New York Southern District Court
Judge:Colleen Mcmahon
Case #: 1:24-cv-02314
Nature of Suit896 Other Statutes - Arbitration
Cause09:1 U.S. Arbitration Act
Case Filed:Mar 27, 2024
Last checked: Monday Sep 23, 2024 4:31 AM EDT
Campaign Registry, Inc.
Represented By
Miguel Angel Lopez
Littler Mendelson, P.C.
contact info
Mark Andrew Romeo
Littler Mendelson
contact info
Giovanni Tarone
Represented By
Brandon Carmack, I
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info
Derrick Carman
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info
Ronald J. Schutz
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info
Alan Quayle
Represented By
Brandon Carmack, I
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info
Derrick Carman
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info
Ronald J. Schutz
Robins Kaplan LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 12 hours ago
Monday, June 24, 2024
44 44 13 pgs order Order on Motion to Strike Order on Motion to Dismiss Order on Motion to Compel Mon 06/24 4:54 PM
ORDER denying38 Motion to Strike document38 MOTION to Strike in Response to Petitioner's Letter Brief . filed by Giovanni Tarone, Alan Quayle,13 MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena . filed by Giovanni Tarone, Alan Quayle,15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued . filed by Campaign Registry, Inc. from the record.; denying13 Motion to Dismiss; denying15 Motion to Compel. For the reasons discussed above, the Court denies Petitioner's Motion to Compel compliance with the subpoenas. That decision automatically results in the dismissal of the underlying petition to compel and renders Respondents' motions redundant - for which reason they are dismissed as well. Respondents have made a perfunctory and wholly unsupported request for attorneys' fees. As there is no provision for such an award, it is denied - we are a "user pays" jurisdiction, not a "loser pays" jurisdiction. Moreover, if Respondents had cited to any authority allowing this court in its discretion to award them attorneys' fees, I would in an exercise of my discretion decline to do so, if only because of the behavior described in the footnote on the first page of this decision. The Clerk of the Court is directed to close these motions at Docket Numbers 13, 15, and 38. This is a written decision.. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 6/24/2024) (ks)
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Monday, June 17, 2024
43 43 misc Notice of Filing Transcript Mon 06/17 3:39 PM
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT Notice is hereby given that an official transcript of a ORAL ARGUMENT proceeding held on 5/30/2024 has been filed by the court reporter/transcriber in the above-captioned matter. The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such Notice is filed, the transcript may be made remotely electronically available to the public without redaction after 90 calendar days....(McGuirk, Kelly)
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42 42 misc Transcript Mon 06/17 3:37 PM
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings re: ORAL ARGUMENT held on 5/30/2024 before Judge Colleen McMahon. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Khristine Sellin, (212) 805-0300. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 7/8/2024. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/18/2024. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/16/2024..(McGuirk, Kelly)
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024
41 41 respm Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion Wed 06/12 12:54 PM
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re:38 MOTION to Strike in Response to Petitioner's Letter Brief . . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Carmack, Brandon)
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Tuesday, June 11, 2024
40 40 2 pgs respm Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion Tue 06/11 3:54 PM
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re:38 MOTION to Strike in Response to Petitioner's Letter Brief . . Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Transcript of Oral Argument
39 39 4 pgs respm Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion Tue 06/11 2:33 PM
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re:38 MOTION to Strike in Response to Petitioner's Letter Brief . . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Carmack, Brandon)
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38 38 motion Strike Tue 06/11 2:31 PM
MOTION to Strike in Response to Petitioner's Letter Brief . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Carmack, Brandon)
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Monday, June 10, 2024
37 37 notice Notice (Other) Mon 06/10 10:27 PM
NOTICE of Supplemental Authority In Support of Petitioner's Petition and Motion to Compel Compliance with the Arbitration Subpoenas. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
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Thursday, May 30, 2024
minutes Pretrial Conference - Interim Thu 05/30 12:21 PM
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Colleen McMahon: Conference held on 5/30/2024. Submitted by: Taji Hutchins. (Court Reporter Khris Sellin). (mde)
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Wednesday, May 29, 2024
36 36 3 pgs order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 05/29 6:05 PM
ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE granting35 Motion for Brandon A. Carmack to Appear Pro Hac Vice. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 5/29/2024) (vfr)
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misc Notice Regarding Pro Hac Vice Motion Wed 05/29 8:50 AM
