DOCKET ANNOTATION BY COURT: The parties in the above-referenced case were added to the docket incorrectly and will be corrected by the clerk. Party names are to be entered in all caps and without punctuation. For future reference, please review the procedure for adding/creating new parties in the "Style Guide for Electronic Case Filing" and/or chapter 10 of the "CM/ECF Attorney User's Guide," available at www.flnd.uscourts.gov (kdm)
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NOTICE OF REMOVAL by Circle K Stores, Inc. from Eighth Judicial Circuit, Alachua County, case number 01-2024-CA-003261. (Filing fee $405.), filed by Circle K Stores, Inc.. (SAUSAMAN, ALISON)
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Att: 1
Exhibit State Court Documents,
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Att: 2
Exhibit Foreign Profit Corporation Annual Report,
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Att: 3
Exhibit Demand,
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Att: 4
Civil Cover Sheet Federal Civil Cover Sheet
ACTION REQUIRED BY DISTRICT JUDGE: Chambers of JUDGE ROBERT L HINKLE notified that action is needed Re:1 Notice of Removal. (***Please note and ISO is needed.***) (kdm)
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