Lead case: 1:22-cv-00071

Illinois Northern District Court
Judge:Rebecca R Pallmeyer
Case #: 1:22-cv-07303
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Dec 29, 2022
Case in other court:Texas Western, 3:22-cv-00450
Last checked: Tuesday Jun 27, 2023 3:46 AM CDT
Abbott Laboratories
Represented By
Meir Feder
Jones Day
contact info
Bridget Kathleen O'Connor
Jones Day
contact info
Mason C. Malone
Jones Day
contact info
Abbott Laboratories Inc
100 Abbott Park Road
Abbott Park, IL 60064
Represented By
Mason C. Malone
Jones Day
contact info
Marisela Torres
Represented By
Kevin L. Edwards
Freese & Goss, PLLC
contact info
Kevin Edwards
Represented By
Kevin L. Edwards
Freese & Goss, PLLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 12/29/2022 11:40 AM CST
Tuesday, December 06, 2022
If ordered by the court, all referrals will be assigned to Magistrate Judge Castaneda (em) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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1 1 COMPLAINT ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number ATXWDC-16827493), filed by Marisela Torres, Kevin Edwards.(Edwards, Kevin) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Summons,
Att: 3 Summons
Wednesday, December 07, 2022
2 2 Summons Issued as to Abbott Laboratories, Inc.. (em) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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3 3 Summons Issued as to Abbott Laboratories. (em) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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Friday, December 09, 2022
All parties shall comply with the Standing Orders of Judge David C. Guaderrama located at (em) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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4 4 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Kevin Edwards. Abbott Laboratories, Inc. served on 12/8/2022, answer due 12/29/2022. (Edwards, Kevin) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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5 5 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Kevin Edwards. Abbott Laboratories served on 12/8/2022, answer due 12/29/2022. (Edwards, Kevin) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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Thursday, December 22, 2022
Text Order GRANTING6 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. The Court EXTENDS Defendants' deadline to answer or otherwise respond to Plaintiff's Complaint1 to JANUARY 26, 2023. Entered by Judge David C Guaderrama. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (kllc) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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6 6 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re1 Complaint by Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Laboratories, Inc..(Malone, Mason) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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Att: 1 Proposed Order
7 7 Certificate of Interested Parties by Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Laboratories, Inc.. (Malone, Mason) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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Wednesday, December 28, 2022
8 8 CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO 25) to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois MDL NO. 3026. Signed by Judge David C Guaderrama. (em) [Transferred from Texas Western on 12/29/2022.]
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Thursday, December 29, 2022
9 9 RECEIVED from Texas Western; Case Number 3:22-cv-00450. (ph,)
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10 10 MAILED MDL Transfer In Letter to all Counsel of record. (ph, )
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