Massachusetts District Court
Case #: 1:23-cr-10079
Case Filed:Mar 23, 2023
Terminated:Mar 07, 2025
Last checked: Sunday Oct 13, 2024 4:12 PM EDT
Priya Bhambi (1)
Represented By
Aziza Hawthorne
Federal Public Defender Office
contact info
Jessica P. Thrall
Federal Public Defender Office
contact info
Robert M. Goldstein
contact info
Samuel Montronde (2)
Represented By
Mark W. Shea
Shea & Larocque LLP
contact info
Jean C. LaRocque
Shea And Larocque, LLP
contact info
Represented By
Carol E. Head
United States Attorney'S Office Ma
contact info
Mackenzie A. Queenin
United States Attorney'S Office Ma
contact info
Leslie Wright
Us Attorney'S Office - Ma
contact info

GPO Feb 12 2025
Chief Judge F. Dennis Saylor, IV: ORDER entered DENYING 223 Motion for Judgment of Acquittal or New Trial as to Samuel Montronde (2). (FGD)

Docket last updated: 03/20/2025 11:45 AM EDT
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
1 1 SEALED COMPLAINT as to PRIYA BHAMBI (1), SAMUEL N. MONTRODE (2).(Montes, Mariliz) (King, Dawn). (Attachment 4 replaced on 1/11/2023) (King, Dawn). (Attachment 4 replaced on 1/11/2023) (King, Dawn). [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Att: 1 2 pgs JS45 Bhambi,
Att: 2 2 pgs JS45 Montrode,
Att: 3 Affidavit
Att: 4 (1/11/2023) Affidavit Redacted
2 2 MOTION to Seal as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE by USA. (Montes, Mariliz) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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3 3 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting2 Motion to Seal as to PRIYA BHAMBI (1), SAMUEL N. MONTRODE (2) (Montes, Mariliz) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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4 4 Arrest Warrant Issued by Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy as to PRIYA BHAMBI. (Montes, Mariliz) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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5 5 Arrest Warrant Issued by Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy as to SAMUEL N. MONTRODE. (Montes, Mariliz) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. Added attorney Jessica Thrall for Priya Bhambi. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Arrests of PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. Added attorney Aziza Hawthorne for Priya Bhambi. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. Added attorney Leslie Wright. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. Added attorney Carol Head. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. Added attorney Mark W. Shea for Samuel N. Montronde. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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6 6 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE; Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy assigned to case. (Finn, Mary) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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7 7 MOTION to Partially Unseal Case as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE by USA. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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8 8 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting7 Motion to Partially Unseal Case as to PRIYA BHAMBI (1), SAMUEL N. MONTRODE (2) (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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9 9 ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING for Initial Appearance as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE. IN PERSON Initial Appearance set for 1/11/2023 at 3:30 PM in Courtroom 16 (In person only) before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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10 10 Electronic Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: Initial Appearance as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE held on 1/11/2023. Case called. Court informs Defendants of reason for their appearance, charges, rights and constitutional rights. Government states maximum penalties. Defendants will submit financial affidavits. Defendants seeks to have provisional appointments of counsel for today and they may seek retained counsel. FPD Hawthorne for Bhambi and CJA Shea for Montrode are provisionally appointed. Government does not move for detention as to either defendant. Defendants advised of their right to Preliminary Hearings IN PERSON Preliminary Examination set for 1/18/2023 at 2:30 PM in Courtroom 1 - Worcester (In person only) before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy. Court releases Defendants on conditions, including they must seek employment and disclose pending charge. Government has a concern about Bhambi's passport not being surrendered sooner. Probation states it can pick up the passport tomorrow at her home, which the Court finds acceptable. Government asks for a condition regarding financial transactions (no financial transactions over $5,000.00 without addressing it with her attorney first) plus no contact with witnesses and a person not named in open court but the name will be communicated to counsel. Both Defendant are to execute a $50,000 unsecured bond. Defendants can address the mortgage payment and the condition regarding financial transactions next week. Defendants are to submit their financial affidavits prior to the Preliminary Hearing on 1/18/23. If they do retain counsel, current counsel may seek a short continuance to allow retained counsel to step in. Defendants given bail warnings. Court gives oral Brady order, written to issue as well. Defendant returned to the custody of the United States Marshal. (Attorneys present: Wright; Hawthorne, Shea; POs Curran, Paiva, K. )Court Reporter Name and Contact or digital recording information: Digital Recording. To order a copy of this Digital Recording, please contact the Clerk's office by email at [LINK:] . For a transcript of this proceeding, contact the Clerk's Office by email at (King, Dawn) Modified on 1/24/2023 (King, Dawn). [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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11 11 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. ORDER Setting Conditions of Release as to PRIYA BHAMBI (1) and $50,000.00 unsecured bond as to PRIYA BHAMBI. (King, Dawn) (Main Document 11 replaced on 1/24/2023) (King, Dawn). [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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12 12 Unsecured Bond Entered as to PRIYA BHAMBI in amount of $50,000.00. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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13 13 4 pgs Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. ORDER Setting Conditions of Release as to SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE (2) and $50,000.00 unsecured bond as to SAMUEL N. MONTRODE. (King, Dawn) Modified on 1/13/2023 to correct spelling of last name (King, Dawn). (Main Document 13 replaced on 1/13/2023) (King, Dawn). [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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14 14 Unsecured Bond Entered as to SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE in amount of $ 50,000.00. (King, Dawn) Modified on 1/13/2023 to correct spelling of last name (King, Dawn). (Main Document 14 replaced on 1/13/2023) (King, Dawn). [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Thursday, January 12, 2023
