Kansas District Court
Judge:John W Lungstrum
Referred: Teresa J James
Case #: 2:14-cv-02547
Nature of Suit442 Civil Rights - Employment
Cause28:1331 Fed. Question: Employment Discrimination
Case Filed:Oct 27, 2014
Terminated:Jul 21, 2015
Last checked: Monday May 11, 2015 8:46 PM CDT
Counter Claimant
Centene Corporation
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Counter Claimant
Centene Management Company, LLC
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Counter Claimant
Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc.
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Counter Defendant
Jacqueline Leary
Represented By
Lewis M. Galloway
Lg Law LLC
contact info
Centene Corporation
7700 Forsyth Blvd Ste 800
St. Louis, MO 63105
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Centene Management Company, LLC
7700 Forsyth Blvd Ste 800
St. Louis, MO 63105
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Rob Hitchcock
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc.
7700 Forstyth Blvd Ste 800
St. Louis, MO 63105
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Jean Rumbaugh Wilms
Represented By
Jovita M. Foster
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Krystle M. Dunn
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - Kc
contact info
Bradley M. Bakker
Armstrong Teasdale Llp - St. Louis
contact info
Jacqueline Leary
8417 W 111th Terr
Overland Park, KS 66210
Represented By
Lewis M. Galloway
Lg Law LLC
contact info

GPO Mar 10 2015
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part 14 Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss counterclaims. Signed by District Judge John W. Lungstrum on 03/10/2015. (ses)

Docket last updated: 54 minutes ago
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
32 32 misc Stipulation of Dismissal Tue 07/21 10:55 AM
STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL with Prejudice by Jacqueline Leary. (Galloway, Lewis)
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utility Terminate Civil Case Wed 07/22 8:24 AM
***Civil Case Terminated per chambers and 32 Stipulation of Dismissal.(kao)
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Thursday, June 25, 2015
31 31 adr ADR Report Thu 06/25 2:13 PM
ADR REPORT by Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Rob Hitchcock, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc., Jean Rumbaugh Wilms. ADR session held on: June 2, 2015 and conducted by Charles Atwell. Results of ADR: Case did not settle. Status of litigation at time of ADR: Pre-Discovery. (Bakker, Bradley)
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Thursday, May 21, 2015
30 30 order Order on Motion to Amend Scheduling Order Thu 05/21 8:22 AM
ORDER granting29 Defendants' Unopposed Motion to Amend Scheduling Order. The Scheduling Order deadline for the parties to file motions to amend or join additional parties is hereby extended up to and including 6/26/2015. Signed by Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James on 5/21/2015. (This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.) (ts)
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
29 29 motion Amend Scheduling Order Wed 05/13 11:51 AM
UNOPPOSED MOTION to Amend Scheduling Order by Defendants Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Rob Hitchcock, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc., Jean Rumbaugh Wilms. Related [+] (Bakker, Bradley)
Related: [-] ferred to Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
28 28 adr Consent to Mediation Tue 05/12 11:11 AM
CONSENT TO MEDIATION/NOTICE OF MEDIATOR by Jacqueline Leary. (Galloway, Lewis)
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Monday, May 11, 2015
27 27 misc Certificate of Service Mon 05/11 2:13 PM
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Plaintiff's First Interrogatories and First Requests for Production of Documents to Defendant Centene Corporation by Jacqueline Leary. (Galloway, Lewis)
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Friday, April 17, 2015
26 26 answer Answer to Counterclaim Fri 04/17 9:09 AM
ANSWER TO COUNTERCLAIMS re8 Counterclaim,11 Counterclaim,12 Counterclaim, by Jacqueline Leary. (Galloway, Lewis)
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Thursday, April 16, 2015
25 25 order Order on Motion for Leave to File Thu 04/16 8:31 AM
ORDER granting24 Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Leave to File Answer to Defendants' Counterclaims Out of Time. Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary is hereby granted leave to file her Answer to the remaining counterclaims of Defendants Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, and Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc. Plaintiff shall file her Answer forthwith. Signed by Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James on 4/16/2015. (This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.) (ts)
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015
24 24 motion Leave Wed 04/15 3:37 PM
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to file Plaintiff's Answer to Defendants' Counterclaims Out of Time by Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary Related [+](Galloway, Lewis)
Related: [-] ferred to Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Plaintiff's Answer to Defendants' Counterclaims
23 23 order Scheduling Order Wed 04/15 10:11 AM
SCHEDULING ORDER: Mediation notice or confidential settlement reports due to Magistrate Judge by May 13, 2015. Mediation and Discovery deadlines set for 9/30/2015. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 10/14/2015. Final Pretrial Conference set for 10/21/2015 at 11:00 AM by Telephone before Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James. COUNSEL WHO PLAN TO PARTICIPATE MUST CALL 913-735-2279 for the conference. Please do not call more than five minutes prior to the scheduled time. Dispositive motion deadline 11/4/2015. The jury trial is estimated to take 8 days and is set for 5/2/2016 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 440 (JWL) before District Judge John W. Lungstrum. Signed by Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James on 4/15/2015. (ck)
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015
22 22 minutes Scheduling Conference Tue 03/31 10:54 AM
MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE held on 3/31/2015. Written Scheduling Order to follow. (This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.) (ts)
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015
21 21 order Order on Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim Tue 03/10 4:26 PM
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part14 Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss counterclaims. Signed by District Judge John W. Lungstrum on 03/10/2015. (ses)
