California Central District Court
Case #: 2:23-cr-00257
Case Filed:May 24, 2023
Last checked: Friday Jun 23, 2023 12:33 AM PDT
Said Rhayel (1)
Represented By
Ramanujan Desikan Nadadur
Federal Public Defenders Office
contact info
Robert Darren Cornforth
Law Office Of R Darren Cornforth
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Represented By
James C. Hughes
Ausa - Office Of Us Attorney
contact info

Docket last updated: 11/29/2024 9:23 AM PST
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
1 1 36 pgs COMPLAINT filed as to Defendant Said Rhayel in violation of 18:1957: Transactional Money Laundering. Approved by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon as to Said Rhayel (1). (mhe) Modified on 5/23/2023 (mat). [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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3 3 SEALED EX PARTE APPLICATION to Seal Case Filed by Plaintiff USA as to Defendant Said Rhayel. (mhe) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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4 4 ORDER by Magistrate Judge Alexander F. MacKinnon: granting3 EX PARTE APPLICATION to Seal Case as to Said Rhayel (1) (mhe) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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Thursday, May 18, 2023
5 5 REPORT COMMENCING CRIMINAL ACTION as to Defendant Said Rhayel; defendants Year of Birth: 1982; date of arrest: 5/18/2023 (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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6 6 GOVERNMENT'S NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR DETENTION filed by Plaintiff USA as to Defendant Said Rhayel (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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7 7 MINUTES OF granting6 REQUEST for Detention as to Said Rhayel (1); INITIAL APPEARANCE ON LOCAL COMPLAINT held before Magistrate Judge Karen L. Stevenson as to Defendant Said Rhayel. Court issues Order under Fed. R. Crim. P. 5(f) concerning prosecutor's disclosure obligations; see General Order 21-02 (written order). Contested detention hearing held. Defendant arraigned and advised of the charges. Defendant states true name as charged. Attorney: Ramanujan Desikan Nadadur for Said Rhayel, Deputy Federal Public Defender, present. Court orders defendant permanently detained. Defendant remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshal. ( Preliminary Hearing set for 6/1/2023 11:30 AM before Duty Magistrate Judge., Post-Indictment Arraignment set for 6/8/2023 11:30 AM before Duty Magistrate Judge.) Court Smart: 5/18/23. (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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8 8 NOTICE DIRECTING DEFENDANT TO APPEAR for Preliminary Hearing and Arraignment on Indictment/Information. Defendant Said Rhayel is directed to appear for Preliminary Hearing on 6/1/23 at 11:30 A.M. and for Post Indictment Arraignment on 6/8/23 at 11:30 A.M. before the Duty Magistrate Judge. (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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9 9 ORDER OF DETENTION AFTER HEARING by Magistrate Judge Karen L. Stevenson as to Defendant Said Rhayel. (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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10 10 FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT filed as to Defendant Said Rhayel. ( Not for Public View pursuant to the E-Government Act of 2002) (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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11 11 ADVISEMENT OF STATUTORY & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS filed by Defendant Said Rhayel. (mat) [2:23-mj-02500-DUTY]
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Wednesday, May 24, 2023
12 12 17 pgs INDICTMENT Filed as to Said Rhayel (1) count(s) 1, 2-4, 5-6. Offense occurred in LA. (ja)
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13 13 2 pgs CASE SUMMARY filed by AUSA James C Hughes as to Defendant Said Rhayel; defendants Year of Birth: 1982 USMS# REG 59845-510 (ja)
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