California Central District Court
Case #: 2:23-mj-01409
Case Filed:Mar 23, 2023
Terminated:Mar 23, 2023
Last checked: Wednesday Jun 21, 2023 12:19 AM PDT
Represented By
US Attorney's Office
Ausa - Office Of Us Attorney
contact info
Darryl Cohen (1)
Terminated: 03/23/2023
Represented By
Mark Steven Sedlander
Mancini Shenk LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 06/21/2023 12:50 AM PDT
Thursday, March 23, 2023
1 1 1 pgs AFFIDAVIT RE: OUT-OF-DISTRICT WARRANT (Rule 5(c)(3)) filed as to defendant Darryl Cohen, originating in the Southern District of New York. Defendant charged in violation of: 18:1349 and 18:1343 and 15:80b-6 and 15:80b-7. Signed by agent Shiva Taghdis, FBI Special Agent. filed by Plaintiff USA. (mat)
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2 2 1 pgs REPORT COMMENCING CRIMINAL ACTION as to Defendant Darryl Cohen; defendants Year of Birth: 1973. (mat)
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3 3 SEALED Defendant Darryl Cohen arrested on warrant issued by the USDC Southern District of New York at New York, New York.(mat)
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Att: 1 Charging Document
4 4 7 pgs MINUTES OF ARREST ON OUT OF DISTRICT WARRANT held before Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Chooljian as to Defendant Darryl Cohen. Court issues Order under Fed. R. Crim. P. 5(f) concerning prosecutor's disclosure obligations; see General Order 21-02 (written order). Defendant arraigned and states true name is as charge. Attorney: Mark Steven Sedlander for Darryl Cohen, Retained, present. Court orders bail set as: Darryl Cohen (1) $250,000, see bond for details. Defendant remanded to the custody or currently in the custody of the US Marshal. Court orders defendant held to answer to Southern District of New York. Bond to Transfer. Defendant ordered to report on April 10, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.. Release Order No. 41984. Government moves to Unseal entire Case is Granted. Court Smart: 3/23/23. (mat)
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5 5 DESIGNATION AND APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL; filed by Mark Steven Sedlander appearing for Darryl Cohen. (mat)
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6 6 2 pgs ADVISEMENT OF STATUTORY & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS filed by Defendant Darryl Cohen. (mat)
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7 7 1 pgs DECLARATION RE: PASSPORT filed by Defendant Darryl Cohen, declaring that my passport and any other travel documents are in the possession of federal authorities. If any such document is returned to me during the pendency of this case, I will immediately surrender it to the U.S. Pretrial Services Agency. I will not apply for a passport or other travel document during the pendency of this case. (mat)
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8 8 1 pgs WAIVER OF RIGHTS approved by Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Chooljian as to Defendant Darryl Cohen. (mat)
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