Washington Western District Court
Judge:John H Chun
Case #: 2:20-cv-01773
Nature of Suit840 Property Rights - Trademark
Cause15:1114 Trademark Infringement
Case Filed:Dec 03, 2020
Terminated:May 24, 2022
Last checked: Tuesday Jun 01, 2021 2:26 AM PDT
Does 1-10
Karen White
Michael White
Amazon.com Inc
Represented By
Sarah Cox
Davis Wright Tremaine (sea)
contact info
Scott R Commerson
Davis Wright Tremaine (la)
contact info
Anna Rachella Buono
Davis Wright Tremaine (or)
contact info
Yeti Coolers LLC
Represented By
Sarah Cox
Davis Wright Tremaine (sea)
contact info
Scott R Commerson
Davis Wright Tremaine (la)
contact info
Anna Rachella Buono
Davis Wright Tremaine (or)
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM PDT
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
33 33 misc Mail Returned Wed 06/22 11:53 AM
Mail addressed to Michael White returned as Undeliverable re32 Judgment by Court,31 Order. (SB)
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
32 32 order Judgment by Court Tue 05/24 12:25 PM
JUDGMENT BY COURT. Default judgment against Defendants is granted. Defendants owe YETI Coolers, LLC $142,500 in damages. Defendants are enjoined from (i) selling counterfeit products in the Amazon store; (ii) selling counterfeit products to Amazon or any affiliate; (iii) manufacturing, importing, distributing, offering to sell, or selling any product using YETI's brand or trademarks, or which otherwise infringes YETI's intellectual property, on any platform or in any medium; (iv) assisting, aiding or abetting any other person or business entity in engaging or performing any of the activities referred to in subparagraphs (i) through (iii) above. (SR) (cc: Defendant Michael White via U.S. mail)
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31 31 order 1 - Order ~Util - Terminate Motions Tue 05/24 12:22 PM
ORDER granting Plaintiffs'25 MOTION for Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction Against Defendants . Signed by Judge John H. Chun. (SR) (cc: Defendant Michael White via U.S. mail)
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Friday, April 29, 2022
30 30 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Leave to File Over-length Motions and Briefs Fri 04/29 4:26 PM
ORDER granting Plaintiffs'23 Motion for Leave to File Over-length Motion. The Court GRANTS Plaintiffs leave to file a motion for default judgment not to exceed 20 pages. Signed by Judge John H. Chun. (SB) (cc: dft White)
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Monday, April 11, 2022
utility Case Assigned/Reassigned to Judge Mon 04/11 12:03 PM
Case Reassigned to Judge John H. Chun. Judge Richard A. Jones no longer assigned to the case. (VE)
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Thursday, January 20, 2022
29 29 notice Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel Thu 01/20 3:46 PM
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSEL: Attorney Sarah Cox for Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC. (Cox, Sarah)
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Wednesday, January 19, 2022
28 28 service Certificate of Service Wed 01/19 4:14 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC re25 MOTION for Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction Against Defendants ,26 Declaration,27 Declaration (Buono, Anna)
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Tuesday, January 18, 2022
utility Set/Reset Motion Noting Date (Public, notice to parties) Tue 01/18 8:26 AM
Noting Date Set:25 MOTION for Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction Against Defendants : Noting Date set for 1/14/2022 (VE)
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Friday, January 14, 2022
27 27 respm Declaration Fri 01/14 3:02 PM
DECLARATION of Jeni Zuercher filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC re25 MOTION for Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction Against Defendants (Buono, Anna)
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26 26 respm Declaration Fri 01/14 3:01 PM
DECLARATION of Alex Calvert filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC re25 MOTION for Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction Against Defendants (Buono, Anna)
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25 25 28 pgs motion Default Judgment Fri 01/14 2:57 PM
MOTION for Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction Against Defendants , filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC.(Buono, Anna)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Thursday, January 13, 2022
24 24 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 01/13 3:28 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by attorney Lauren Burdette Rainwater on behalf of Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC. (Rainwater, Lauren)
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Monday, January 10, 2022
23 23 motion File Over-length Motions and Briefs Mon 01/10 4:28 PM
MOTION for Leave to File Over-length Motions and Briefs , filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC. Noting Date 1/10/2022, (Buono, Anna)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Leave to File Overlong Brief
Monday, July 19, 2021
22 22 order Clerks Entry of Default Mon 07/19 5:26 PM
Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Defendants Michael White and Karen White. Plaintiff's16 MOTION for Default is granted. Defendants Michael White and Karen White collectively d/b/a Gadsen Flags in USA a/k/a Cyber Venzz a/k/a Cyber Dream a/k/a PhoneCleaning, and d/b/a The Cyber Bargain Portal a/k/a Cloud Technic are in default. (VE)
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21 21 misc RAJ Standing Order Mon 07/19 5:16 PM
STANDING ORDER for Civil Cases Assigned to Judge Richard A. Jones. (VE)
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20 20 1 pgs order Order Reassigning Case Mon 07/19 1:31 PM
MINUTE ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Richard A. Jones for all further proceedings. Judge Barbara J. Rothstein no longer assigned to case. Authorized by Judge Barbara J. Rothstein. (GC)
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19 19 misc BJR Standing Order (FORM) Mon 07/19 12:14 PM
STANDING ORDER FOR ALL CIVIL CASES. The procedures in this Order supplement, and in some cases, supersede the local rules. The parties are responsible for being familiar with the procedures in this Order. Failure to comply with the procedures may result in sanctions. Signed by Judge Barbara J. Rothstein. (GC)
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Friday, July 16, 2021
