Lead case: 2:20-md-02973

New Jersey District Court
Judge:Brian R Martinotti
Referred: Leda D Wettre
Case #: 2:21-cv-20010
Nature of Suit367 Torts - Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury/Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Nov 16, 2021
Case in other court:Oregon, 3:21-cv-01530
Last checked: Sunday May 15, 2022 5:21 AM EDT
Represented By
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
contact info
In Re
Deborah Quick
Represented By
Derek C. Johnson
Johnson Johnson Lucas & Middleton
contact info
Counsel Not Admitted To Usdc-Nj Bar
contact info
Counsel Not Admitted To Usdc-Nj Bar
contact info

Docket last updated: 02/27/2025 11:59 PM EST
Thursday, May 02, 2024
12 12 misc Stipulation of Dismissal (aty) Thu 05/02 12:43 PM
STIPULATION of Dismissal (JOINT) by Deborah Quick. (BAILEY, MELANIE)
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Monday, April 15, 2024
utility Case Assigned/Reassigned Mon 04/15 10:17 AM
Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Leda D. Wettre. Magistrate Judge E. S. Kiel no longer assigned to the case. (and, )
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Monday, November 22, 2021
11 11 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 11/22 10:30 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by MELANIE S BAILEY on behalf of Deborah Quick (BAILEY, MELANIE)
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10 10 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 11/22 10:28 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by DAVID C HARMAN on behalf of Deborah Quick (HARMAN, DAVID)
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Friday, November 19, 2021
9 9 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 11/19 1:13 PM
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Tuesday, November 16, 2021
8 8 mdl MDL Notice to Counsel Tue 11/16 8:39 AM
Clerk's Notice to Counsel. (gh, )
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7 7 transfer Case Transferred In - District Court Transfer Tue 11/16 8:35 AM
Certified Copy of Transfer Order and docket received, Case transferred in from District of Oregon; Case Number 3:21-cv-01530. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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utility Add and Terminate Judges Tue 11/16 8:38 AM
Judge Brian R. Martinotti and Magistrate Judge Edward S. Kiel added. (gh, )
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order Case Management Order Tue 11/16 8:39 AM
This case is part of MDL2973. Parties are expected to review and abide by all prior orders entered in this MDL, which can be found[LINK:Here] (gh, )
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mdl MDL Direct File Tue 11/16 8:41 AM
Member Case Transferred in on 11/16/21 from the District of Oregon 3:21-cv-01530 for MDL 2973 ELMIRON (PENTOSAN POLYSULFATE SODIUM) PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION (gh, )
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Monday, November 15, 2021
6 6 ORDER: Transferring this case to the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. Pursuant to MDL 2973, Docket No. 258. Certified on 11/15/2021 by Deputy Clerk Gail Hansen of the District of New Jersey. (dsg)
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5 5 Conditional Transfer Order (CTO-22) finalized on 11/15/2021. As stipulated in Rule 7.1(c) of the Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, transmittal of the order has been stayed 7 days to give any party an opportunity to oppose the transfer. The 7-day period has now elapsed, no opposition was received, and the order is directed to the Clerk of the United States District Court for the New Jersey for filing. The Panel governing statute, 28 U.S.C. 1407, requires that the transferee clerk transmit a certified copy of the Panel order to transfer to the clerk of the district court from which the action is being transferred. Signed by Clerk of the Panel John W. Nichols on 11/15/2021. (dsg)
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Friday, October 29, 2021
4 4 Return of Service Executed as to Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. served on 10/27/2021, answer due on 11/17/2021. (Johnson, Derek)
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Monday, October 25, 2021
3 3 Summons Issued Electronically as to Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NOTICE: Counsel shall print and serve the summonses and all documents issued by the Clerk at the time of filing upon all named parties in accordance with Local Rule 3-5. (kgc)
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2 2 Notice of Case Assignment to Magistrate Judge Stacie F. Beckerman and Discovery and Pretrial Scheduling Order. NOTICE: Counsel shall print and serve the summonses and all documents issued by the Clerk at the time of filing upon all named parties in accordance with Local Rule 3-5 . Discovery is to be completed by 2/22/2022. Joint Alternate Dispute Resolution Report is due by 3/24/2022. Pretrial Order is due by 3/24/2022. Ordered by Magistrate Judge Stacie F. Beckerman. (kgc)
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021
1 1 Complaint. Filing fee in the amount of $402 collected. Agency Tracking ID: AORDC-8276327 Jury Trial Requested: Yes. Filed by Deborah Quick against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. (Johnson, Derek)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Proposed Summons