Michigan Western District Court
Judge:Phillip J Green
Case #: 2:24-cv-00213
Nature of Suit530 Prisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus - General
Cause28:2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State)
Case Filed:Dec 19, 2024

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Docket last updated: 12/19/2024 11:59 PM EST
Thursday, December 19, 2024
4 4 misc Notice Regarding Assignment of Case and Consent (Prisoner Civil Rights/State Habeas) Thu 12/19 2:29 PM
NOTICE to petitioner regarding assignment of case and consent; statement regarding consent due 1/9/2025 (pjw)
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3 3 misc Notice Regarding Assignment of Case and Consent (Prisoner Civil Rights/State Habeas) Thu 12/19 2:00 PM
(DISREGARD) NOTICE to petitioner regarding assignment of case and consent; statement regarding consent due 1/9/2025 (pjw) Modified text on 12/19/2024; incomplete entry (pjw)
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1 1 cmp Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Thu 12/19 9:36 AM
PETITION for writ of habeas corpus filed by Alize Zachary Dwayne Montague (Tucker, Tameka)
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