Lead case: 2:20-md-02973

New Jersey District Court
Judge:Brian R Martinotti
Referred: Edward S Kiel
Case #: 2:21-cv-05066
Nature of Suit367 Torts - Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury/Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Mar 15, 2021
Terminated:Jan 04, 2024
Case in other court:Minnesota, 0:21-cv-00573
Last checked: Saturday Sep 11, 2021 5:14 AM EDT
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Represented By
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
contact info
In Re
Mary Tuttle
Represented By
Johnson Becker, PLLC
contact info
Timothy J Becker
Counsel Not Admitted To Usdc Nj Bar
contact info

Docket last updated: 02/27/2025 11:59 PM EST
Thursday, January 04, 2024
10 10 3 pgs order Order of Dismissal Thu 01/04 11:40 AM
ORDER OF DISMISSAL. Signed by Judge Brian R. Martinotti on 1/3/2024. (krg, )
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Monday, January 01, 2024
9 9 misc Stipulation of Dismissal (aty) Mon 01/01 3:57 PM
STIPULATION of Dismissal with Prejudice by JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. (ZOGBY, MICHAEL)
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Friday, April 30, 2021
8 8 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 04/30 3:11 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by MICHAEL CHARLES ZOGBY on behalf of Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ZOGBY, MICHAEL)
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Monday, March 15, 2021
7 7 mdl MDL Notice to Counsel Mon 03/15 8:36 AM
Clerk's Notice to Counsel. (gh, )
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6 6 transfer Case Transferred In - District Court Transfer Mon 03/15 8:33 AM
Certified Copy of Transfer Order and docket received, Case transferred in from District of Minnesota; Case Number 0:21-cv-00573. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Mon 03/15 8:35 AM
Judge Brian R. Martinotti and Magistrate Judge Edward S. Kiel added. (gh, )
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order Case Management Order Mon 03/15 8:36 AM
This case is part of MDL2973. Parties are expected to review and abide by all prior orders entered in this MDL, which can be found[LINK:Here] (gh, )
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mdl MDL Direct File Mon 03/15 8:39 AM
Member Case Transferred in on 3/15/21 from the District of Minnesota 0:21-cv-00573 for MDL 2973 ELMIRON (PENTOSAN POLYSULFATE SODIUM) PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION (gh, )
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Thursday, March 11, 2021
5 5 CERTIFIED COPY OF CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-10) transferring case to the District of New Jersey per the MDL Panel for coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings. Case assigned to Judge Brian R. Martinotti.(kt)
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Friday, March 05, 2021
4 4 (Text-Only) NOTICE - Magistrate Judge Hildy Bowbeer's Practice Pointers, which have been recently revised, are available on the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota's[LINK:website] . All parties are expected to be familiar with and adhere to these Practice Pointers, including any variances from Local Rules. (LNP)
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Thursday, February 25, 2021
3 3 Summons Issued as to Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Johnson & Johnson. (CLK)
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2 2 TEXT ONLY ENTRY: CLERK'S NOTICE OF INITIAL CASE ASSIGNMENT. Case assigned to Judge Susan Richard Nelson per Civil (3rd, 4th - Master) list, referred to Magistrate Judge Hildy Bowbeer. Please use case number 21-cv-573 SRN/HB. (CLK)
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1 1 COMPLAINT against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Johnson & Johnson (filing fee $ 402, receipt number AMNDC-8536600) filed by Mary Tuttle. Filer requests summons issued. (Hauer, Stacy) Modified text on 2/26/2021 (CLK).
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet