New Jersey District Court
Judge:Peter G Sheridan
Referred: Tonianne J Bongiovanni
Case #: 3:21-cv-12873
Nature of Suit442 Civil Rights - Employment
Cause28:1332 Diversity-(Citizenship)
Case Filed:Jun 22, 2021
Re-opened:Feb 08, 2022
Terminated:Feb 08, 2022
Last checked: Sunday Dec 19, 2021 4:55 AM EST
Represented By
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP
contact info
Represented By
Swartz Swidler, LLC
contact info
Swartz Swidler LLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 42 minutes ago
Tuesday, February 08, 2022
21 21 1 pgs order Order of Dismissal Tue 02/08 9:49 AM
ORDER OF DISMISSAL with Prejudice, and without costs. Signed by Judge Peter G. Sheridan on 2/8/22. (gh, )
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Monday, January 10, 2022
20 20 1 pgs order Order Mon 01/10 8:36 AM
LETTER ORDER granting request for 30 day extension of the administrative termination. Signed by Judge Peter G. Sheridan on 1/7/2022. (abr, )
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utility Set/Reset Deadlines Mon 01/10 8:37 AM
Reset Deadlines: Admissions due by 2/5/2022. (abr, )
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Thursday, January 06, 2022
19 19 misc Letter Thu 01/06 11:59 PM
Letter from Justin Swidler requesting 30 day extension of Administrative Termination. (SWIDLER, JUSTIN)
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Tuesday, December 21, 2021
utility Set/Reset Deadlines Tue 12/21 1:32 PM
Reset Deadlines: Admissions due by 1/6/2022. (abr, )
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Tuesday, December 07, 2021
18 18 1 pgs order Order Tue 12/07 3:14 PM
LETTER ORDER granting request for 30 day extension of the administrative termination. Signed by Judge Peter G. Sheridan on 12/7/2021. (abr, )
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Friday, December 03, 2021
17 17 misc Letter Fri 12/03 5:05 PM
Letter from Plaintiff Counsel Request Extension of Administrative Termination period. (BOYETTE, JOSHUA)
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Tuesday, October 05, 2021
16 16 1 pgs order Order 60-Day Administrative Termination Tue 10/05 9:02 AM
Order Administratively Terminating Action - 60 Day, Pending Consummation of Settlement.( Administrative Termination deadline set for 12/6/2021). Signed by Judge Peter G. Sheridan on 10/5/2021. (dh, )
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Monday, October 04, 2021
15 15 misc Letter Mon 10/04 4:46 PM
Letter from Justin Swidler, Esq.. (SWIDLER, JUSTIN)
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Thursday, September 02, 2021
utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Thu 09/02 9:57 AM
Set deadlines as to the13 MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint . Motion set for 10/4/2021 before Judge Peter G. Sheridan. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (abr, )
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utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Thu 09/02 9:58 AM
Reset as to the13 MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint . Motion set for 10/18/2021 before Judge Peter G. Sheridan. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (abr, )
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Wednesday, September 01, 2021
14 14 respm Letter Rule 7.1 Wed 09/01 2:23 PM
Rule 7.1(d)(5) Letter for an automatic extension of the return date of a dispositive motion re13 MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint . (SWIDLER, JUSTIN)
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Tuesday, August 31, 2021
13 13 motion Dismiss Tue 08/31 8:22 PM
MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint by AMAZON.COM.DEDC, LLC. Responses due by 10/4/2021(SILVANO, STEPHANIE)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Memorandum of Law in Support,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order,
Att: 3 Certificate of Service
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
12 12 18 pgs respm Memorandum in Opposition of Motion Tue 08/24 5:37 PM
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Declaration of Krista Sand in Support of Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Remand,
Att: 2 Certificate of Service
Friday, August 06, 2021
11 11 2 pgs order Order Fri 08/06 4:32 PM
ORDER granting pro hac vice admissions as to Jason C. Schwartz, Esq., Timothy W. Loose, Esq. and Gabrielle Levin, Esq.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni on 8/6/2021. (abr, )
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Wednesday, July 28, 2021
utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Wed 07/28 8:20 AM
Set deadlines as to the9 MOTION to Remand . Motion set for 9/7/2021 before Judge Peter G. Sheridan. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (abr, )
