Ohio Northern District Court
Case #: 1:22-cr-00138
Case Filed:Mar 17, 2022
Last checked: Wednesday Jun 15, 2022 3:33 AM EDT
Michael Dre Carrington (1)
Represented By
Clarissa A. Smith
C. A. Smith Law
contact info
Myron P. Watson
Law Office Of Myron P. Watson
contact info
John B. Gibbons
contact info
United States of America
Represented By
Aaron P. Howell
Office Of The U.S. Attorney - Akron
contact info

GPO Sep 16 2022
Memorandum Opinion and Order denying Defendant Arinze Ohuche's (2) Motion to Reopen Detention Proceedings and Grant a Bond. (Doc. No. 44.) Judge Pamela A. Barker on 9/16/2022. (P,K)
GPO May 28 2024
Memorandum Opinion as to Arinze N. Ohuche's (2) SEALED Motion for Sentence Reduction under 18 U.S.C. 3582(c) for Compassionate Release. (Doc. No. 74.) Judge Pamela A. Barker on 5/28/2024. (P,K) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/28/2024: # (1) Unredacted MOO) (P,K).

Docket last updated: 01/26/2023 6:15 PM EST
Monday, February 07, 2022
1 1 COMPLAINT signed by Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. on 02/07/22 filed by USA as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Att: 1 Affidavit
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Case unsealed as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Defendant arrested. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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3 3 Application (motion) for Writ of Habeas Corpus ad prosequendum by United States of America as to Michael Dre Carrington (1).(Howell, Aaron) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
Thursday, February 17, 2022
5 5 Journal Entry upon3 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus ad prosequendum as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Initial Appearance set for 2/18/2022 at 01:00 PM to be held by video conference (Cleveland) before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. Signed by Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr., on 02/17/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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6 6 Writ of Habeas Corpus ad Prosequendum Issued as to Michael Dre Carrington (1) for Initial Appearance on 02/18/22 at 1:00 PM before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. Original issued to U.S. Marshal on 02/17/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Friday, February 18, 2022
CJA 20 Appointment of Attorney John B. Gibbons for Michael Dre Carrington. Counsel is reminded of their obligation to report significant changes in defendant's employment or financial circumstances sufficient to enable defendant to pay, in whole or in part, for legal representation. CJA Plan, Part IV (D)(2). Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr., on 02/18/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Arrest of Michael Dre Carrington (1) on 02/18/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Minutes of proceedings [non-document] Initial Appearance before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. as to Michael Carrington on 02/18/22. All parties appeared via video conference. AUSA Aaron B. Howell present for the government. Attorney John B. Gibbons present and appointed for the defendant. Defendant consented to participating via video conference, with no objection from defense counsel or government. The Court finds that consent was knowingly and voluntarily made by defendant. Defendant knowingly and voluntarily consented on the record authorizing counsel for defendant to sign any documents needed on behalf of the defendant. Government moves for detention. Defendant requests a detention hearing, set for 02/25/22 at 12:00 PM. Defendant remanded to custody of the U.S. Marshal. Governments counsel was advised of and ordered to comply with the governments disclosure requirements under Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), and its progeny; and admonished that failure to comply with those disclosure obligations could result in sanctions up to and including vacation or reversal of any conviction or judgment. (ECRO: R. Ilcisko) (PTS: A. Garth) Time: 15 minutes. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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8 8 Order regarding use of video conference/teleconferencing as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Signed by Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr., on 02/18/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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9 9 Order as to Michael Dre Carrington (1) scheduling detention hearing on 02/25/22 at 12:00 PM before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Order [non-document] as to Michael Dre Carrington (1); Detention Hearing set for 02/25/2022 CONTINUED to 02/28/2022 02:00 PM to be held by video conference (Cleveland) before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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10 10 Arrest Warrant Returned Executed on 2/18/2022 in case as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). (P,G) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Thursday, February 24, 2022
IMPORTANT: Notice [non-document] as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Detention Hearing set for 02/28/2022 at 02:00 PM is CONTINUED to 02/28/2022 at 04:00 PM to be held by video conference (Cleveland) before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr. Please note this a change in time only. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Friday, February 25, 2022
IMPORTANT: Notice [non-document] as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Detention Hearing set for 02/28/22 at 04:00 PM is CONTINUED to 3/1/2022 at 03:00 PM to be held by video conference (Cleveland) before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr.(M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Tuesday, March 01, 2022
Minutes of proceedings [non-document] Detention hearing before Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr., as to Michael Dre Carrington held on 03/01/22. All parties appeared via video/tele-conference. AUSA Aaron B. Howell present for the government. Attorney John B. Gibbons present for the defendant. Defendant consented to participating via video conference, with no objection from defense counsel or government. The Court finds that consent was knowingly and voluntarily made by defendant. Proffers and arguments were made. Matter of detention taken under advisement. (ECRO: R. Ilcisko) (PTS: K. Cabanes) Time: 30 minutes. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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12 12 Waiver of Preliminary Hearing by Michael Dre Carrington (1). (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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13 13 Order regarding use of video conference/teleconferencing as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Signed by Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr., on 03/01/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Monday, March 07, 2022
14 14 Order of Detention as to Michael Dre Carrington (1). Signed by Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman, Jr., on 03/07/22. (M,MT) [1:22-mj-09007-WHB]
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Thursday, March 17, 2022
Random Assignment of Magistrate Judge pursuant to Local Criminal Rule 57.9. In the event of a referral, case will be assigned to Magistrate Judge Thomas M. Parker. (S,HR)
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15 15 UNSEALED Indictment filed by USA as to Michael Dre Carrington (1), counts 1-5; and Arinze N. Ohuche (2), counts 1-5. (S,HR) Modified on 3/28/2022 (S,HR).
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Att: 1 Designation Form and Signature Page
17 17 Motion to Seal Case by United States of America as to Michael Dre Carrington (1) and Arinze N. Ohuche (2). (S,HR)
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18 18 Order granting USA's17 Motion to Seal Indictment until the arrest of any defendant as to Michael Dre Carrington (1) and Arinze N. Ohuche (2). Magistrate Judge Jonathan D. Greenberg on 3/17/22. (S,HR)
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