Lead case: 1:22-cv-00071

Illinois Northern District Court
Judge:Rebecca R Pallmeyer
Case #: 1:22-cv-02002
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Apr 21, 2022
Terminated:Sep 19, 2022
Case in other court:District of Columbia, 1:22-cv-00711
Last checked: Tuesday Oct 18, 2022 3:45 AM CDT
Abbott Laboratories
Represented By
Meir Feder
Jones Day
contact info
Bridget Kathleen O'Connor
Jones Day
contact info
Mead Johnson & Company LLC
Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
Alyhana Childs
Represented By
Jose M. Rojas
Levin, Rojas, Camassar, And Reck, LLC
contact info
Christopher T Nace
Paulson & Nace, PLLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 04/21/2022 5:42 PM CDT
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
1 1 COMPLAINT against ABBOTT LABORATORIES, MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY, LLC, MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITION CO. with Jury Demand ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number ADCDC-9106159) filed by ALYHANA CHILDS.(Nace, Christopher) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Att: 1 Info Sheet,
Att: 2 Related Case Form,
Att: 3 Summons,
Att: 4 Summons,
Att: 5 Summons
2 2 NOTICE OF RELATED CASE by ALYHANA CHILDS. Case related to Case No. 1:20-cv-02537-APM. (zmh) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Thursday, March 17, 2022
NOTICE OF ERROR re1 Complaint; emailed to, cc'd 2 associated attorneys -- The PDF file you docketed contained errors: 1. Missing/incorrect summonses. Please submit using the event Request for Summons to issue. (zmh, ) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Case Assigned to Judge Amit P. Mehta. (zmh) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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NOTICE OF ERROR re3 Request for Summons to Issue; emailed to, cc'd 2 associated attorneys -- The PDF file you docketed contained errors: 1. Incorrect document/case, 2. 1. Missing/incorrect summonses. Please submit using the event Request for Summons to issue. (zeg, ) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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3 3 REQUEST FOR SUMMONS TO ISSUE filed by ALYHANA CHILDS.(Nace, Christopher) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Att: 1 Summons,
Att: 2 Summons
Friday, March 18, 2022
4 4 REQUEST FOR SUMMONS TO ISSUE filed by ALYHANA CHILDS.(Nace, Christopher) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Summons,
Att: 2 Summons
Monday, March 21, 2022
5 5 SUMMONS (3) Issued Electronically as to ABBOTT LABORATORIES, MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY, LLC, MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITION COMPANY. (Attachment: #1 Notice and Consent)(zeg) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Monday, April 04, 2022
6 6 NOTICE of Appearance by Bridget Kathleen O'Connor on behalf of ABBOTT LABORATORIES(O'Connor, Bridget) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing
7 7 Unopposed MOTION to Stay Pending JPML Ruling on Consolidation and Transfer by ABBOTT LABORATORIES.(O'Connor, Bridget) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Memorandum in Support,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order,
Att: 3 Exhibit A
8 8 LCvR 26.1 CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE of Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests by ABBOTT LABORATORIES (O'Connor, Bridget) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Wednesday, April 06, 2022
9 9 ORDER granting7 Unopposed Motion to Stay. See the attached Order for additional details. Signed by Judge Amit P. Mehta on 4/6/2022. (lcapm1) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Case Unstayed. (ztnr) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
Related: [-]
10 10 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Stephen M. Reck, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-9179903. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by ALYHANA CHILDS.(Nace, Christopher) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Affidavit,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order
11 11 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Jose M. Rojas, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-9179920. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by ALYHANA CHILDS.(Nace, Christopher) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Affidavit,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order
12 12 CERTIFIED COPY OF CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-1), dated 4/19/2022, from the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation directing the transfer to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, with the consent of that court, assigned to the Honorable Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer for coordinated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407.(MDL 3026) (ztnr) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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13 13 EMAIL from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois requesting the transfer of the original file to be sent using the extract civil case feature of CM/ECF. (ztnr) [Transferred from District of Columbia on 4/21/2022.]
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Thursday, April 21, 2022
14 14 RECEIVED from District of Columbia; Case Number 1:22-cv-00711 (nsf)
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15 15 MAILED MDL Transfer In Letter to all Counsel of record. (nsf, )
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