3 3 service Summons Issued Fri 10/09 4:18 PM
Summons Issued as to Dr. Thomas Dobbs. (ND)
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2 2 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement Fri 10/09 4:10 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement, filed by Genbiopro, Inc.. (ND)
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1 1 30+ pgs cmp Complaint Fri 10/09 4:06 PM
COMPLAINT against Thomas Dobbs ( Filing fee $ 400 paid; receipt number 0538-4391678), filed by Genbiopro, Inc..(ND)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - 2016 Medical Review,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Mifepristone REMS,
Att: 3 Exhibit C - Mifeprex Label,
Att: 4 Exhibit D - 2016 Supplement Approval Letter,
Att: 5 Exhibit E - Cross Discipline Team Leader Review,
Att: 6 Exhibit F - 2016 Summary Review,
Att: 7 Exhibit G - Risk Assessment and Risk Modification Review,
Att: 8 Civil Cover Sheet