Lead case: 1:21-md-02989

Florida Southern District Court
Judge:Cecilia M Altonaga
Case #: 1:21-cv-21293
Nature of Suit190 Contract - Other Contract
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Case Filed:Apr 06, 2021
Terminated:Apr 06, 2021
Case in other court:California Central, 2:21-cv-00837
Last checked: Sunday Oct 03, 2021 5:49 AM EDT
Robinhood Financial LLC
Represented By
Antony L. Ryan
Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP
contact info
Grace Kang
Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert Nessim Drooks Lincenberg And Rhow
contact info
Naeun Rim
Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert Nessim Drooks Lincenberg And Rho
contact info
Kevin J. Orsini
Cravath Swaine And Moore LLP
contact info
Robinhood Markets, Inc.
Represented By
Antony L. Ryan
Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP
contact info
Grace Kang
Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert Nessim Drooks Lincenberg And Rhow
contact info
Naeun Rim
Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert Nessim Drooks Lincenberg And Rho
contact info
Kevin J. Orsini
Cravath Swaine And Moore LLP
contact info
Robinhood Securities, LLC
Represented By
Antony L. Ryan
Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP
contact info
Grace Kang
Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert Nessim Drooks Lincenberg And Rhow
contact info
Naeun Rim
Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert Nessim Drooks Lincenberg And Rho
contact info
Kevin J. Orsini
Cravath Swaine And Moore LLP
contact info
Josh Gossett
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Represented By
Summer Elizabeth Benson
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Michael Joseph Morris-Nussbaum
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Maurice David Pessah
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Stuart Neil Chelin
Chelin Law Firm
contact info
James LaPlant
each individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated 661 N. Harper Avenue Suite 208
West Hollywood, CA 90048
Represented By
Summer Elizabeth Benson
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Michael Joseph Morris-Nussbaum
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Maurice David Pessah
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Stuart Neil Chelin
Chelin Law Firm
contact info
Danielle Perreault
Represented By
Summer Elizabeth Benson
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Michael Joseph Morris-Nussbaum
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Maurice David Pessah
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Stuart Neil Chelin
Chelin Law Firm
contact info
Maurice Scarborough
Represented By
Summer Elizabeth Benson
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Michael Joseph Morris-Nussbaum
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Maurice David Pessah
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Stuart Neil Chelin
Chelin Law Firm
contact info
Scott Schiller
Represented By
Summer Elizabeth Benson
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Michael Joseph Morris-Nussbaum
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Maurice David Pessah
Pessah Law Group PC
contact info
Stuart Neil Chelin
Chelin Law Firm
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/03/2025 11:59 PM EST
Wednesday, April 07, 2021
notice Clerk's Notice (Other) with Optional Adhoc NEF Wed 04/07 2:56 PM
CLERK'S NOTICE It is not necessary to file a PHV Motion. See Pretrial Order #1, DE 46 in case #21-MD-2989-CMA. re40 Bar Letter (pt)
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Tuesday, April 06, 2021
42 42 order Administrative Order Tue 04/06 2:36 PM
ORDER OF CONSOLIDATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE-OUT. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 4/6/2021. See attached document for full details. (mc)
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40 40 misc Bar Letter Tue 04/06 10:29 AM
Bar Letter re: Admissions sent to attorney Michael Joseph MorrisNussbaum, Stuart Neil Chelin, Summer Elizabeth Benson, Maurice David Pessah, Naeun Rim, Grace W. Kang, Kevin J. Orsini, mailing date April 6, 2021, (pt)
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39 39 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga. (mc)
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38 38 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer - CV - NO FEE Tue 04/06 8:32 AM
Case transferred in from California Central; Case Number 2:21-cv-00837. Electronic file including transfer order and docket sheet received. .(mc)
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order Clerk's Notice of Judge Assignment and Optional Consent Tue 04/06 8:33 AM
Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga. (mc)
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transfer MDL Tag-Along/Transfer In Case Receipt Tue 04/06 11:51 AM
MDL Transfer In Case Receipt from Central District of California. Case Number 21-cv-00837 with documents 1-37. Assigned FLSD Case Number 1:21-cv-21293-CMA on 4/6/2021. Re: FLSD MDL Case Number 1:21-md-02989-CMA. (mc)
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Friday, April 02, 2021
37 37 Transfer Order from the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, MDL 2989, transferring case to USDC, Southern District of Florida and assigned to Honorable Honorable Cecilia M. Altonaga. Case transferred electronically. (MD JS-6. Case Terminated.) (yl)
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Friday, March 12, 2021
