Lead case: 1:21-md-02989

Florida Southern District Court
Judge:Cecilia M Altonaga
Case #: 1:21-cv-21300
Nature of Suit190 Contract - Other Contract
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Case Filed:Apr 06, 2021
Terminated:Apr 06, 2021
Case in other court:Illinois Northern, 1:21-cv-00624
Last checked: Sunday Oct 03, 2021 5:38 AM EDT
TD Ameritrade, Inc.
Represented By
Hannah Olivia Koesterer
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
contact info
Christian T. Kemnitz
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
contact info
James Hiscock
Represented By
Alexander N. Loftus
Loftus & Eisenberg, Ltd.
contact info
Joshua Bradford Kons
Law Offices Of Joshua B. Kons, LLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/03/2025 11:59 PM EST
Wednesday, April 07, 2021
notice Clerk's Notice (Other) with Optional Adhoc NEF Wed 04/07 3:04 PM
CLERK'S NOTICE - It is not necessary to file a PHV Motion. See Pretrial Order #1, DE 46 in case #21-MD-2989-CMA. re18 Bar Letter (pt)
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Tuesday, April 06, 2021
20 20 order Administrative Order Tue 04/06 2:36 PM
ORDER OF CONSOLIDATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE-OUT. Signed by Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga on 4/6/2021. See attached document for full details. (mc)
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18 18 misc Bar Letter Tue 04/06 11:54 AM
Bar Letter re: Admissions sent to attorney Joshua Bradford Kons, Alexander Nicholas Loftus, Christian T. Kemnitz, Hannah Oliva Koesterer, mailing date April 6, 2021, (pt)
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17 17 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga. (mc)
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16 16 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer - CV - NO FEE Tue 04/06 10:46 AM
Case transferred in from Illinois Northern; Case Number 1:21-cv-00624. Electronic file including transfer order and docket sheet received. .(mc)
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order Clerk's Notice of Judge Assignment and Optional Consent Tue 04/06 10:48 AM
Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga. (mc)
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transfer MDL Tag-Along/Transfer In Case Receipt Tue 04/06 2:20 PM
MDL Transfer In Case Receipt from Northern District of Illinois. Case Number 1:21-cv-00624 with documents 1-15. Assigned FLSD Case Number 1:21-cv-21300-CMA on 4/6/2021. Re: FLSD MDL Case Number 1:21-md-02989-CMA. (mc)
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Friday, April 02, 2021
15 15 TRANSFERRED to the Southern District Florida the electronic file. (nsf, )
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14 14 CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER from MDL Panel transferring case to Southern District Florida.(nsf, )
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***Civil Case Terminated pursuant to MDL 2989 Conditional Transfer Order filed 04/2/21. (nsf, )
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Tuesday, March 23, 2021
13 13 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Z. Lee: In light of the prior order of 2/22/2110 staying this matter pending resolution of the motion to consolidate before the JPML, the status hearing set for 3/24/21 is stricken. The 4/22/21 deadline to file a joint status report stands. Mailed notice. (jjr, )
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Wednesday, February 24, 2021
12 12 AMENDED Schedule of Actions re MDL No. 2989 (sxb, )
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11 11 AMENDED Schedule of Actions re MDL No. 2989 (sxb, )
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Monday, February 22, 2021
10 10 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Z. Lee: The Court has reviewed the status report. This matter is stayed pending the motion to consolidate before the JPML.The Court orders the parties to file a joint written status report by 4/22/21. The report, which shall be as concise as possible, shall set forth: (1) the current deadlines imposed by the Court and whether the matter has been referred to the Magistrate Judge in any fashion (e,g., for discovery supervision; for resolution of a motion; for settlement; etc.); (2) the progress of discovery, if discovery is ongoing; (3) the status of briefing on unresolved motions, if any; (4) whether the parties have engaged or are engaging in settlement discussions and the status of those discussions; (5) for cases without any future court dates, an agreed proposed schedule; (6) for cases that have future court dates and if the parties believe there is good cause to extend the current deadlines, a proposed amended schedule and the basis for the request; (7) a request for any agreed action that the Court can take without a hearing; (8) and whether the parties believe a telephonic hearing or in-person hearing is necessary within the next 60 days, and, if so, the issue(s) that warrants discussion and the parties' respective positions. Mailed notice (ca, )
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Wednesday, February 17, 2021
9 9 STIPULATION to Stay Proceedings(Kemnitz, Christian)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Exhibit B
8 8 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant TD Ameritrade, Inc by Christian T. Kemnitz (Kemnitz, Christian)
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7 7 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant TD Ameritrade, Inc by Hannah Olivia Koesterer (Koesterer, Hannah)
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Wednesday, February 10, 2021
6 6 PLAINTIFF'S Shane Cheng and Terell Sterling's motion for transfer of actions to the Northern District of California pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1407 for coordinated or consolidated Pretrial proceedings - Part 1(ph, )
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Att: 1 Part 2,
Att: 2 Part 3
Tuesday, February 09, 2021
5 5 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff James Hiscock by Joshua Bradford Kons (Kons, Joshua)
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Monday, February 08, 2021
4 4 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Z. Lee:A Rule 16 initial status hearing is set for 3/24/21 at 9:00 a.m. The parties are directed to file a joint initial status report by 3/18/21. The report should comply with the requirements for initial joint status reports set forth in the Initial Status Conference standing order, which can be found on the Court's website. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related General Orders, the Court finds that it is necessary to conduct the status hearing via telephone conference. The call-in number is 888-273-3658 and the access code is 1637578. Counsel of record will receive a separate email at least 12 hours prior to the start of the telephonic hearing with instructions on how to join the call. All persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in court-imposed sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. All participants should review the Court's standing order regarding telephone conferences that is on Judge Lee's website, which can be found at: notice (ca, )
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Thursday, February 04, 2021
3 3 SUMMONS Returned Executed by James Hiscock as to TD Ameritrade, Inc on 2/4/2021, answer due 2/25/2021., AFFIDAVIT of Service filed by Defendant TD Ameritrade, Inc regarding Complaint served on Kelly Wahl on 2/04/2021 (Loftus, Alexander)
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SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant TD Ameritrade, Inc (jmk, )
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Wednesday, February 03, 2021
2 2 CIVIL Cover Sheet (Loftus, Alexander)
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1 1 COMPLAINT filed by James Hiscock; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-17892919.(Loftus, Alexander)
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CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable John Z. Lee. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey Cole. Case assignment: Random assignment. (sxh, )
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