Lead case: 1:20-md-02974

Georgia Northern District Court
Judge:Leigh Martin May
Case #: 1:23-cv-02199
Nature of Suit367 Torts - Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury/Product Liability
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Case Filed:May 16, 2023
Terminated:May 16, 2023
Last checked: Sunday Nov 12, 2023 4:00 AM EST
CooperSurgical, Inc
Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
Teva Women's Health, LLC
The Cooper Companies, Inc.
Michelle Lagos
Represented By
Fidelma L Fitzpatrick
Motley Rice LLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 01/26/2025 11:59 PM EST
Friday, November 15, 2024
5 5 2 pgs order Order Mon 11/18 7:48 PM
ORDER: Defendants' Consent Motion to Revise Leadership Structure for MDL Proceedings, Doc. No. 731, is GRANTED. Therefore, the Clerk is directed to substitute Kasey M. Adams, Esq., for Tara L. Blake, Esq., as Co-Lead Counsel for the Cooper Defendants in this action and in all associated cases. (Second Copy of 732 in 1:20-md-02974-LMM. Entered in member cases 1:22-cv-1028 through 3:20- cv-194.) Signed by Judge Leigh Martin May on 11/15/2024. (tht)
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4 4 1 pgs order Order Mon 11/18 1:35 PM
ORDER granting (730 in 1:20-md-02974-LMM) Tara L. Blake's unopposed motion to withdraw as counsel of record for Defendants CooperSurgical, Inc. and The Cooper Companies, Inc. Signed by Judge Leigh Martin May on 11/15/2024. (Second Copy of 732 in 1:20-md-02974-LMM. Entered in member cases 1:22-cv-1028 through 3:20-cv-194.) (bgt)
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Friday, May 26, 2023
3 3 service Waiver of Service Executed Fri 05/26 12:01 PM
WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Michelle Lagos. All Defendants.(Fitzpatrick, Fidelma)
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Att: 1 Cooper Surgical, Inc.,
Att: 2 The Cooper Companies, Inc.,
Att: 3 Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.,
Att: 4 Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.,
Att: 5 Teva Women's Health, LLC
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
2 2 6 pgs order Order Tue 05/16 2:52 PM
ORDER INITIAL CONFERENCE: The Court held its Initial Conference in this MDL on February 9,2021. The below are the orders entered after discussion of these issues at that conference. 1. Leadershipstructure: After the Court discussed issues concerning the leadership structure with all parties, the CourtORDERED Plaintiffs and Defendants to each file their proposed consent motion and order as to theirrequested leadership structure and team within 7 days of the date of this order. 2. Future statusconferences: The Court will hold status conferences once a month. The next six conferences will take placeon the following dates at 10:00 am via zoom: Tuesday, March 9, 2021; Monday, April 12, 2021;Wednesday, May 12, 2021; Monday, June 14, 2021; Tuesday, July 13, 2021; Friday, August 20, 2021. TheCourt will send out the zoom links prior to the conferences. The parties will submit a proposed consentagenda 3 business days prior to the conference. The parties will also confer as to the format for presentingissues that require additional explanation. When these are necessary, they should also be filed 3 businessdays before the conference. 3. Stay of responsive pleading obligations: The Court continues the stay ofresponsive pleading obligations provided for in Section 6(b) of the Court's initial order. 4. Pendingmotions: The Court DENIES WITHOUT PREJUDICE all pending motions in the individual casescomprising the MDL. These cases are also ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSED. These terminated motionswill later be refiled in accordance with an upcoming Case Management Order. 5. Docketing: All partiesare to docket future filings only in the MDL case. The case caption should indicate whether any filingapplies to all cases or list the individual cases to which it should apply. 6. Electronic service: The CourtORDERS all attorneys participating in the MDL proceeding to register with the Court's CM/ECF system.Because all attorneys will then receive electronic copies of documents filed in the MDL, the CourtORDERS that electronic service of documents via the Court's CM/ECF system satisfies the obligation ofservice. Hereafter, unless otherwise ordered, neither the clerk's office nor counsel for the parties shall beobligated to provide service copies of any filings or related orders by U.S. Mail or any other means toattorneys who have not registered with the Court's CM/ECF system. An attorney who is not participatingin the MDL and does not want to receive CM/ECF notifications may file a motion to withdraw or acertificate of consent to withdraw in accordance with Local Rule 83.1(E). 7. Initial disclosures: The CourtGRANTS the parties' joint request for the Court to excuse the parties from Rule 26(f) initial disclosures;except as to the ParaGard New Drug Application (NDA) that was transferred on or about November 10,2005, to Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and produced by TWH, Inc., to plaintiff in the Estrada case. 8.Case management and initial orders: The parties are ORDERED to confer as to proposed orders for thelist found herein. See order for further specifics and instructions. Signed by Judge Leigh Martin May on 02/10/21. (dnb)
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1 1 7 pgs cmp Complaint Tue 05/16 2:50 PM
SHORT FORM COMPLAINT with Jury Demand filed by Michelle Lagos. Direct File MDL-USDC Oregon District Court (Filing fee $402, receipt number AGANDC-12601148)(dnb) Please visit our website at to obtain Pretrial Instructions and Pretrial Associated Forms which includes the Consent To Proceed Before U.S. Magistrate form.
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet
utility Terminate Civil Case Tue 05/16 2:54 PM
Civil Case Terminated. (dnb)
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utility Remark Tue 05/16 3:23 PM
Remark: Counsel should review all Orders docketed in MDL Case No. 1:20-md-2974-LMM. The Court's Case Management Orders and other case-related documents can also be found on the Court's MDL web page: (bnp)
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