18 18 1 pgs order Order Reassigning Case Fri 07/16 6:11 PM
MINUTE ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Barbara J. Rothstein for all further proceedings by Judge J Richard Creatura. The Honorable J. Richard Creatura is no longer associated with this matter. (KAM) Modified on 7/16/2021 - (cc: White via US Mail) (KAM)
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Wednesday, July 14, 2021
17 17 respm Declaration Wed 07/14 3:38 PM
DECLARATION of Anna R. Buono in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Entry of Default filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC re16 MOTION for Default against Michael White and Karen White, collectively d/b/a Gadsen Flags in USA a/k/a Cyber Venzz a/k/a Cyber Dream a/k/a PhoneCleaning, and d/b/a The Cyber Bargain Portal a/k/a Cloud Technic,(Buono, Anna)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A to Anna Buono's Declaration
16 16 motion Default Wed 07/14 3:34 PM
MOTION for Default against Michael White and Karen White, collectively d/b/a Gadsen Flags in USA a/k/a Cyber Venzz a/k/a Cyber Dream a/k/a PhoneCleaning, and d/b/a The Cyber Bargain Portal a/k/a Cloud Technic,, filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC. Noting Date 7/14/2021, (Buono, Anna)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order Proposed Order
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
15 15 2 pgs order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Wed 06/16 1:10 PM
ORDER STRIKING ANSWER signed by Judge J Richard Creatura, re13 Motion strike defendant Michael White's answer to complaint. The Court GRANTS plaintiffs' motion Dkt.13 and strikes defendant White's answer. Dkt.12 . (DK) Modified on 6/16/2021 (cc: dft White) (GMR)
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Wednesday, May 19, 2021
14 14 respm Declaration Wed 05/19 11:18 AM
DECLARATION of Anna R. Buono in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike Defendant Michael White's Unsigned Answer filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC re13 MOTION Motion to Strike Defendant Michael White's Unsigned Answer(Buono, Anna)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Exhibit A to Anna Buono's Declaration
13 13 motion Miscellaneous Relief Wed 05/19 11:15 AM
MOTION Motion to Strike Defendant Michael White's Unsigned Answer , filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC. Noting Date 6/4/2021, (Buono, Anna)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order Proposed Order
Monday, March 01, 2021
12 12 answer Answer to Complaint Wed 03/03 8:20 AM
ANSWER to1 Complaint (unsigned), filed by pro se Defendant Michael White.(GMR)
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Thursday, February 11, 2021
11 11 service Summons Returned Executed Thu 02/11 4:33 PM
SERVICE OF SUMMONS and Complaint returned executed upon defendant Karen White on 2/9/2021 (Buono, Anna)
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10 10 service Summons Returned Executed Thu 02/11 4:32 PM
SERVICE OF SUMMONS and Complaint returned executed upon defendant Michael White on 2/9/2021 (Buono, Anna)
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Friday, December 04, 2020
9 9 misc Civil Cover Sheet Fri 12/04 1:05 PM
CIVIL COVER SHEET re4 Notice to Filer ; filed by Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC. (Cox, Sarah)
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8 8 order Order on Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 12/04 12:28 PM
ORDER re7 Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice. The Court ADMITS Attorney Scott R Commerson Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, and for Yeti Coolers LLC, by Clerk William M McCool. No document associated with this docket entry, text only. NOTE TO COUNSEL: Local counsel agrees to sign all filings and to be prepared to handle the matter, including the trial thereof, in the event the applicant is unable to be present on any date scheduled by the court, pursuant to LCR 83.1(d). (DS)
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7 7 misc Application for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 12/04 12:12 PM
APPLICATION OF ATTORNEY Scott R. Commerson FOR LEAVE TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE for Plaintiffs Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC (Fee Paid) Receipt No. AWAWDC-6784371 (Cox, Sarah)
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6 6 utility Report Regarding Patent/Trademark/Copyright Fri 12/04 11:15 AM
REPORT on the filing or determination of an action. Emailed to the US Patent Office (SG)
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5 5 service Summons Issued Fri 12/04 9:50 AM
Summons(es) Electronically Issued as to defendant(s) Karen White, Michael White(SG)
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Att: 1 Summons
4 4 utility Notice to Filer Fri 12/04 9:43 AM
NOTICE TO FILER: re1 Complaint,,. Notice of Filing Deficiency ** Action Required ** See attached letter for more information and instructions. (SG)
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Fri 12/04 9:41 AM
Judge J Richard Creatura added. (SG)
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Thursday, December 03, 2020
3 3 discov Corporate Disclosure Statement Thu 12/03 9:55 AM
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT identifying Corporate Parent Yeti Holdings Inc for Yeti Coolers LLC. Filed pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P 7.1. Filed by Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC (Buono, Anna)
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2 2 discov Corporate Disclosure Statement Thu 12/03 9:53 AM
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT indicating no Corporate Parents and/or Affiliates. Filed pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P 7.1. Filed by Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC (Buono, Anna)
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1 1 21 pgs cmp Complaint Thu 12/03 9:49 AM
COMPLAINT against defendant(s) Does 1-10, Karen White, Michael White Related [+] Attorney Anna Rachella Buono added to party Amazon.com Inc(pty:pla), Attorney Anna Rachella Buono added to party Yeti Coolers LLC(pty:pla), filed by Amazon.com Inc, Yeti Coolers LLC.(Buono, Anna)
Related: [-] ceipt # AWAWDC-6780526
Att: 1 Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Exhibit B,
Att: 3 Exhibit C,
Att: 4 Exhibit D,
Att: 5 Exhibit E,
Att: 6 Exhibit F,
Att: 7 Summons as to Karen White,
Att: 8 Summons as to Michael White,
Att: 9 Report on Patents and Trademarks (AO Form 120)