Lead case: 1:22-cv-00071

Illinois Northern District Court
Judge:Rebecca R Pallmeyer
Case #: 1:22-cv-07086
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Dec 19, 2022
Case in other court:North Carolina Middle, 1:22-cv-01018
Last checked: Saturday Jun 17, 2023 4:41 AM CDT
Abbott Laboratories
Represented By
Meir Feder
Jones Day
contact info
Bridget Kathleen O'Connor
Jones Day
contact info
Mead Johnson & Company LLC
Represented By
Rachel Marie Cannon
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
contact info
Elyse Debra Echtman
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
contact info
Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
Represented By
Rachel Marie Cannon
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
contact info
Elyse Debra Echtman
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
contact info
Represented By
Cr Legal Team, LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 12/19/2022 12:40 PM CST
Monday, November 28, 2022
1 1 PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number ANCMDC-3436482.), filed by FAUSTINA CATHEY. (KINSLEY, BRIAN) Modified on 11/28/2022 to add complete title of document. (Carter, Alexus). [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet
Friday, December 02, 2022
Case ASSIGNED to UNASSIGNED and MAG/JUDGE L. PATRICK AULD. (Sheets, Jamie) [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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CASE REFERRED to Standing Order 30. (Sheets, Jamie) [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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CASE REFERRED to Mediation pursuant to Local Rule 83.9b of the Rules of Practice and Procedure of this Court. Please go to our website under Attorney Information for a list of mediators which must be served on all parties. (Sheets, Jamie) [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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2 2 Summons Issued as to ABBOTT LABORATORIES, MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY, LLC, MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITION COMPANY. (Sheets, Jamie) [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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Att: 1 Summons - Mead Johnson & Company, LLC,
Att: 2 Summons - Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
Friday, December 16, 2022
3 3 CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-23) Re: MDL 3026 transferring this action to the Northern District of Illinois for the reasons stated in the order of April 8, 2022. Received and filed on December 16, 2022. (Carter, Alexus) [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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4 4 MDL TRANSFER LETTER to individual courts and counsel of record re: Conditional Transfer Order (CTO-23) transferring this action to the Northern District of Illinois. (Carter, Alexus) (Main Document 4 replaced on 12/16/2022) (Carter, Alexus). [Transferred from North Carolina Middle on 12/19/2022.]
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Monday, December 19, 2022
5 5 RECEIVED from North Carolina Middle; Case Number 1:22-cv-01018 (aee).
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6 6 MDL Transfer In Letter to all Counsel of record. (aee, ) Modified on 12/19/2022 (aee, ).
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