Maryland District Court
Case #: 1:24-mc-00465
Case Filed:Oct 02, 2024
United States of America
Counter Claimant
United States of America
Counter Defendant
Grace Ocean Private Limited
Counter Defendant
Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd
Grace Ocean Private Limited
Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd

GPO Jun 18 2024
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER re: 9 Claimant Damon Davis' Emergency Motion for Pretrial Conference and 10 Claimant Mayor and City Council of Baltimore's Emergency Request for Conference. A HEARING is set for Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 5A; Grace Ocean Private Limited and Synergy Marine Pte Ltd SHALL NOT FACILITATE the departure of any crew members from this jurisdiction prior to the Hearing and the United States SHALL NOT DEPORT and SHALL OTHERWISE TAKE ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION necessary to facilitate the crew members' presence in this jurisdiction until the conclusion of the Hearing. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 6/18/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk) Modified on 10/18/2024 (bas). Modified on 10/25/2024 (ols).
GPO Sep 27 2024
MEMORANDUM. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 9/27/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk) Modified on 10/18/2024 (bas). Modified on 10/24/2024 (kns).
GPO Oct 01 2024
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER that the October 2, 2024, deadline for Movants to file claims is VACATED; Movants shall file any Category 1 claims by Wednesday October 9, 2024; Counsel for Movants and for Petitioners shall Jointly file a Stipulation and proposed order by Wednesday October 9, 2024; all other dates and deadlines in this case are unchanged. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/1/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)

Docket last updated: 8 hours ago
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
40 40 misc Stipulation Tue 10/15 1:03 PM
STIPULATION re Memorandum and Order, by W K Webster & Co. Ltd., W.E. Cox Claims Group (USA) LLC. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Sch. A,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order
Wednesday, October 02, 2024
35 35 order Case Management Order Wed 10/02 12:18 PM
CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER No. 1. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 9/27/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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34 34 6 pgs order Memorandum Opinion Wed 10/02 12:15 PM
MEMORANDUM. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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33 33 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 12:09 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Tristan Alexander Dietrick on behalf of Grace Ocean Private Limited, Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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32 32 service Service by Publication Wed 10/02 12:05 PM
SERVICE by Publication filed by Grace Ocean Private Limited, Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Exhibit B,
Att: 3 Exhibit C
31 31 corresp Miscellaneous Wed 10/02 12:02 PM
Request for Conference. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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30 30 3 pgs order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Wed 10/02 12:00 PM
(VACATED PER ECF No. 353) ORDER granting in part and denying in part Motion for Extension of Time. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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29 29 motion Extension of Time Wed 10/02 11:55 AM
MOTION for Extension of Time for Cargo Interests to File Claims in this Proceeding by W.E. Cox Claims Group (USA) LLC, W K Webster & Co. Ltd. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A,
Att: 2 Exhibit B,
Att: 3 Exhibit C,
Att: 4 Exhibit D,
Att: 5 Exhibit E,
Att: 6 Affidavit,
Att: 7 Text of Proposed Order
28 28 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 11:51 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Jill Dahlmann Rosa on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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27 27 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 11:29 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Jessica G Sullivan on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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26 26 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 11:28 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Kelly M Marzullo on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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25 25 answer Answer to Complaint Counterclaim Wed 10/02 11:26 AM
ANSWER to Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against Grace Ocean Private Limited, Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd by United States of America. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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24 24 corresp Miscellaneous Wed 10/02 11:21 AM
Correspondence re: MV Dali Vessel Inspection. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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22 22 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 10:59 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Guyer S. Bogen on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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21 21 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 10:57 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Laine Goodhue on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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20 20 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 10:56 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Jeanne L. Amy on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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19 19 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 10:54 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Michelle T. Delemarre on behalf of United States of America (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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18 18 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 10/02 10:53 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Thomas MacKinnon Brown on behalf of United States of America. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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17 17 1 pgs order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Order on Motion to Withdraw Wed 10/02 10:44 AM
ORDER granting Motions to Withdraw; requests filed by Davis and the City are MOOT; vacating11 Order. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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16 16 motion Withdraw Wed 10/02 10:27 AM
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15 15 2 pgs order Order Wed 10/02 10:24 AM
ORDER confirming the hearing set for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, June 20, 2024 will go forward as scheduled. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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14 14 motion Withdraw Wed 10/02 10:22 AM
