Florida Southern District Court
Case #: 1:23-cr-20464
Case Filed:Dec 05, 2023
Terminated:Apr 12, 2024
Last checked: Saturday Dec 09, 2023 2:34 AM EST
Victor Manuel Rocha (1)
Represented By
Jacqueline Marie Arango
Akerman, Senterfitt
contact info
Represented By
Christine A. Bonomo
United States Attorney'S Office
contact info
John Charlton Shipley, Jr.
United States Attorney'S Office
contact info
Heather Schmidt
United States Attorney'S Office
contact info
Jonathan Douglas Stratton
United States Attorney'S Office
contact info

Docket last updated: 06/21/2024 6:43 AM EDT
Friday, December 01, 2023
Arrest of Victor Manuel Rocha (mdc) [1:23-mj-04368-EGT]
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1 1 22 pgs COMPLAINT as to Victor Manuel Rocha (1). (br) (Main Document 1 replaced on 12/4/2023) (mdc). [1:23-mj-04368-EGT]
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Monday, December 04, 2023
2 2 PAPERLESS Order as to Victor Manuel Rocha. An Initial Appearance is set for 12/4/2023 at 01:00 PM in the Miami Division before Chief Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres. Signed by Ch. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres on 12/4/2023. (mdc) [1:23-mj-04368-EGT]
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3 3 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE John Charlton Shipley, Jr appearing for USA. . Attorney John Charlton Shipley, Jr added to party USA(pty:pla). (Shipley, John) [1:23-mj-04368-EGT]
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4 4 1 pgs Minute Order for proceedings held before Ch. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres: Initial Appearance as to Victor Manuel Rocha held on 12/4/2023. Attorney added: Jacqueline Marie Arango. Pretrial Detention Hearing set for 12/6/2023 01:00 PM in Miami Division before Chief Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres. Preliminary Examination/Arraignment set for 12/18/2023 10:00 AM in Miami Division before MIA Duty Magistrate Judge. (Digital 13:05:32) Signed by Ch. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres on 12/4/2023. (mdc) [1:23-mj-04368-EGT]
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5 5 NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE: Jacqueline Marie Arango appearing for Victor Manuel Rocha (mdc) [1:23-mj-04368-EGT]
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Tuesday, December 05, 2023
6 6 35 pgs INDICTMENT as to Victor Manuel Rocha (1) count(s) 1, 2, 3-7, 8-10, 11-14, 15 AND FORFEITURE. (mdc) (mdc).
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Att: 1 (12/5/2023) Restricted Unredacted Indictment
7 7 NOTICE OF HEARING **TIME CHANGE ONLY** as to Victor Manuel Rocha Arraignment set for 12/18/2023 01:30 PM in Miami Division before MIA Duty Magistrate Judge. (dgj)
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8 8 2 pgs MOTION to Continue Agreed Motion for Continuance of Pre-Trial Detention Hearing by Victor Manuel Rocha. Responses due by 12/19/2023 (Arango, Jacqueline)
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9 9 PAPERLESS ORDER Granting8 Motion to Continue as to Victor Manuel Rocha (1). The Pretrial Detention Hearing and Arraignment are RESET for 12/12/2023 at 01:00 PM in the Miami Division before Chief Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres, James Lawrence King Federal Justice Building, 99 NE 4th Street, 10th Floor - Courtroom 5, Miami, FL 33132. Signed by Ch. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres on 12/5/2023. (mdc)
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