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. 35 MOTION for Brandon A. Carmack to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (bc)
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Tuesday, May 28, 2024
35 35 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Tue 05/28 5:25 PM
MOTION for Brandon A. Carmack to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Affidavit of Brandon Carmack,
Att: 2 Exhibit 1 - Certificate of Good Standing,
Att: 3 Proposed Order for Admission Pro Hac Vice
34 34 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Tue 05/28 4:35 PM
FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT DOCKET ENTRY - MOTION for Brandon A. Carmack to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29408160. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Carmack, Brandon) Modified on 5/28/2024 (rju)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Affidavit of Brandon Carmack,
Att: 2 Exhibit 1 - Certificate of Good Standing,
Att: 3 Proposed Order for Admission Pro Hac Vice
33 33 notice Notice of Appearance Tue 05/28 4:11 PM
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Derrick Carman on behalf of Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Carman, Derrick)
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32 32 2 pgs order Order on Motion to Expedite Tue 05/28 11:35 AM
ORDER denying29 Letter Motion to Expedite. There is no need for oral arguments. (I have been out of the country for three weeks, which explains the delay in responding.) (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 5/28/2024) (jca)
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31 31 1 pgs order Order ~Util - Set Hearings Tue 05/28 11:15 AM
CALENDAR NOTICE, Please take notice that the above captioned matter has been re-scheduled for a: Pre-trial conference on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 11 :00 A.M. before the Honorable Colleen McMahon, United States District Judge in Courtroom 24A, U.S. District Court, 500 Pearl Street, New York. New York 10007. So Ordered. ( Pretrial Conference set for 5/30/2024 at 11:00 AM in Courtroom 24A, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Colleen McMahon.) (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 5/28/24) (yv)
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misc Notice Regarding Deficient Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Tue 05/28 4:52 PM
>>>NOTICE REGARDING DEFICIENT MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE. Notice to RE-FILE Document No. 34 MOTION for Brandon A. Carmack to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29408160. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): Submitting a Motion on behalf of another attorney requires a wet signature on the Motion when using his/her's Pacer account or the attorney must sign the Motion himself; Re-file the motion as a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice - attach the correct signed PDF - select the correct named filer/filers - attach valid Certificates of Good Standing issued within the past 30 days - attach Proposed Order. (rju)
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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
30 30 2 pgs order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Tue 05/14 2:28 PM
ORDER granting24 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re24 JOINT LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply In Support of Parties' Pending Motions addressed to Judge Colleen McMahon from Miguel A. Lopez dated May 10, 2024. OK. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 5/14/2024) (tg)
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Friday, May 10, 2024
29 29 motion Expedite Fri 05/10 5:36 PM
LETTER MOTION to Expedite Oral Argument, Hearing and Order [Re Dkt Nos. 14 and 16] addressed to Judge Colleen McMahon from Mark A. Romeo dated 05/10/2024. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Romeo, Mark)
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28 28 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 05/10 5:24 PM
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Mark Andrew Romeo on behalf of Campaign Registry, Inc...(Romeo, Mark)
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27 27 respm Reply Affidavit in Support of Motion Fri 05/10 5:22 PM
REPLY AFFIDAVIT of Ronald Schutz in Support re:13 MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena .. Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Preliminary Hearing and Scheduling Order,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2 - April 25, 2024 Email
26 26 respm Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion Fri 05/10 5:18 PM
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re:13 MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena . . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
25 25 respm Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion Fri 05/10 12:42 PM
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued . . Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
Related: [-]
24 24 motion Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Fri 05/10 10:55 AM
JOINT LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply In Support of Parties' Pending Motions addressed to Judge Colleen McMahon from Miguel A. Lopez dated May 10, 2024. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
Related: [-]
Friday, May 03, 2024
23 23 respm Declaration in Opposition to Motion Fri 05/03 4:55 PM
DECLARATION of Mark Romeo in Opposition re:13 MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena .. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Email dated Feb 28, 2024,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Email regarding witness fees,
