New York Southern District Court
Judge:Kenneth M Karas
Referred: Andrew E Krause
Case #: 7:21-cv-06617
Nature of Suit320 Torts - Personal Injury - Assault, Libel, & Slander
Cause28:1332 Diversity Action
Case Filed:Aug 05, 2021
Terminated:Sep 06, 2022
Last checked: Tuesday Feb 01, 2022 3:52 AM EST
Audrey R. Sterling
Represented By
Patrick Jason Marshall
Koch Law
contact info
Lee Adam Koch
Koch Law
contact info
Adrian Griffin
Represented By
Andrew Todd Miltenberg
Nesenoff & Miltenberg, L.L.P.
contact info
Nicholas Evan Lewis
Nesenoff & Milternberg LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 06, 2022
55 55 1 pgs order Order of Dismissal Tue 09/06 11:49 AM
ORDER OF DISMISSAL: The Court having been advised that all claims asserted herein have been settled, it is ORDERED that the above-entitled action be and is hereby dismissed and discontinued without costs, and without prejudice to the right to reopen the action within thirty days of the date of this Order if the settlement is not consummated. To be clear, any application to reopen must be filed within thirty days of this Order; any application to reopen filed thereafter may be denied solely on that basis. Further, if the parties wish for the Court to retain jurisdiction for the purposes of enforcing any settlementagreement, they must submit the settlement agreement to the Court within the same thirty days day period to be "so ordered" by the Court. Per Paragraph 4(B) of the Court's Individual Rules and Practices for Civil Cases, unless the Court orders otherwise, the Court will not retain jurisdiction to enforce a settlement agreement unless it is made part of the public record. Any pending motions are denied. All conferences are vacated. The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Kenneth M. Karas on 9/06/2022) (ama)
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Friday, September 02, 2022
54 54 1 pgs order Order Fri 09/02 12:14 PM
NOTICE OF TELECONFERENCE INFORMATION. For the week of September 5, 2022, the Court will hold all civil conferences, hearings, and/or oral arguments for this matter by telephone. Counsel shall call the following number at the designated time: Meeting Dial-In Number (USA toll-free): (888) 363-4749 Access Code: 7702195. Please enter the conference as a guest by pressing the pound sign (#). For initial conferences, counsel shall submit a proposed case management and discovery schedule via ECF by 5 p.m. on the evening before the initial conference. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Kenneth M. Karas on 9/2/22) (yv)
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order Order Fri 09/02 8:55 AM
ORDER The parties having reported to the Court that they have reached a settlement in principle, the in-person conference scheduled for September 2, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. is hereby cancelled. (HEREBY ORDERED by Magistrate Judge Andrew E. Krause) (Text Only Order) (kj)
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Wednesday, August 31, 2022
52 52 1 pgs misc Letter Wed 08/31 10:51 AM
LETTER addressed to Magistrate Judge Andrew E. Krause from Lee A. Koch dated 08 31-2022 re: Discovery Issues. Document filed by Audrey R. Sterling..(Koch, Lee)
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