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20 20 respm Reply to Response to Motion Tue 03/10 3:53 PM
REPLY to Response to Motion by Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary re:14 MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM and Lack of Supplemental Jurisdiction (Galloway, Lewis)
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Tuesday, March 03, 2015
19 19 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Tue 03/03 10:02 AM
ORDER granting18 Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply re14 MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM and Lack of Supplemental Jurisdiction and the Reply deadline is extended to 3/10/2015. Signed by District Judge John W. Lungstrum on 03/03/2015. (This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.) (ses)
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Monday, March 02, 2015
18 18 motion Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Mon 03/02 7:13 PM
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply as to14 MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM and Lack of Supplemental Jurisdiction by Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary Related [+] (Galloway, Lewis)
Related: [-] ferred to Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
17 17 respm Memorandum in Opposition to Motion Tue 02/17 4:05 PM
MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION by Counter Claimants Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc., Defendants Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc. re14 MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM and Lack of Supplemental Jurisdiction (Bakker, Bradley)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A
Monday, February 09, 2015
16 16 order Setting Scheduling Conference Mon 02/09 8:26 AM
INITIAL ORDER SETTING SCHEDULING CONFERENCE: Telephone Scheduling Conference set for 3/31/2015 at 10:00 AM by telephone before Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James. COUNSEL WHO PLAN TO PARTICIPATE MUST CALL 913-735-2279 for the conference. The line will open five minutes prior to the scheduled time. Report of Parties' Planning Conference and Rule 26 Initial Disclosure deadline 3/24/2015. Signed by Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James on 2/9/2015. (ts)
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Monday, January 26, 2015
15 15 support Memorandum in Support of Motion Mon 01/26 11:36 AM
MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT of14 MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM and Lack of Supplemental Jurisdiction by Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary.(Galloway, Lewis)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - February 13, 2014 Letter to Stephanie Hall with Centene Corporation
14 14 motion Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim Mon 01/26 11:34 AM
MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM and Lack of Supplemental Jurisdiction by Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary. (Galloway, Lewis)
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015
13 13 order Clerks Order Extending Time to Answer Tue 01/20 9:29 AM
CLERKS ORDER EXTENDING TIME until 02/02/2015 for Counter Defendant Jacqueline Leary to answer or otherwise plead. Signed by deputy clerk on 01/20/2015. (sv)
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Monday, December 29, 2014
12 12 answer Answer to Complaint Counterclaim Mon 12/29 1:31 PM
ANSWER to Complaint , COUNTERCLAIM against Jacqueline Leary by Centene Corporation.(Dunn, Krystle)
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Att: 1 Exhibit
11 11 answer Answer to Complaint Counterclaim Mon 12/29 1:30 PM
ANSWER to Complaint , COUNTERCLAIM against Jacqueline Leary by Centene Management Company, LLC.(Dunn, Krystle)
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Att: 1 Exhibit
10 10 answer Answer to Complaint Mon 12/29 1:29 PM
ANSWER to Complaint by Rob Hitchcock.(Dunn, Krystle)
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Att: 1 Exhibit
9 9 answer Answer to Complaint Mon 12/29 1:28 PM
ANSWER to Complaint by Jean Rumbaugh Wilms.(Dunn, Krystle)
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Att: 1 Exhibit
8 8 answer Answer to Complaint Counterclaim Mon 12/29 1:26 PM
ANSWER to Complaint , COUNTERCLAIM against Jacqueline Leary by Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc..(Dunn, Krystle)
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Att: 1 Exhibit
7 7 misc Entry of Appearance Mon 12/29 11:27 AM
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE by Bradley M. Bakker on behalf of Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Rob Hitchcock, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc., Jean Rumbaugh Wilms. (Bakker, Bradley)
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014
6 6 ORDER granting5 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Jovita M. Foster for Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Rob Hitchcock, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc., Jean Rumbaugh Wilms pursuant to D. Kan. Rule 83.5.4 for purposes of this case only. Signed by Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James on 11/12/14. (This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.) (kao)
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5 5 MOTION for attorney Jovita Foster to appear pro hac vice (Pro hac vice fee $50, Internet Payment Receipt Number 1083-3231250.) by Defendants Centene Corporation, Centene Management Company, LLC, Rob Hitchcock, Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc., Jean Rumbaugh Wilms. (Dunn, Krystle)
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4 4 ENTRY OF APPEARANCE by Krystle M. Dunn on behalf of All Defendants (Dunn, Krystle)
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Monday, November 10, 2014
3 3 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Jacqueline Leary. All Defendants. (Galloway, Lewis)
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Monday, October 27, 2014
2 2 CIVIL COVER SHEET by Plaintiff Jacqueline Leary. (Galloway, Lewis)
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1 1 COMPLAINT with trial location of Kansas City ( Filing fee $400, Internet Payment Receipt Number 1083-3211642.), filed by Jacqueline Leary.(Galloway, Lewis)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Jacqueline Leary 4.24.2014 DOL Complaint
NOTICE OF JUDGE ASSIGNMENT: Case assigned to District Judge John W. Lungstrum and Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James for all proceedings. (This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no.pdf document associated with this entry.) (ta)
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