Att: 3 Exhibit C - Series of Emails,
Att: 4 Exhibit D - Email dated Jan 25, 2024
22 22 19 pgs respm Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion Fri 05/03 4:50 PM
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re:13 MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena . . Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
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21 21 respm Declaration in Opposition to Motion Fri 05/03 4:39 PM
DECLARATION of Alan Quayle in Opposition re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued .. Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
20 20 respm Declaration in Opposition to Motion Fri 05/03 4:38 PM
DECLARATION of Giovanni Tarone in Opposition re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued .. Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
19 19 respm Declaration in Opposition to Motion Fri 05/03 4:37 PM
DECLARATION of Ronald Schutz in Opposition re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued .. Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Complaint,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2 - Panel's Order
18 18 respm Response in Opposition to Motion Fri 05/03 4:31 PM
RESPONSE in Opposition to Motion re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued . . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
Friday, April 19, 2024
17 17 respm Declaration in Support of Motion Fri 04/19 5:59 PM
DECLARATION of Mark A. Romeo in Support re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued .. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Employment Agreement,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2 - Demand for Arbitration,
Att: 3 Exhibit 3 - Counterclaim in Arbitration,
Att: 4 Exhibit 4 - Arbitration Order,
Att: 5 Exhibit 5 - Arbitration Order,
Att: 6 Exhibit 6 - Arbitration Order,
Att: 7 Exhibit 7 - Subpoena,
Att: 8 Exhibit 8 - Subpoena,
Att: 9 Exhibit 9 - Subpoena,
Att: 10 Exhibit 10 - Proof of Service,
Att: 11 Exhibit 11 - Proof of Service,
Att: 12 Exhibit 12 - Proof of Service,
Att: 13 Exhibit 13 - Arbitration Order,
Att: 14 Exhibit 14 - Correspondence,
Att: 15 Exhibit 15 - AAA Rules & Procedures,
Att: 16 Exhibit 16 - Arbitration Scheduling Order
16 16 15 pgs respm Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion Fri 04/19 5:44 PM
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re:15 MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued . . Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
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15 15 motion Compel Fri 04/19 5:42 PM
MOTION to Compel Giovanni Tarone & Alan Quayle to Comply with Arbitral Subpoenas Issued . Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
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14 14 15 pgs respm Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion Fri 04/19 4:04 PM
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re:13 MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena . . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
Related: [-]
13 13 motion Dismiss Fri 04/19 4:02 PM
MOTION to Dismiss Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena . Document filed by Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
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12 12 2 pgs order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 04/19 12:01 PM
ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE granting11 Motion for Mark Romeo to Appear Pro Hac Vice. The motion of Mark Romeo, for admission to practice Pro Hac Vice in the above captioned action is granted. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Applicant is admitted to practice Pro Hac Vice in the above captioned case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. All attorneys appearing before this Court are subject to the Local Rules of this Court includingthe Rules governing discipline of attorneys. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 4/19/24) (yv)
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Thursday, April 18, 2024
misc Notice Regarding Pro Hac Vice Motion Thu 04/18 1:12 PM
>>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. 11 MOTION for Mark Romeo to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. (bc)
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Wednesday, April 17, 2024
11 11 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 04/17 8:32 PM
MOTION for Mark Romeo to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Affidavit Affidavit of Mark Romeo In Support of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice,
Att: 2 Proposed Order Proposed Order
10 10 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 04/17 3:24 PM
FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT DOCKET ENTRY - MOTION for Mark Romeo to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29232141. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel) Modified on 4/17/2024 (sgz)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Affidavit Affidavit of Mark Romeo In Support of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice,
Att: 2 Proposed Order Proposed Order
misc Notice Regarding Deficient Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 04/17 4:15 PM
>>>NOTICE REGARDING DEFICIENT MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE. Notice to RE-FILE Document No. 10 MOTION for Mark Romeo to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29232141. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff... The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): missing Certificate of Good Standing from Supreme Court of California;. Re-file the motion as a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice - attach the correct signed PDF - select the correct named filer/filers - attach valid Certificates of Good Standing issued within the past 30 days - attach Proposed Order. (sgz)