15 15 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered. ORDER PURSUANT TO FEDERAL RULE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 5 as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRODE. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Friday, January 13, 2023
16 16 Assented to MOTION to Continue to late February 2023 to Preliminary Hearing as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE by SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE. (Shea, Mark) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Tuesday, January 17, 2023
17 17 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting16 Assented to MOTION to Continue to late February 2023 to Preliminary Hearing as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE by SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE as to PRIYA BHAMBI (1), SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE (2) (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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18 18 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered. ORDER OF RESCHEDULING as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE. IN PERSON Preliminary Examination reset for 2/27/2023 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 1 - Worcester (In person only) before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Friday, January 20, 2023
19 19 District Judge Leo T. Sorokin: ORDER entered. ORDER ON EXCLUDABLE DELAY as to PRIYA BHAMBI, SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE. Time excluded from 1/11/2023 until 2/27/2023. Reason for entry of order on excludable delay: 18 USC 3161(h)(7)(A) Interests of justice. (Belmont, Kellyann) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Thursday, January 26, 2023
20 20 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE: Robert M. Goldstein appearing for PRIYA BHAMBI. Type of Appearance: Retained. (Goldstein, Robert) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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21 21 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney as to PRIYA BHAMBI. (Hawthorne, Aziza) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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22 22 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting21 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Aziza Hawthorne and Jessica P. Thrall terminated as to PRIYA BHAMBI (1) (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Wednesday, February 22, 2023
23 23 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered. ORDER OF RESCHEDULING as to PRIYA BHAMBI. Preliminary Examination VIA VIDEO set for 2/24/2023 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 1 - Worcester Related [+] before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy.) This hearing will be conducted by video conference. Counsel of record will receive a video conference invite at the email registered in CM/ECF. If you have technical or compatibility issues with the technology, please notify the session's courtroom deputy as soon as possible. Access to the hearing will be made available to the media and public. In order to gain access to the hearing, you must sign up at the following address: [LINK:] . For questions regarding access to hearings, you may refer to the Court's general orders and public notices available on [] or contact . (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
Related: [-] mote only
24 24 WAIVER of Preliminary Hearing by PRIYA BHAMBI (Goldstein, Robert) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Friday, February 24, 2023
26 26 Electronic Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: Preliminary Hearing as to PRIYA BHAMBI held on 2/24/2023. Case called. Defendant and his attorney Related [+] appear via video conference. Defendant appears remotely on release. All other parties are present via video conference as well. Court instructs the Defendant on his right to be present in the courtroom. Defendant knowingly and voluntarily waives his appearance in the courtroom and agrees to participate via video conference. The Court finds that public access to this hearing has been made. The Court now proceeds with the hearing with respect to Defendant's Preliminary Hearing. Court has received a waiver of the Preliminary Hearing. Defendant wishes to waive her right to a Preliminary Hearing, Court finds a knowing and voluntary waiver of same. Defendant remains on release. (Attorneys present: Goldstein; Wright. )Court Reporter Name and Contact or digital recording information: Digital Recording. To order a copy of this Digital Recording, please contact the Clerk's office by email at [LINK:] . For a transcript of this proceeding, contact the Clerk's Office by email at (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
Related: [-] tained: Goldstein, R.
Monday, February 27, 2023
27 27 Electronic Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: Preliminary Hearing as to SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE held on 2/27/2023. Case called. Court issues order Brady (written order already docketed). Defendant has filed a financial affidavit, Court permanently appoints CJA Mark Shea. Government calls witness Special Agent Brianna Cassidy, who is sworn, testifies, and is cross-examined by Defendant. Defendant request the recorded statement of Ms. Bhambi, Court overrules. Defendant rests. Government re-directs. Court finds probable cause and states reasons therefore. Defendant remains on release.(Attorneys present: Wright, Shea. )Court Reporter Name and Contact or digital recording information: Digital Recording. To order a copy of this Digital Recording, please contact the Clerk's office by email at[LINK:] . For a transcript of this proceeding, contact the Clerk's Office by email at (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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28 28 1 pgs EXHIBIT/WITNESS LIST as to SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE. (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Thursday, March 02, 2023
29 29 MOTION for transcripts at government expense : Preliminary Hearing (testimony only) as to SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE. (Shea, Mark) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Wednesday, March 08, 2023
30 30 Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy: ORDER entered granting29 Motion for Transcript at Government Expense as to SAMUEL N. MONTRONDE (2) (King, Dawn) [1:23-mj-04050-DHH]
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Thursday, March 23, 2023
31 31 10 pgs INDICTMENT as to Priya Bhambi (1) count(s) 1, 2-4, Samuel Montronde (2) count(s) 1, 2-4.(DaSilva, Carolina)
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Att: 1 4 pgs JS45
32 32 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment as to Priya Bhambi, Samuel Montronde; Chief Judge F. Dennis Saylor, IV assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy. (Finn, Mary)
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33 33 Chief Judge F. Dennis Saylor, IV: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered. Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy Reason for referral: Full Pretrial Proceedings as to Priya Bhambi, Samuel Montronde (DaSilva, Carolina)
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