Pennsylvania Middle District Court
Judge:Susan E Schwab
Case #: 1:24-cv-01050
Nature of Suit820 Property Rights - Copyrights
Cause17:101 Copyright Infringement
Case Filed:Jun 26, 2024
Last checked: Friday Jun 28, 2024 1:17 AM EDT
John Doe
Strike 3 Holdings, LLC
Represented By
John C. Atkin
The Atkin Firm, LLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 07/05/2024 11:59 PM EDT
Friday, June 28, 2024
4 4 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement Fri 06/28 7:18 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Strike 3 Holdings, LLC identifying Corporate Parent General Media Systems, LLC for Strike 3 Holdings, LLC.. (Atkin, John)
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Thursday, June 27, 2024
3 3 misc Report re: Copyright Action (AO 121) Thu 06/27 2:38 PM
REPORT to the Register of Copyrights of the filing or determination of a Copyright action. (ll)
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Att: 1 Attachment
2 2 service Summons Issued Thu 06/27 2:32 PM
Summons Issued as to All Defendants and provided TO ATTORNEY ELECTRONICALLY VIA ECF for service on Defendant(s)in the manner prescribed by Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. (NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS RECEIVING THE SUMMONS ELECTRONICALLY: You must print the summons and the attachment when you receive it in your e-mail and serve the complaint on all defendants in the manner prescribed by Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure). (ll)
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Att: 1 Summons Packet
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
1 1 cmp Complaint Thu 06/27 2:31 PM
COMPLAINT against All Defendants ( Filing fee $405, Receipt Number APAMDC-6680536), filed by Strike 3 Holdings, LLC.(ll)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Exhibit A- List of Infringements