Lead case: 3:16-md-02741

California Northern District Court
Judge:Vince Chhabria
Case #: 3:23-cv-01572
Nature of Suit365 Torts - Personal Injury - Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:Apr 03, 2023
Case in other court:Florida Middle, 8:23-cv-00515
Last checked: Friday Oct 13, 2023 7:22 AM PDT
Monsanto Company
Represented By
Jennise Walker-Stubbs
Shook Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
contact info
Kathleen Jackson
Represented By
Joseph A. Osborne
Osborne & Associates Law Firm P.A.
contact info
James Robert Bell
Osborne & Associates Law Firm P.A.
contact info

Docket last updated: 10 hours ago
Monday, February 10, 2025
20 20 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Mon 02/10 2:02 PM
ORDER DENYING CERTAIN WAVE 8 MOTIONS TO EXCLUDE. Signed by Judge Vince Chhabria. (crblc4, COURT STAFF) Any non-CM/ECF Participants have been served by First Class Mail to the addresses of record listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)
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Sunday, January 19, 2025
19 19 motion Miscellaneous Relief Sun 01/19 12:20 PM
MOTION to Exclude Testimony of Dr. Robert Conry filed by Monsanto Company. Responses due by 2/12/2025. Replies due by 2/26/2025. (Hsu, Linda)
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Thursday, November 14, 2024
18 18 notice Notice (Other) Thu 11/14 11:45 AM
NOTICE by Kathleen Jackson of Service of Expert Disclosure (Osborne, Joseph)
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Tuesday, May 21, 2024
17 17 8 pgs order Order Tue 05/21 4:21 PM
ORDER ENFORCING PRETRIAL ORDER NO. 240. Signed by Judge Vince Chhabria on 5/21/2024. Associated Cases: See Order. (crblc4, COURT STAFF) Any non-CM/ECF Participants have been served by First Class Mail to the addresses of record listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)
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Wednesday, May 10, 2023
16 16 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Wed 05/10 11:43 AM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. [RE: Plaintiff Kathleen Jackson] (Walker-Stubbs, Jennise)
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15 15 notice Certificate of Interested Entities, Corporate Disclosure Statement, or Rule 7.1 Disclosures Wed 05/10 11:42 AM
Certificate of Interested Entities by Monsanto Company identifying Other Affiliate Bayer AG for Monsanto Company. [RE: Plaintiff Kathleen Jackson] (Walker-Stubbs, Jennise)
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14 14 respoth Answer to Amended Complaint Wed 05/10 11:41 AM
Answer to Amended Complaint [RE: Plaintiff Kathleen Jackson] byMonsanto Company. (Walker-Stubbs, Jennise)
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Monday, April 03, 2023
13 13 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Mon 04/03 2:49 PM
Case transferred in from District of Florida Middle; Case Number 8:23-cv-00515. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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12 12 misc ICMS - converted docket entry Mon 04/03 5:27 PM
MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION PANEL ORDER (CTO-388) transferring case to: Northern District of California. MDL case number: 2741. (AG)
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utility MDL Member Case Mon 04/03 2:50 PM
MEMBER CASE OPENED MDL 2741: Middle District of Florida, 8:23-cv-00151-KKM-JSS, Jackson v. Monsanto Company, Opened in California Northern District as 3:23-cv-01572-VC pursuant to Conditional Transfer Order 388 cc: JPMDL (wsn, COURT STAFF)
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Tuesday, March 28, 2023
11 11 CERTIFICATE of interested persons and corporate disclosure statement re 10 Order by Kathleen Jackson. (Osborne, Joseph)
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Thursday, March 23, 2023
10 10 ENDORSED ORDER: As required by Local Rule 3.03, Plaintiff must file a Certificate of Interested Persons and Corporate Disclosure Statement identifying parties and interested corporations in which any assigned judge may be a shareholder, as well as for other matters that might require consideration of recusal. Plaintiff must file the foregoing by using the template on the undersigned's website under the "forms" tab. (Doc. 3 .) Plaintiff must file the Disclosure Statement and Certification no later than March 28, 2023. Signed by Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle on 3/23/2023. (MEV)
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Tuesday, March 21, 2023
9 9 WAIVER of service returned executed on 03/14/2023 by Kathleen Jackson as to Monsanto Company. (Osborne, Joseph)
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Tuesday, March 14, 2023
8 8 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Joseph A. Osborne on behalf of Kathleen Jackson. Lead Counsel: Joseph A. Osborne. (Osborne, Joseph)
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7 7 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Monsanto Company with Jury Demand. Filed by Kathleen Jackson. Related document: 1 Complaint, filed by Kathleen Jackson.(Osborne, Joseph)
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Friday, March 10, 2023
6 6 SUMMONS issued as to Monsanto Company. (LNR)
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5 5 NOTICE of Local Rule 2.02(a), which states, "The first paper filed on behalf of a party must designate only one lead counsel who - unless the party changes the designation - remains lead counsel throughout the action." Counsel must file a Notice of Lead Counsel Designation identifying lead counsel. (Signed by Deputy Clerk). (LNR)
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Wednesday, March 08, 2023
4 4 ENDORSED ORDER: Upon review, the Court finds this complaint constitutes an impermissible shotgun pleading. See Weiland v. Palm Beach Cnty. Sheriff's Off. , 792 F.3d 1313, 1324 (11th Cir. 2015). Specifically, each count improperly incorporates by reference the allegations of the prior counts leading to a situation where counts II through V contains irrelevant factual allegations and legal conclusions. See id. at 1321 ("The most common type [of shotgun pleading]--by a long shot--is a complaint containing multiple counts where each count adopts the allegations of all preceding counts, causing each successive count to carry all that came before and the last count to be a combination of the entire complaint."). Accordingly, the Court STRIKES Plaintiff's complaint. Plaintiff must file an amended complaint complying with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by March 15, 2023, or this action will be dismissed. Signed by Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle on 3/8/2023. (MEV)
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3 3 CIVIL CASE STANDING ORDER. The parties shall meet and file a Case Management Report using the standard form on the undersigned's website within forty days after any defendant appears. Each party must also file a Corporate Disclosure Statement using the standard template on the undersigned's website under the "forms" tab within fourteen days after appearing. Signed by Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle on 3/8/2023. (MEV)
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2 2 NEW CASE ASSIGNED to Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle and Magistrate Judge Julie S. Sneed. New case number: 8:23-cv-0515-KKM-JSS. (SJB)
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1 1 ***STRICKEN; pursuant to court's endorsed order 4 .*** COMPLAINT against Monsanto Company with Jury Demand (Filing fee $402 receipt number BFLMDC-20589076) filed by Kathleen Jackson.(Osborne, Joseph) Modified text on 3/9/2023 (LNR).
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Proposed Summons