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Tuesday, July 27, 2021
10 10 respm Letter Rule 7.1 Tue 07/27 5:42 PM
Rule 7.1(d)(5) Letter for an automatic extension of the return date of a dispositive motion re9 MOTION to Remand . (SILVANO, STEPHANIE)
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Friday, July 23, 2021
utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Fri 07/23 4:43 PM
Set deadlines as to the9 MOTION to Remand . Motion set for 8/16/2021 before Judge Peter G. Sheridan. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (abr, )
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Thursday, July 22, 2021
9 9 motion Remand to State Court Thu 07/22 11:41 PM
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Brief,
Att: 2 Exhibit A,
Att: 3 Exhibit B,
Att: 4 Text of Proposed Order,
Att: 5 Certificate of Service
8 8 2 pgs order Order Thu 07/22 4:36 PM
LETTER ORDER that the initial conference set for 8/16/2021 is adjourned with no new date. Defendant's deadline to answer, move, or otherwise reply to the Complaint is extended to 8/31/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni on 7/22/201. (abr, )
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7 7 motion Extension of Time to File Answer Thu 07/22 10:45 AM
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer , Move, or Otherwise Reply to Plaintiff's Complaint and to Adjourn the Initial Scheduling Conference by AMAZON.COM.DEDC, LLC. (SILVANO, STEPHANIE)
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utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Thu 07/22 1:20 PM
Set deadlines as to the7 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer , Move, or Otherwise Reply to Plaintiff's Complaint and to Adjourn the Initial Scheduling Conference . Motion set for 8/16/2021 before Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (abr, )
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021
6 6 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Answer Tue 06/29 2:36 PM
ORDER granting Defendant, LLC5 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer to 7/30/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni on 6/29/2021. (abr, )
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Monday, June 28, 2021
5 5 motion Extension of Time to File Answer Mon 06/28 12:45 PM
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer - Letter Motion for Extension of Time to Answer, Move or Otherwise Reply by AMAZON.COM.DEDC, LLC. (SILVANO, STEPHANIE)
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utility Set/Reset Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings Mon 06/28 9:56 PM
Set deadlines as to the5 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer - Letter Motion for Extension of Time to Answer, Move or Otherwise Reply . Motion set for 8/2/2021 before Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, this motion will be decided on the papers and no appearances are required. Note that this is an automatically generated message from the Clerk`s Office and does not supersede any previous or subsequent orders from the Court. (abr, )
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Friday, June 25, 2021
4 4 4 pgs order Order ~Util - Set Hearings ~Util - Set/Clear Flags Mon 06/28 8:59 AM
ORDER SCHEDULING CONFERENCE: Scheduling Conference set for 8/16/2021 at 12:00 PM in Trenton - Courtroom 6E before Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni on 6/25/2021. (jem)
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Thursday, June 24, 2021
utility Add and Terminate Judges Thu 06/24 11:09 AM
Magistrate Judge Tonianne J. Bongiovanni added. Magistrate Judge Z. N. Quraishi no longer assigned to case. (jjc, )
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021
3 3 service Certificate of Service Wed 06/23 2:00 PM
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2 2 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement (aty) Wed 06/23 12:04 AM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by AMAZON.COM.DEDC, LLC identifying, Inc. as Corporate Parent.. (SILVANO, STEPHANIE)
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Wed 06/23 11:46 AM
Judge Peter G. Sheridan and Magistrate Judge Zahid N. Quraishi added. (jal, )
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Tuesday, June 22, 2021
1 1 17 pgs notice Notice of Removal Tue 06/22 11:56 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL by AMAZON.COM.DEDC, LLC from Superior Court of New Jersey, Mercer County, case number MER-L-001072-21. ( Filing and Admin fee $ 402 receipt number ANJDC-12568911), filed by AMAZON.COM.DEDC, LLC.(SILVANO, STEPHANIE)
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Att: 1 14 pgs Exhibit A - Complaint, Summons and Case Information Statement,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Affidavit of Service,
Att: 3 Civil Cover Sheet