36 36 ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO EXTEND TIME TO RESPOND TO COMPLAINT by Judge Virginia A. Phillips. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Defendants deadline to move or otherwise respond to Plaintiffs operative Complaint shall be extended to one of the following dates: (i) if the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation grants the pending Motion for Transfer of Actions to the Northern District of California with respect to this action, until the date by which the transferee judge orders Defendants to move or otherwise respond to the Complaint; or (ii) if the JPML does not grant the motion with respect to this action, until April 30, 2021. (See document for further details) (yl)
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Thursday, March 11, 2021
35 35 STIPULATION for Extension of Time to File Answer to April 30, 2021 filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC.(Kang, Grace)
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
34 34 ORDER GRANTING EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDER DISCHARGING THE OBLIGATION TO SUBMIT CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, EXTENDING TIME TO FILE CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING by Judge Virginia A. Phillips: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the obligation for Kevin J. Orsini to file a Certificate of Good Standing from the New Jersey State Bar in this action is discharged. IT IS SO ORDERED.32 (See document for further details) (yl)
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Wednesday, February 17, 2021
32 32 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Discharging the Obligation to Submit Certificate of Good Standing Or, in the Alternative, Extending Time to File Certificate of Good Standing filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC. (Kang, Grace)
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Att: 1 Declaration of Kevin J. Orsini,
Att: 2 Proposed Order
Friday, February 12, 2021
33 33 ORDER by Judge Virginia A. Phillips granting18 Non-Resident Attorney Anthony L. Ryan APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Securities, LLC, and Robinhood Markets, Inc., designating Naeun Rim as local counsel. (yl)
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Tuesday, February 09, 2021
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Monday, February 08, 2021
30 30 EX PARTE APPLICATION for Order for Extension of Time to File Certificate of Good Standing and Conditionally Granting Pro Hac Vice Application filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC. (Kang, Grace)
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Att: 1 Declaration of Kevin J. Orsini,
Att: 2 Proposed Order
29 29 Certification and NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC, (Rim, Naeun)
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Friday, February 05, 2021
28 28 RESPONSE BY THE COURT TO NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES IN ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOCUMENTS. Counsel shall submit the Certificate of Good Standing for every state court listed to which counsel has been admitted in compliance with Local Rule 83- no later than 4 pm of February 8, 2021. See Notice to Filer of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application filed on 02/04/2121 . (cch)
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27 27 STANDING ORDER upon filing of the complaint by Judge Virginia A. Phillips. (cch)
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26 26 NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Documents RE: Notice of Appearance,14 . The following error(s) was/were found: Incorrect event selected. Correct event to be used is: Notice of Appearance of Withdrawal of Counsel G123.. In response to this notice, the Court may: (1) order an amended or correct document to be filed; (2) order the document stricken; or (3) take other action as the Court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the Court directs you to do so. (ak)
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25 25 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff Josh Gossett, James LaPlant, Danielle Perreault, Maurice Scarborough, Scott Schiller, (Pessah, Maurice)
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24 24 FIRST corrected AMENDED COMPLAINT against Defendant All Defendants amending Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 , filed by plaintiff James LaPlant, Maurice Scarborough, Josh Gossett, Scott Schiller, Danielle Perreault(Pessah, Maurice)
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23 23 NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Plaintiffs Josh Gossett, James LaPlant, Danielle Perreault, Maurice Scarborough, Scott Schiller. correcting Amended Complaint/Petition19 (Pessah, Maurice)
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Thursday, February 04, 2021
22 22 ORDER RE TRANSFER PURSUANT TO GENERAL ORDER 19-03-Related Case- filed. Related Case No: 2:21-cv-00835 VAP(MRWx). Case transferred from Magistrate Judge Charles F. Eick and Judge Fernando M. Olguin to Judge Virginia A. Phillips and Magistrate Judge Michael R. Wilner for all further proceedings. The case number will now reflect the initials of the transferee Judge 2:21-cv-00837 VAP(MRWx). Signed by Judge Virginia A. Phillips (rn)
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21 21 NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Kevin J. Orsini to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-30391035)17 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 83- Certificate of Good Standing not attached for every state court listed to which the applicant has been admitted. Other error(s) with document(s): NJ missing. A declaration is required regarding unavailability to provide GSC due to COVID-19. See Court's website on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance. (Thrasher, Lupe)