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Tuesday, April 16, 2024
9 9 notice Notice of Appearance Tue 04/16 9:16 AM
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Ronald J. Schutz on behalf of Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(Schutz, Ronald)
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Friday, April 12, 2024
8 8 6 pgs order Order for Initial Pretrial Conference Fri 04/12 2:43 PM
ORDER SCHEDULING AN INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE: It is hereby. ORDERED as follows: Counsel receiving this order shall contact all counsel of record ( or where a party is not yet represented, such party) and, if necessary, provide them with a copy of this order. If the parties fail to agree upon such a plan or fail to submit the plan to the Court within the time provided (at least two business days before the conference date). The parties must appear at a conference on 6/27/2024 at 10:00 a.m., in courtroom 24A, 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York, 10007.( Initial Conference set for 6/27/2024 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 24A, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Colleen McMahon.) (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 4/12/24) (yv)
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Tuesday, April 09, 2024
7 7 service Affidavit of Service Other Tue 04/09 4:43 PM
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of Summons, Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena, Civil Cover Sheet, Corporate Disclosure Statment served on Giovanni Tarone on April 1, 2024. Service was accepted by Ronald James Schutz, Esq.. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
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6 6 service Affidavit of Service Other Tue 04/09 4:41 PM
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of Summons, Petition to Enforce Arbitration Subpoena, Civil Cover Sheet, Corporate Disclosure Statment served on Alan Quayle on March 29, 2024. Service was accepted by Alan Quayle. Document filed by Campaign Registry, Inc...(Lopez, Miguel)
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Thursday, March 28, 2024
5 5 service Summons Issued Thu 03/28 10:53 AM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Alan Quayle, Giovanni Tarone..(jgo)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Party Modification Thu 03/28 10:49 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING PARTY MODIFICATION. Notice to attorney Miguel Angel Lopez. The party information for the following party/parties has been modified: CAMPAIGN REGISTRY, INC.; ALAN QUAYLE. The information for the party/parties has been modified for the following reason/reasons: party name was entered in all caps;. (jgo)
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notice Case Opening Initial Assignment Notice Thu 03/28 10:50 AM
CASE OPENING INITIAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICE: The above-entitled action is assigned to Judge Colleen McMahon. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned District Judge, located at[LINK:] . Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. Please download and review the ECF Rules and Instructions, located at[LINK:] ..(jgo)
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utility Case Designation Thu 03/28 10:51 AM
Magistrate Judge Jennifer Willis is designated to handle matters that may be referred in this case. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 636(c) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 73(b)(1) parties are notified that they may consent to proceed before a United States Magistrate Judge. Parties who wish to consent may access the necessary form at the following link:[LINK:] . (jgo)
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utility Case Designated ECF Thu 03/28 10:52 AM
Case Designated ECF. (jgo)
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Wednesday, March 27, 2024
4 4 misc Rule 7.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement Wed 03/27 4:47 PM
RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Identifying Corporate Parent Tata Communications Limited, Corporate Parent Kaleyra, Inc. for CAMPAIGN REGISTRY, INC.. Document filed by CAMPAIGN REGISTRY, INC...(Lopez, Miguel)
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3 3 misc Civil Cover Sheet Wed 03/27 4:44 PM
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed..(Lopez, Miguel)
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2 2 service Request for Issuance of Summons Wed 03/27 4:43 PM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Giovanni Tarone and Alan Quayle, re:1 Petition (Other),,. Document filed by CAMPAIGN REGISTRY, INC...(Lopez, Miguel)
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1 1 9 pgs cmp Petition (Other) Wed 03/27 4:40 PM
PETITION TO ENFORCE ARBITRATION SUBPOENA. (Filing Fee $ 405.00, Receipt Number ANYSDC-29140585).Document filed by CAMPAIGN REGISTRY, INC...(Lopez, Miguel)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Employment Agreement,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2 - Arbitration Demand,
Att: 3 Exhibit 3 - Counterclaim,
Att: 4 Exhibit 4 - Order dated Jan 16, 2024,
Att: 5 Exhibit Order dated Feb 2, 2024,
Att: 6 Exhibit Order dated Feb 21, 2024,
Att: 7 Exhibit 7 - Tarone Subpoena,
Att: 8 Exhibit 8 - Quayle Subpoena,
Att: 9 Exhibit 9 - TCR Subpoena,
Att: 10 Exhibit 10 - Proof of Service,
Att: 11 Exhibit 11 - Proof of Service,
Att: 12 Exhibit 12 - Proof of Service,
Att: 13 Exhibit 13 - Order dated Feb 26, 2024,
Att: 14 Exhibit 14 - Email