MOTION to Withdraw Emergency Request for Conference by Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A
12 12 corresp Miscellaneous Wed 10/02 10:16 AM
Correspondence re: Request for Permission of Co-Counsel William Bennett of Blank Rome to Appear by Telephone at Tomorrow's Hearing. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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11 11 3 pgs order Memorandum and Order Wed 10/02 10:14 AM
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER re:9 Claimant Damon Davis' Emergency Motion for Pretrial Conference and10 Claimant Mayor and City Council of Baltimore's Emergency Request for Conference. A HEARING is set for Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 5A; Grace Ocean Private Limited and Synergy Marine Pte Ltd SHALL NOT FACILITATE the departure of any crew members from this jurisdiction prior to the Hearing and the United States SHALL NOT DEPORT and SHALL OTHERWISE TAKE ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION necessary to facilitate the crew members' presence in this jurisdiction until the conclusion of the Hearing. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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10 10 corresp Miscellaneous Wed 10/02 10:06 AM
Emergency Request for Conference by Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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9 9 motion Miscellaneous Relief Wed 10/02 10:04 AM
Claimant Damon Davis' Emergency Motion for Pretrial Conference. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Att: 1 Attachment,
Att: 2 Attachment
8 8 1 pgs order Order Wed 10/02 9:47 AM
ORDER re7 directing the Clerk to amend the docket. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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7 7 corresp Miscellaneous Wed 10/02 9:44 AM
Correspondence re: Petitioner respectfully requests that the Court direct the Clerk to remove the answer deadlines set forth with respect to the claims filed at Dkt Nos. 17 and 21, etc. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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6 6 notice Notice (Other) Wed 10/02 9:41 AM
NOTICE to Claimants of Petition for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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5 5 order Temporary Restraining Order Wed 10/02 9:39 AM
RESTRAINING ORDER and ORDER for Issuance of Notice that Claims be Filed re2 Motion for the Entry of Restraining Order and Order for Issuance of Notice. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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4 4 2 pgs order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Wed 10/02 9:37 AM
ORDER Allowing Interim Stipulation for Value and Stipulation for Costs re2 Motion to Accept Interim Stipulation for Value and Stipulation for Costs. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024.(hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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3 3 1 pgs order Order Wed 10/02 9:31 AM
ORDER transferring this and related actions to Chief Judge James K. Bredar. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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2 2 motion Miscellaneous Relief Wed 10/02 9:28 AM
MOTION to Accept Interim Stipulation for Value and Stipulation for Costs and for the Entry of Restraining Order and Order for Issuance of Notice by Grace Ocean Private Limited, Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd.(hmls, Deputy Clerk)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Memorandum in Support,
Att: 2 Text of Proposed Order Order Allowing Interim Stipulation for Value and Stipulation for Costs,
Att: 3 Text of Proposed Order Restraining Order and Order for Issuance of Notice that Claims be Filed,
Att: 4 Notice to Claimants of Petition for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability
1 1 cmp Complaint Wed 10/02 9:20 AM
COMPLAINT (Petition for Exoneration from or Limitation of Liability) filed by Grace Ocean Private Limited, and Synergy Marine Pte Ltd, as manager of the M/V DALI against Unknown Claimant(s). (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Declaration of William Bennett, III,
Att: 2 Interim Stipulation for Value and Stipulation of Costs,
Att: 3 Civil Cover Sheet
order Order Wed 10/02 10:18 AM
PAPERLESS ORDER. William Bennett's request to appear at the 6/20/24 hearing telephonically is granted. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/2/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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minutes Motion Hearing Wed 10/02 10:31 AM
Motion Hearing held on 10/1/2024 re Damon Davis' Emergency Motion for Pretrial Conference before Judge James K Bredar. (Court Reporter: Nadine Bachmann) (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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notice Notice (Other) Wed 10/02 11:02 AM
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 06/20/2024, before Judge Bredar. Court Reporter Nadine M. Bachmann, Telephone number 410-962-4753 Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained from the Court Reporter or through PACER. Redaction Request due 7/22/2024. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/1/2024. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/30/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Tuesday, October 01, 2024
39 39 3 pgs order Memorandum and Order Tue 10/15 12:55 PM
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER that the October 2, 2024, deadline for Movants to file claims is VACATED; Movants shall file any Category 1 claims by Wednesday October 9, 2024; Counsel for Movants and for Petitioners shall Jointly file a Stipulation and proposed order by Wednesday October 9, 2024; all other dates and deadlines in this case are unchanged. Signed by Judge James K Bredar on 10/1/2024. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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utility Remark Tue 10/15 12:52 PM
Motion Hearing held on 10/1/2024 re 144 MOTION for Extension of Time for Cargo Interests to File Claims in this Proceeding filed by W K Webster & Co. Ltd., W.E. Cox Claims Group (USA) LLC before Judge James K Bredar.(Court Reporter: Kassandra McPherson) (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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Monday, September 30, 2024
37 37 misc Local Rule 103.3 Disclosure Statement Tue 10/15 12:41 PM
Local Rule 103.3 Disclosure Statement by Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd identifying Corporate Parent Synergy Group Holdings Ltd. for Synergy Marine Pte, Ltd. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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36 36 misc Local Rule 103.3 Disclosure Statement Tue 10/15 12:40 PM
Local Rule 103.3 Disclosure Statement by Grace Ocean Private Limited identifying Corporate Parent Grace Ocean Investment Limited for Grace Ocean Private Limited. (hmls, Deputy Clerk)
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