Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Case #: 3:22-cv-02809
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:May 12, 2022
Case in other court:Illinois Northern, 1:22-cv-01706
Last checked: Tuesday Nov 08, 2022 12:32 AM PST
Monsanto Company
Represented By
Jennise Walker-Stubbs
Shook Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
contact info
Joanne Ambrose
Represented By
Randi Kassan
Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, PLLC
contact info
Randi Alyson Kassan
Sanders Phillips Grossman, LLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 11 hours ago
Monday, August 01, 2022
13 13 service Summons Returned Executed Mon 08/01 9:44 AM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Joanne Ambrose. Monsanto Company served on 6/8/2022, answer due 6/29/2022. (Kassan, Randi)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2022
12 12 service Affidavit of Service Tue 07/26 9:46 AM
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED filed by Joanne Ambrose. Monsanto Company served on 06/08/2022, answer due 6/29/22. (Kassan, Randi) Modified on 7/26/2022 (mcl, COURT STAFF)
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Tuesday, June 28, 2022
11 11 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Tue 06/28 1:37 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. [RE: Plaintiff Joanne Ambrose] (Walker-Stubbs, Jennise)
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10 10 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Tue 06/28 1:36 PM
Certificate of Interested Entities by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. [RE: Plaintiff Joanne Ambrose] (Walker-Stubbs, Jennise)
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9 9 answer Answer to Complaint Tue 06/28 1:35 PM
Defendant Monsanto Company's ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand [RE: Plaintiff Joanne Ambrose] byMonsanto Company. (Walker-Stubbs, Jennise)
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Friday, May 27, 2022
8 8 service Summons Issued Fri 05/27 3:00 PM
Summons Issued as to Monsanto Company. (mcl, COURT STAFF)
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7 7 misc Proposed Summons Fri 05/27 8:21 AM
Proposed Summons. (Kassan, Randi)
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Thursday, May 12, 2022
6 6 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Thu 05/12 11:49 AM
Case transferred in from District of Illinois Northern; Case Number 1:22-cv-01706. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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utility MDL Member Case Thu 05/12 11:53 AM
MEMBER CASE OPENED: re 3:16-md-02741-VC; Northern District of Illinois, 1:22-cv-01706 Ambrose v. Monsanto Company, opened in California Northern District as 3:22-cv-02809-VC pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order 329 cc: JPMDL (wsn-adi, COURT STAFF)
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Wednesday, May 04, 2022
5 5 TRANSFERRED to the Northern District of California via the electronic record. (lxk, )
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4 4 CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER from MDL Panel transferring case to Northern District of California. Mailed notice (lxk, )
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***Civil Case Terminated. (lxk, )
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Monday, April 04, 2022
3 3 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Joanne Ambrose by Randi Alyson Kassan (Kassan, Randi)
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Friday, April 01, 2022
2 2 CIVIL Cover Sheet (Kassan, Randi)
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1 1 COMPLAINT filed by Joanne Ambrose; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-19304414.(Kassan, Randi)
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CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Sunil R. Harjani. Case assignment: Random assignment. (exr, )
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CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached[LINK:Consent To] [LINK:form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order. (exr, )
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