Order Requesting Transmittal of Case File from Frederick County Circuit Court. Signed by District Judge Jasmine H. Yoon on 11/15/2024. (Order mailed to Frederick County Circuit Court via US Mail)(kll)
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Notice of Filing Requirement to UACL Logistics, LLC - Pursuant to Standing Order dated May 15, 2000, and the adoption of Rule 7.1 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, effective December 1, 2002, nongovernmental corporate parties are directed to file a Corporate Disclosure Statement with their first appearance, pleading, motion or response.[LINK:Click here to access the Corporate Disclosure Statement Form.] This form should be electronically filed in this matter as ordered. (kll)
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Magistrate Consent Notice to Parties.[LINK:Click here to access the Consent Form] (kll)
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John Gregory Webb, Esq. and Madeline Julia Starbranch, Esq., in accordance with Section C.9. of the Administrative Procedures for Filing, Signing and Verifying Pleadings and Papers by Electronic Means, a registered user is responsible for ensuring their mailing address, primary email address, and telephone number are kept up-to-date with this court by updating the information in their PACER account and submitting to this court. Click[LINK:here] for PACER aid to updating your personal information, address information or email noticing. (kll)
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NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Frederick County Circuit Court, case number L24-740. (Filing & Administrative fee $405, receipt number AVAWDC-4553132), filed by UACL Logistics, LLC, Nicolas Alan Brekken.(kll)
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Att: 1
Civil Cover Sheet with attachment list of Attorneys,
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Att: 2
Exhibit A