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20 20 NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Documents RE: Amended Complaint/Petition19 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 7.1-1 No Notice of Interested Parties and/or no copies. Compliance with Local Rule 7.1-1 for newly named Plaintiffs is required no later than February 6, 2021. Local Rule 19-1 Complaint/Petition includes more than 10 Does or fictitiously named parties. In response to this notice, the Court may: (1) order an amended or correct document to be filed; (2) order the document stricken; or (3) take other action as the Court deems appropriate. (iv)
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19 19 AMENDED COMPLAINT All Plaintiffs amending Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 (Pessah, Maurice)
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Wednesday, February 03, 2021
18 18 APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Antony L. Ryan to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-30391085) filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC. (Rim, Naeun)
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Att: 1 Certificate of Good Standing,
Att: 2 Proposed Order
17 17 APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Kevin J. Orsini to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-30391035) filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC. (Rim, Naeun)
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Att: 1 Certificate of Good Standing,
Att: 2 Proposed Order
16 16 NOTICE of Related Case(s) filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC. Related Case(s): 2:21-cv-00843-CBM(Ex) and 2:21-cv-00835-VAP(MRWx) (Rim, Naeun)
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15 15 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Naeun Rim counsel for Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC. Adding Naeun Rim as counsel of record for Defendants Robinhood Financial LLC, Robinhood Securities, LLC, and Robinhood Markets, Inc. for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants Robinhood Financial LLC, Robinhood Securities, LLC, and Robinhood Markets, Inc.. (Attorney Naeun Rim added to party Robinhood Financial, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Naeun Rim added to party Robinhood Markets, Inc.(pty:dft), Attorney Naeun Rim added to party Robinhood Securities, LLC(pty:dft))(Rim, Naeun)
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14 14 NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Grace W. Kang on behalf of Defendants Robinhood Financial, LLC, Robinhood Markets, Inc., Robinhood Securities, LLC (Attorney Grace W. Kang added to party Robinhood Financial, LLC(pty:dft), Attorney Grace W. Kang added to party Robinhood Markets, Inc.(pty:dft), Attorney Grace W. Kang added to party Robinhood Securities, LLC(pty:dft))(Kang, Grace)
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13 13 TEXT ONLY ENTRY by Chambers of Judge Fernando M. Olguin. This matter has been assigned to District Judge Fernando M. Olguin. The Court refers counsel to the Court's Initial Standing Order found on the Court's Website under Judge Olguin's Procedures and Schedules. Please read this Order carefully.THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (vdr) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
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12 12 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 as to Defendant Robinhood Securities, LLC. (iv)
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11 11 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 as to Defendant Robinhood Markets, Inc. (iv)
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10 10 21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 as to Defendant Robinhood Financial, LLC. (iv)
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Tuesday, February 02, 2021
9 9 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 filed by plaintiff Josh Gossett, James LaPlant. (Pessah, Maurice)
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8 8 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 filed by plaintiff Josh Gossett, James LaPlant. (Pessah, Maurice)
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7 7 Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 filed by plaintiff Josh Gossett, James LaPlant. (Pessah, Maurice)
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Friday, January 29, 2021
6 6 NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiff All Plaintiffs, (Pessah, Maurice)
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5 5 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Attorney Case Opening. The following error(s) was found: No Notice of Interested Parties has been filed. A Notice of Interested Parties must be filed with every partys first appearance. See Local Rule 7.1-1. Counsel must file a Notice of Interested Parties immediately. Failure to do so may be addressed by judicial action, including sanctions. See Local Rule 83-7. (esa)
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3 3 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Fernando M. Olguin and Magistrate Judge Charles F. Eick. (esa)
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2 2 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Plaintiffs Josh Gossett, James LaPlant. (Pessah, Maurice)
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1 1 COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-30306223 - Fee: $402, filed by Plaintiff James LaPlant, Josh Gossett. (Attorney Maurice David Pessah added to party Josh Gossett(pty:pla), Attorney Maurice David Pessah added to party James LaPlant(pty:pla))(Pessah, Maurice)
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